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Molecular Biology (BIO 99)

Lecture 1:

  • Operon: genes involved in a single pathway which determines the expression of the tightly regulated genes

    • Gene cluster and promoter at minimum

  • Promoter sequences 

    • -35 box and -10 box and purine start site are most common in E. Coli

    • -35 box - TG box

      • Major binding site for sigma 70 (E. Coli sigma factor)

      • Consensus = TTGACA

    • -10 box - Pribnow box

      • AT rich → easier to unwind due to double bonds instead of triple bonds between nucleotides

      • Consensus → TATAAT

      • Major binding site  

    • Purine start site (A or G)

  • DNA footprinting

    • The empty place is where the promoter region is bound to on gels

      • how it happens? → specific binding protein that recognizes promoter sites → protein binds to the promoter regions → DNAse (involved in footprinting) cannot cut where the protein is bound so there is no DNA in this region → electrophoresis helps us visualize the area where the DNAse cannot cut

  • RNA polymerase

    • 1 in prokaryotes

    • 3’ -OH attacks 5’ triphosphate (nucelophilic attack)

    • 2 mg2+ cofactors

    • No need for RNA primer (unlike DNA polymerase) (will be a T/F question)

    • Coding Strand (sense) same as mRNA

    • Template is used with RNA poly to make mRNA and is opposite of the sequence

  • RNA poly subunits

    • Sigma - recognizes promoter sequences

      • ESSENTIAL for promoter recognition

      • Does not bind to promoter DNA on it’s own

      • Recognizes promoters for housekeeping genes

    • Beta prime - Binds DNA

    • Beta - Binds NTPs and interacts with sigma, polymerizes RNA (Polymerase activity)

    • Alpha - essential for assembly and elongation

    • Omega - functionality and stability

      • One more thing to note is (alpha)2(beta)(beta’) is the “core enzyme”

      • The core enzuyme + sigma cofactor is the “holoenzyme”

  • Initiation of transcription

    • Phase 1, binding - interaction between promoter and RNA pol

      • Formation of closed cmplx where DNA is not unwound → but then unwinds at the -10 to +2/+3

    • Phase 2, initiation - transcription initiation/promoter clearance.

      • 8/9 nucleotides initially synthesized → sigma subunit released → pol leaves promoter and elongates RNA

    • The “scrunching” model: DNA is pulled into RNA polymerase

    • Rifampicin binds (beta) subunit & blocks initiation

  • Transcription Elongation

    • Highest speed among the 3: [DNA replication (is correct)], RNA transcription, Protein transcription?

    • Direction of transcription is 5’-3’ → 3’ end is correlated to positive supercoils(unwinding) and 5’ end is correlated to negative supercoils(rewinding)

    • RNA Polymerase is relatively accurate (1 err / 10000 bps)

      • Errors are okay, half life of mRNA is short, messages are degraded

    • Slower in GC rich areas (due to triple bonds)

    • Topoisomerases relieve supercoiling

    • Higher stability during elongation than initiation cmplx

    • 14bp melted to form transcription bubble

    • 8-9 nucleotides within bubble paired with RNA chain

    • Double stranded DNA opens up in front of the bubble and closes up as RNA polymerase moves along → transcription bubble extends from -12 to +2

  • Core RNA polymerase

    • N-terminal domains of the alpha subunits allow them to form dimers

    • Alpha subunit N-terminal domains bind to the Beta/Beta’ subunits

    • Beta/Beta’ subunits interact extensively with one another and together form an internal channel and the catalytic site

    • Beta subunit has polymerase activity

  • RNA polymerase does not move at a steady rate

    • Temporarily delayed at pause sites

    • Pausing may lead to arrest/termination

    • Arrest is important in proofreading

  • GreB helps rescue an arrested complex (stalled)

  • Transcription Termination

    • Rho-independent

      • GC-rich inverted repeat allows RNA to form stem loop -> reaches to within 7-9 nucleotides of the 3’ end of the RNA

      • U-rich stretch immediately after stem loop causes pausing and release

    • Rho-Dependent termination

      • Hexameric(6 rho factors) ATP dependent helicase, Rho-factor

      • Rho-factor releases RNA from RNA-DNA hybrid

      • Binds to RNA to disrupt RNA-DNA interactions


    • Similarities

      • DNA is a template 

      • Synthesis of Complementary strand

      • Same mechanism of phosphodiester bond formation

    • Differences

      • Transcription is selective

      • 1 strand is used as a template for transcription

      • !!!!Transcription does not require a primer!!!! (most important)

      • Transcription is more error prone (no exonuclease activity)

Lecture 2:

  • Why regulate gene expression?

