Untitled Flashcards Set

 Hippocampus - transfer short term memory into long term memory

 Amygdala - processing emotion and memory ; helps inform the hypothalamus about body’s emotional and stress states

 Pons - ascending and descending tracts reflexive centers

 Cerebellum - motor coordination., sending feedback to body to move, process sensory movement, balance, movement, proprioception, smooth and coordinated movement

 Cerebrum – responsible for memory, emotion and consciousness

Cortices (Prefrontal, premotor, primary motor, primary sensory) - Prefrontal cortex - cognitive functions - decision making. Personality

premotor cortex - planning movements before carrying out

Primary motor - actual movement occurs; in frontal lobe

Primary sensory – touch, pain, and temperature

 Thalamus - relay station for sensory and motor information between cerebral cortex and other parts of nervous system

 Brainstem - helps with breathing and keeping heart beating

 Sulci (Sulcus) – central sulcus, parieto-occipital sulcus, lateral sulcus

 Gyri (Gyrus) – Precentral gyrus where primary motor reflex is Postcentral gyrus- detects touch pressure, pain and temperature

 Midbrain - middle region of the adult brain that develops from the mesencephalon

 Medulla - responsible for controlling smooth and cardiac muscles of the cardiovascular system through autonomic pathways

 Basal nuclei - nuclei of the cerebrum (with a few components in the upper brain stem and diencephalon) that are responsible for assessing cortical movement commands and comparing them with the general state of the individual through broad modulatory activity of dopamine neurons; largely related to motor functions, as evidenced through the symptoms of Parkinson’s and Huntington’s diseases

 Blood-Brain Barrier – protects the brain and spinal cord from harmful substances

Meninges – Dura mater - outer surface of CNS covers entire nervous system and blood vessels

Arachnoid - middle surface of CNS cerebral spinal fluid sits here, houses structures that filters CSF back into the bloodstream. Helps circulation of CSF CSF cushion brain and spinal cord - made within choroid plexus.

Pia mater - innermost - surface of CNS

 Ventricles - helps circulate CSF throughout CNS

 Choroid plexus - CSF is made here

 Hypothalamus - help with homeostasis, important for regulating endocrine system anterior and posterior pituitary gland involved with memory and emotion. Allows response to environment appropriately. ; helps both autonomic and endocrine systems and receives input from other forebrain areas like olfactory cortex, basal forebrains septal nuclei and amygdala
