Opening scene: 70-year-old man crying emotional about pollution.
Expresses concern for the land and the impact on Native Americans, who are closely connected to the land.
Anti-pollution messages emphasize the harm to the environment and people, yet society increased pollution practices.
Contemporary messages focus on prosocial behaviors, like cleaning up, rather than highlighting pollution itself.
Research suggests showing desired behaviors encourages individuals to adopt those behaviors.
Example: Schools may require community service to instill prosocial behaviors in students.
Encouraging community service equips students with awareness of social responsibility.
Community visibility of service promotes collective accountability—witnessing good deeds can inspire others to avoid harmful actions.
Socially responsive toddlers often imitate their parents, fostering an early moral compass.
Positive modeling leads to an ingrained sense of right and wrong, while negative behaviors can establish similar patterns in children.
Children from abusive families often model aggressive behavior learned from parents; this relationship emphasizes the influence of early experiences on future behaviors.
Not all bullies necessarily come from abusive backgrounds, but there is a correlation.
Lying or deceitful behavior often stems from parents modeling similar behaviors.
Witnessing aggression in relationships can shape children’s understanding of love and control in adult relationships.
A daughter observing paternal abuse may expect similar dynamics in her future relationships.
Caring father figure may encourage healthier relationship patterns in daughters.
Women in abusive relationships might unintentionally teach their children about relationship dynamics, perpetuating a cycle of abuse.
Research indicates separation can sometimes be a decision parents make to prevent children from witnessing relational aggression.
Repeated exposure to hate speech can create desensitization and adjust societal norms, leading individuals to adopt negative stereotypes against targeted groups.
Such rhetoric can incite prejudice even with minimal factual basis, changing perceptions based on repetitive messaging.
Engagement with repetitive negative portrayals can influence personal beliefs about populations, seen in the context of political discussions.
Claims surrounding immigrants are often generalized and can lead to skewed perceptions about groups, influencing public policy and attitudes.
Instructor reminds students of upcoming assignments and quizzes, encouraging them to request specific topics for review if needed.
Acknowledges classroom engagement and encourages dialogue among students.