    • Environmental factors: food sources change

    • Developmental/Differentiation

    • Cell specialization

  • Regulation

    • Controlling transcription initiation is most common → most efficient to regulate at beginning of pathway

    • Recall → sigma factor → specific to promoter sequences → sigma factor itself is transcribed to enhance gene expression in certain genes → regulates how much of a gene is transcribed

    • DNA binding proteins

      • regulators → bind to specific sites that affect how RNA polymerase binds

      • Blocking sites → inhibitor 

      • Affinity for polymerase → activator

      • Some systems are regulated by both negative and positive controllers 

    • Modes for negative control

      • Effector causes dissociation of repressor from DNA 

      • Effector causes binding of repressor to DNA

      • Negative control bc it inhibits transcription (repressor)

    • Modes for positive control

      • Effector causes dissociation of of activator from DNA inhibiting transcription

      • Effector causes binding of activator from DNA, inducing transcription

      • Positive control bc activates transcription (activator)

  • The Lac Operon: physiological background

    • Lactose degraded by beta-galactosidase (Beta-gal)

      • Degrades but also isomerizes into allolactose

    • Galactoside permease for uptake of lactose

  • Operon Advantages/Disadvantages

    • Advantages:

      • Coordinate regulation of multiple genes using a single cis acting DNA site

    • Disadvantages

      • Individual regulation of transcription cannot occur

  • Lac Operon

    • Both positive and negative regulators

    • Bound repressor inhibits transcription

      • Absence of lactose: repressor binds

    • Bound activator facilitates transcription

      • Presence of lactose: activator binds/prevents repressor binding

    • Encodes 4 proteins: 1 regulatory, 3 enzymes

    • Operon in order

      • Promoter I (PI)

      • LacI: regulatory

      • PromoterL (PL)

      • OperatorL: regulator binding site (OL)

      • LacZ: B-gal (if knocked out no growth)

      • LacY: permease-transport (if knocked out no growth)

      • LacA: galactoside transacetylase

        • if the knockouts are combined then there will be growth bc of the diffusable protein products

    • Activity increases when lactose is exclusively present with no glucose

    • No lactose: repressor (I) active, binds operator, inhibits RNAP to make Z,Y,A

    • Allolactose is a side product, and an inducer (IPTG is also an inducer) (de-represses the reperssor)

    • Lactose present: inducer made → allolactose → binding of inducer to repressor → repressor does not bind operon

    • 3 operators

      • -82 (O3) and +412 (O2) are auxiliary, +11 is main operator (O1)

    • Lac repression binds either O3 or O2 and always binds O1 along with either

      • 4 LacI is nessecary to inhibit → dimerization at O1, and dimerization at O2/O3 → Dimers form another dimer → DNA loop

    • Lac operator is a palindrome → lacI is a dimeric protein and palindromic sequences are recognized by dimeric proteins

    • Lac repression involves DNA looping 

  • Genetic perspective on lac operon:

    • Create lac- mutuants → lose a function or create a mechanism?

    • Complementation analysis 

Lecture 3:

  • Cis vs Trans gene regulation

    • Cis acting elements → DNA sequences in vicinity of genes

    • Trans acting factors → diffusible protein factors that bind to DNA sequences

    • Note that cis/trans do not illustrate the bond formation

  • Regulatory mutants

    • i- → mutant nonfunctional repressor protein

    • I^S → super repressor: cannot be inactivated by inducer

    • O^C → operator constitutive: cannot be bound by repressor

    • p- → nonfunctional promoter

  • CAP protein & Cap site → glucose sensitive switch

    • Levels of ec glucose and intracellular cAMP → inversely related

    • High glucose levels outside cell create low cAMP levels within cell

    • CAP/cAMP = gene activator

    • CAP = CRP = “cAMP receptor protein”

      • Bind DNA when activated by cAMP

      • Binds lac operon promoter for lacZYA

  • Note that Lac Operon is ONLY active under Lactose=present and glucose=absent conditions

  • Catabolic vs Anabolic operons

    • Lac operon encodes catabolic enzymes

      • Catabolic operons generally regulated through induction

    • Trp operon encodes anabolic enzymes

      • Anabolic operons generally regulated through repression

  • Operons involved in AA synthesis are tightly regulated

    • AAs are expensive

    • Aa levels are low → then expressed

    • Repressed when abundant

  • Tryptophan Operon:

    • 2 modes of regulation

      • Trp repression

      • Transcription attenuation

    • Operon Order

      • trpP (promoter)

      • trpO (operator)

      • trpL

      • trpE

      • trpD

      • trpC

    • Repression:

      • trpR requires trp as a corepressortryptophan levels low → no corepressor → repressor does not bind to aporepressor → no binding to operator → no repression → Expression of trp operon

      • trpR + trp(levels are high) → trp binds to aporepressor → conformational change in aporepressor → binds operator → inhibits expression

    • !!!!Attenuation!!!!

      • Fine-tuning of synthesis

      • Low trp → full mRNA made 

      • High trp → leader sequence made (trpL) exclusively

      • 4 important sequences in leader sequence

        • Alternative base pairing between them results in different results

        • 1-2 (which leads to 3-4 binding), 3-4 lead to 3-4 terminators stem loop

        • 2-3 leads to antiterminator stem loop (prevents 3-4)

        • If 3-4 pair: structure forms → attenuator → acts as a transcription terminator

        • 2-3 pair → 3-4 cannot pair → attenuator not formed → 2-3 pair has no effect

        • Ribosome stalls at sequence 1 when trp is low → leads to 2-3 binding

        • leader region is completely translated in 3-4 binding, trp is high so passes through sequence 1 quickly leading to 3-4 binding

      • When leader region is completely translated → 2-3 reforms after passing through stem loop created by 2-3

Lecture 4:

  • Prokaryotic DNA vs Eukaryotic DNA: 

    • Information density: prokaryotes greater than eukaryotes

      • More genes/bps in prokaryotes

    • Eukaryotes have repeating DNAs → prokaryotes have unique DNA

    • Genome association w/ protein (Chromatin)

      • Prokaryotic genomes loosely associated

      • Eukaryotic genomes tightly associated with histones and chromosomal proteins: chromatin

  • 1% of human genome encodes for proteins

  • As organism complexity increases the genes per base pair decreases

    • Eukaryotes are incredibly complex organisms with very large non-coding regions

  • Renaturation kinetics/Reassociation kinetics

    • Help us understand why DNA is repetitive

    • Eukaryotes need to package data

      • Compacting DNA vs reliable access to DNA → chromatin is solution

        • Proteins include specialized structural proteins/enzymes

        • 30 nm chromatin fiber organized in loops that can be individually opened (looped domains)

    • Sequences will have plateaus depending on their repetitiveness in kinetics chart

      • Very repetitive sequences will anneal fastest

      • Very unique sequences will anneal slowest

        • Prokaryotes have 1 jump in transition

        • Eukaryotes may have multiple jumps

          • (3 classes/3 rises, 4 rises/4 classes, etc.)

  • RNA polymerase in Eukaryotes and Prokaryotes

    • 3 eukaryotic RNA pol vs 1 prokaryotic RNA pol

      • Eukaryotic RNA pols: rRNA, mRNA, and tRNA synthesizers 

    • Eukaryotic RNA polymerase requires multiple transcription factors while prokaryotic require one or two at most

    • Eukaryotes have post-transcriptional processing that involves capping, splicing, and polyadenylating mRNA

      • Prokaryotic DNA generally does not contain introns

    • Eukaryotic RNA pol requires factors to modify chromatin/looped domains to access genes

      • Bacterial genes are not packaged like eukaryotic DNA so it can be easily accessed by RNA polymerase

  • Eukaryotic RNA polymerases

    • Polymerase:

      • 1 → resides in the nucleolus (innermost portion of nucleus)  → transcribes pre-rRNA typically

      • 2 → Nucleoplasm → pre-mRNA and some snRNA

      • 3 → Nucleoplasm → tRNA, some rRNA, some snRNA(spliceosome), and signal recognition RNA 7SL RNA

  • Eukaryotic core promoter motifs

    • TATA box

      • TATAXAX consensus sequence

      • 25-30 bp upstream of transcription start site

    • Initiator element (Inr)

      • Overlaps with transcription initiation site

    • DPE

      • Downstream promoter element

      • Extends from about +28 to +34

    • TFII recognition element (BRE)

    • Typically the order seen is the BRE → TATA Box → Inr → DPE

  • General transcription factors (GTFs) form the preinitiation complex (PIC) 

    • DAB F Pol EH (District Attorney Beats Four Policemen Eating Hamburgers)

    • [TFII (prefix for each)] D→A→B→F-Pol(joins together)→E→H

      • ^^assembly order^^

    • TF = transcription factor

    • II = RNAP II 

    • TFIID

      • Made up of TBP(TATA-binding protein) and TAFs (TBP-associated factors)

      • Very large

      • First to bind

      • Binds DNA in the minor groove

    • TFIIA

      • Recognizes core promoter 

    • TFIIB

      • Recognizes core promoter

    • TFIIF-Pol

      • F targets the Polymerase to the promoter

    • TFIIE

      • Modulator of helicase

      • Binds after Pol/TFIIF binds to preinitiation complex

      • 2 different subunits/both needed to stimulate transcription

    • TFIIH

      • Helicase

      • 9 subunits

      • DNA helicase activity/ATPase activity

      • Kinase activity → phosphorylation of CTD of the large subunit of RNAP

      • CTD protein Kinase

  • Xeroderma pigmentosum

    • Mutations in TFIIH subunits lead to extreme light sensitivity and ultimately cancer

    • May lead to death in childhood

    • Cockayne syndrome is the same mutation


    • Low density of coding information

    • Large amounts of introns

    • 3 RNA polymerases

    • Pol I and III transcribe rRNA and small RNAs have unique promoter requirements

    • Pol II transcribes mRNA which leads to gene expression

    • RNA pol II promoters assemble GTFs (General transcription factors)

    • Preinitiation complex(PIC) consists of more than 30 individual proteins

      • PIC does initiate transcription at very low activity

  • CTD (Carboxyl terminal domain associated with 3’ end of reading frame for mRNA) of large subunit of RNAP helps transition from initiation to elongation 

    • CTD contains many tandem repeats of the heptapeptide Tyr-Ser-Pro-Thr-Ser-Pro-Ser

      • Number of repeats ranges from 26 in yeast to 52 in humans

      • Repeats can be phosphorylated

      • Phosphorylation state differs at different stages of transcription

      • Ser 2 and Ser 5 are imporant

  • Transcription Elongation

    • Largest subunits of RNA pol I, II, and III as well as E. Coli RNA polymerase have many homologies

    • Pol II is unique in having a CTD with heptapeptide repeats

    • CTD is indispensable → deletion mutants are lethal in yeast

    • RNA pol II CTDs have to be unphosphorylated for the PIC to form

    • TFIIH has to phosphorylate RNA pol II CTDs for RNA elongation to occur

    • Serine 2 and serine 5 are very important in CTD

      • RNA pol II is phosphorylated at ser5 to initiate elongation

      • RNA pol II is phosphorylated at ser2 after bp +50 during elongation

    • RNA pol II 

      • O = phosphorylated → elongation ensues

      • A = unphosphorylated → no elongation

      • When it is phosphorylated DAB is then kicked off

  • 2 proteins regulate elongation as well

    • NELF → Negative elongation factor 

    • DSIF → DRB-Sensitivity-Inducing-Factor

      • DRB is an inhibitor of CDK9 which is a component of the positive transcription elongation factor (P-TEFb) 

    • ATP then is used to knock off NELF and DSIF

      • then elongation can be induced by the P-TEFb

  • Transcription Elongation factors

    • Fork loop 1

      • prevents premature unwinding

    • rudder

      • prevents the DNA to rebind to mRNA

    • lid

      • wedge and guide the incoming DNA

    • bridge helix

      • acts as a ratchet (circular motion in one way)

    • more than 100 proteins associated with transcription of RNA polymerase II

Lecture 5:

  • mRNA processing (3 steps)

    • 5’ Cap needs to be added

    • Splicing the mRNA

    • Cleavage/Addition of the Poly-A tail

  • 5’ Cap (pay attention to enzymes below)

    • Function

      • Protects mRNA from nucleases

      • Distinguishes mRNA from other types of RNA

      • mRNA export

      • Translation initiation (Ribosome binds to the 5’ cap)

    • How its made

      • 5’-triphosphate Step 1

        • H2O → H2PO4

        • The 5’ phosphate is removed and now we have a diphosphate at the end

      • Guanylyltransferase Step 2

        • GTP → PPi

        • Guanosine is added

      • N7G-methyltransferase Step 3

        • S-adenosylmethionine → S-adenosylhomocysteine

        • Guanine is methylated

      • Capping enzyme is recruited by the CTD of RNA pol II

        • CTD must be phosphorylated on Ser-5 (negatively charged attracts positive enzyme)

        • CE = Capping enzyme

          • Bifunctional

          • RNA triphosphatase and guanylyltransferase

  • mRNA Splicing

    • Function

      • Allows many proteins to be produced by 1 gene

      • mRNA export

      • Translation importance (nonsense mediated decay)

      • Introns are removed

    • Alternative Splicing

      • pre-mRNA can be spliced differently to produce many different mRNAs 

      • Errors may lead to muscular dystrophy

    • 4 elements for splicing

      • GU-rich sequence is the 5’ splice site

      • AG sequence 3’ splice site

      • Branching nucleotide

        • Adenine

        • Most important

      • Pyrimidine rich tract

    • Splicing steps

      • 2’-OH of adenine is the nucleophile

      • The Branching Nucleotide’s 2’-OH attacks the 5’ GU

      • 3’-OH of the 5’ GU that was removed attacks the AG at the 3’ splice site

      • Exon is separated from intron

    • Spliceosome

      • Promotes the splicing and is made up of snRNA

  • Transcription Termination

    • Cleavage at poly(A) site

    • Addition of the poly(A) tail at 3’ end

    • Transcription termination downstream from cleavage site

    • Functions of poly(A) tail

      • Protects from exonuclease activity

      • Important for transport of mRNA

      • Important for translation

      • Allows for isolation of mRNA in a lab

  • Antitermination model for termination vs Torpedo model of termination

    • Antitermination is less supported than torpedo model

    • (likely incorrect) Antitermination proposed that there was a antiterminator that attached to the RNAP II and prevented the release of the enzyme until hitting terminator factors that would elicit the release of the RNAP from the DNA

    • (likely correct) RNAP is stalling and slowing down after making polyA tail → RAT1/Xm2 attacks the poly(A) tail → ends the termination after degrading rest of mRNA (torpedo model) (enzymes involved are important)

  • mRNA export requires GTP hydrolysis

    • mRNA out needs Exportin and Ran + 1 GTP

    • mRNA in needs importin and Ran + 1 GTP

  • Eukaryotic Transcription Regulation

    • Sequence specific transcription factors

    • Promoter elements

      • Eukaryotic promoters are OFF in the absence of regulatory factors

      • Bacterial promoters have a basal/low transcription rate

    • Enhancers

    • Activating and repressing mechanisms

    • Mediators 

  • Chromatin remodeling

    • Allows transcription → loops of DNA are unpacked in order for transcription to initiate

    • Histones: basic proteins that package and order eukaryotic DNA into units called nucleosomes

    • Euchromatin → loosely packed DNA (more expressed

    • Heterochromatin → tightly packed chromatin

    • Transcribing a gene → 

      • HATs encourage transcription by decreasing the affinity of nucleosomes → leading to less tightly bound DNA to histones

      • HDACs increase the affinity of histones for DNA → more tightly bound to each other

  • Eukaryotic promoters must be activated → RNA polymerase have little to no affinity for  promoters without additional factors

    • Combinatorial control: specific combination of transcription factors must be bound at the promoter in order to express a specific gene → large eukaryotic promoters can bind many transcription factors 

    • General TFs bind at core promoter

    • Transcriptional activators that bind DNA and co-activators which bind the activators bind at regulatory sequences both upstream and downstream

  • Cis vs Trans activiating elements (not to be confused with the chemical terminology of cis- and trans- conformations)

    • Cis-repsonsive elements are elements within the DNA sequence that are not the promoter but bind transcriptional factors

    • Transcription factors or (trans-acting regulators): are proteins that bind cis-responsive elements

  • Transcription factors

    • bind to enhancers(DNA) and mediators(proteins)

    • Contribute to the chemical modification of the PIC

    • Stimulate elongation of RNAPII

    • Act on the level of chromatin

  • DNA binding and activation/repression domains:

    • Transcription factors have a bimodal composition

    • One domain recognizes a specific DNA motif or “DNA binding domain”

      • Zinc-finger sequence motif

        • Binds to major groove

        • Complex formation between 4 cysteine/histidine residues and a zinc ion

      • Helix-turn-helix motif

        • Binds to major groove

        • Form dimers (if one of the proteins is mutated it will not function properly)

        • 2 helices → one recognizes and fits into the major groove 

      • Leucine Zipper

        • Leucines are spaced 7 proteins apart

        • Dimers as well

    • Second domain affects transcription activation

    • This can lead to many more combinations of Transcription factors such as if there are 8 transcription factors you can have 64 combinations

  • Eukaryotic promoters:

    • Sigma factor helps bind RNAP to binding sites in prokaryotes

    • eukaryotic promoters are

      • Sequences bound by PIC (Core promoter)

      • binding sites for transcriptional activators (regulatory promoters)

        • Interacts with a specific target sequence which is sometimes close to the transcription start site

  • Transcription is controlled by a promoter and an enhancer

    • Separation from enhancer may be in several kbps to the promoter VERY FAR

    • Enhancer

      • Location and orientation of enhancer is independent and functions at a distance

      • Enhancers can be upstream or downstream and still provide the same function

    • DNA looping occurs between regions bound to activator proteins

    • DNA binding domain on an enhancer is bound by an activator which then binds to the PIC which is bound to the core promoters (TATA,Inr,DPE)

  • Enhancers and Silencers

    • Activators(protein) bind to enhancer sequences

      • Determines which genes are switched on and increase the speed of transcription

    • Repressors(protein) bind to silencer sequences

      • Interferes with the functioning of activators and slows transcription

      • May either interfere with the binding site of the activator (the enhancer sequence) (competitive DNA binding)

      • may bind to the activator as it may “mask the activation surface” of the PIC

      • May bind to the GTFs in the PIC and “directly interfere with the binding of the activator” on an enhancer sequence to the PIC

    • Enhancers(cis element) need a mediator(trans element)

      • Specifically interacts with the CTD of the large subunit of RNA pol II

      • CTD attracts the attachment of many additional factors including

        • Termination factors, splicing factors, elongation factors, mediators

        • CTD acts as an assembly line for tools needed for promoter clearance and RNA processing which is coupled to the elongation process

        • mRNA might get fed through this line of factors which are bound to the CTD

      • Binding of an activator to an enhancer recruits RNAP II through mediator/RNAP complex

      • When many enhancers aim to promote transcription their effect is synergistic

        • I.e. 1 activator may produce a synergistic effect of 1 unit

          • 4 activators may produce a synergistic effect of 500 units

    • Insulators block activation by enhancers, or block repression by silencers.

Lecture 6:

  • Chromatin packaging hierarchy

    • Nucleosome forms (DNA + Histones)

    • 30 nm fiber (coiled nucleosomes)

    • Nuclear scaffolding w/ looped domains

    • Metaphase chromosome (mitotic)

  • Histones made up of octamer (2xH2A,H2B,H3,H4)

    • 146 bps wrap around a histone (2 turns)

    • Histones contain many basic amino acids (Lysine & Arginine)

      • Histones as a result are positively charged

      • DNA is negatively charged

      • Strong electrostatic interactions

  • DNA packaging + transcription

    • Heterochromatin vs Euchromatin 

      • Euchromatin = histones on the outside of the plane which allows for transcription

      • Heterochromatin = histones are tightly wrapped and adjacent limiting transcription

  • How to alter DNA packaging

    • Chromatin Remodeling

      • Chromatin remodeling complex exposes promoter that may be bound to nucleosome

      • Brings out the promoter to the string

    • Histone tail modifications

      • Histone tails can be modified to create different changes to the histone itself

        • Histone modifications influence transcriptional activity

        • Acetylation

          • HATs (histone acetyltransferase)

          • Lys residues at N-terminus

          • Enhances transcription by destabilizing nucleosomes

        • Deacetylation

          • HDACs (histone deacetylases)

          • Stabilizes compact chromatin structures

          • Represses transcription

        • Methylation 

          • Lys and Arg residues

          • Repression

        • Phosphorylation

          • Ser residues

          • Activation 

        • Ubiquitination

          • Lys residues

          • Activation

    • Remodeling and Modification usually work together

    • Chromatin Remodeling Complex is SWI/SNF

  • Methylation

    • Chromodomain

      • Allows proteins to bind methylated histones

    • Chromoshadow domain

      • Allows HP1 to bind to other HP1 Protiens

  • Epigenetic code 

    • Covalent changes to histones and DNA create changes that may alter gene expression and result in being read like the genetic code

  • Transcription Regulation and Cancer

    • Cofactors

      • Binds transcription factors without making DNA contact

      • Can be super-activators (cofactor)

      • Can repress the activity of the TFs (corepressor)

        • E2F → constitiutive transcription factor in the context of certain cellular genes

        • Binds the cofactor RB and loses activation function

    • Cell cycle is regulated by transcription factors and co-repressors

      • S phase = replication of chromosomal DNA 

      • G1 phase = no replication of chromosomal DNA

      • G1-S transition: express proteins needed for replication of DNA like DNA polymerase

        • G1 co-repressor(RB) blocks E2F function

        • Regulated phosphorylation of RB leads to it’s removal and reactivation of E2F → leading to S phase

      • In many cancers the RB gene is mutated and cells permanently go from G1 to S without stalling

        • RB mutations may lead to cancer

          • RB originally found mutated in cancers of the retina

          • Some of the most frequent mutations leading to cancer

        • Transcription regulation is central to carcinogenesis

          • Normal cells have cdk2 to phosphorylate RB and remove it from E2F to have typical DNA replication

          • Cdk2 is negatively controlled by a different factor (p21CIP)

        • p21 transcription is activated by p53

        • p53 availability determines E2F repression by RB

        • p53 is a tumor suppressor → loss of function/mutation would potentially lead to uncontrolled tumor proliferation

          • p53 available(up) → p21 up → cdk2 down → RB up → E2F down → G1 does not go to S phase (inverse is true for p53 mutation)

        • Many viruses target p53 and RB and cause cancer (papillomaviruses, polyomaviruses, and adenoviruses)

  • siRNA

    • mRNA + tRNA and → 

      • small stretches of RNA which complements part of mRNA (siRNA)

      • Double stranded RNA is responsible for lowering RNA levels

    • RNAi → RNA interference

    • Long ds-RNA (double stranded)

      • RISC(big complex that contains dicer and argonaute) → Dicer cleaves ds-RNA and siRNA

        • Protein breaks strands into single strands

          • Delivers to RNA

            • Transcript is degraded

    • Small RNAs / RNA interference

      • Previously seen that small RNAs exist in the cell

      • Problem → small RNAs found in the cell siRNA or degradation products of other larger RNAs 

        • Are they natural?

          • Yes → are they degradation products or siRNA tho

            • Northern Blot → sequence of small RNA

              • Sequence found in genomes are very similar sizes

                • NOT random degradation

      • Endogenous RNA → microRNAs(miRNA)

        • 21-23 nucleotides

        • Primary mRNA transcribed by RNA pol II

      • Different parts of RNA interference

        • RISC → RNA interference is done by this complex

        • Dicer → cleaves the DS RNA

        • Argonaute → cleaves between siRNA and mRNA

      • Drosha processes microRNA

        • pre-miRNA then is loaded onto RISC

          • Processed by RISC

      • siRNA vs miRNA 

        • siRNA is artificial (Gene silencing)

        • miRNA is encoded by genome (RNAi)

        • miRNA leads to translation inhibition

        • siRNA leads to translation inhibition and/or degradation

  • CRISPR-Cas

    • Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats

      • Used by bacteria to fight viruses

    • 3 steps

      • Acquisition - cas locus → binds to virus DNA → GGG sequence → cuts 20 bases upstream

      • Expression - bait the DNA from the virus 

      • Interference - Cas protein bind to CRISPR DNA 

    • Similar to siRNA but the difference is it involves DNA

    • CRISPR and Eukaryotic cells → possible to create specific genome modifications

      • Required are Cas9(nuclease), Gene specific CRISPR RNA (crRNA), and tracr RNA → links crRNA to Cas9

  • 3 Genome editing techniques 

    • Zinc finger (motif)

      • Binds DNA and cuts with endonuclease (FolkI) 

      • Issue is that zinc finger has to be remade each time

    • TALEN (helix-turn-helix)

      • Binds DNA and cuts with endonuclease (FokI)

      • Issue is 9 proteins needed to be bound

    • Cas9/CRISPR

      • gRNA binds DNA, cuts by an externally added endonuclease (Cas9)

      • Allows highly specific binding and linked to trcrRNA

      • BEST strategy 

      • gRNA??? → guide RNA → crispr RNA

      • RNAi inhibits an RNA, CRISPR/Cas9 will inhibit DNA (major difference)

  • Human collections generated by Cas9/CRISPR include genes essential for cancer cells and genes important for resistance to chemotherapy drugs

Lecture 7:

  • Translation by ribosome

  • Proteins differ from nucleic acids:

    • 20 amino acids vs 4 nucleic acids

    • Large variety of functional groups

    • Accelerate a multitude of chemical reactions

    • well-defined tertiary structure (shapes)

  • 4 nucleic acids ^ 3 codon slots → 64 combinations of nucleic acids

  • tRNA

    • Transfer RNA

  • Ribosome

    • Factory to make

  • How is code read?

    • Unpunctuated code → deletions of 3 nucleotides would restore the reading frame

    • The two wrong proposals were overlapping code and punctuated code

  • Deletions

    • 1-2 frameshift mutation

    • 3 nucleotides = removal of 1 aa

    • Insertion of 3 nts → insertion of 1 aa

    • Change of 1 nt results in a missense or nonsense mutation

  • Filter experiment

    • Synthetic mRNA that codes for certain amino acids added to solution

  • Filter binding assay

    • Filter contains mRNA and only the corresponding tRNA would attach to filter → aa that is radioactive would then be stuck on filter

  • There are variants to the genetic code

    • UGA = Trp, AUA = Met, AGA = Stop in mitochondria

  • Genetic code

    • Non-overlapping, no spacers

    • Almost universal

    • Highly degenerate = many aas are specified by two or more codons

    • Unambiguous = codons specify ONE aa

  • Crick’s adaptor hypothesis

    • tRNA

    • AA – Adaptor(tRNA) – Nucleic acitd

  • tRNA cloverleaf secondary structure

    • Amino-acid arm - conserved CCAOH → attaches to AA

    • Anticodon arm - read antiparallel to mRNA

    • D-arm

    • Extra arm

    • TψC arm 

  • 7-15% of tRNAs contain modified nucleosides

    • Post Transcriptionally modified

    • Adenosine at 5’ anticodon changes to I (Inosine) → can base pair with A, U, C → “Wobble theory” / third base wobble

      • tRNA ala found to bind to GCA, GCC, and GCU → Inosine is the 3rd base

      • Inosine is highly ambiguous

      • Allows for more conservation of energy

      • 32 tRNAs for 61 sense codons (3 are stop)

      • Non-canonical base pairing in one base provides weaker interaction between anticodon and codon → higher rate of protein synthesis

  • tRNA folds into a L shaped 3D structure

    • Active sites include anticodon and amino acids and they are maximally seperated

    • The anticodon stem and acceptor stem form double helices

  • Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase

    • Matches tRNA vs AA

    • AA attacks ATP → becomes adenylated

      • Aminoacyl-AMP formed → 2’ OH of tRNA attacks C which releases AMP (which is a great leaving group)

  • How do aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases know they have the correct AA attached?

    • AA too large → does not fit

    • AA too small → fits → proofreading site within enzyme → removed through hydrolysis

Lecture 8

  • Ribosome History

    • Who won the ribosome race?

      • Tom Steitz

    • Who first crystallized the ribosome?

      • Ada Yonath

  • Ribosome

    • 4 binding sites

    • Large subunit

      • E - Exit

      • P - Peptide

      • A - Amino

    • Small subunit

      • mRNA binding site

    • 2/3 of the ribosome is RNA and 1/3 is protein

      • Proteins are just there to stabilize the RNA

  • Translation

    • aa + ATP + tRNA → aa-tRNA + AMP (hydrolysis of ATP = loaded aminoacyl tRNA)

    • Bacterial initiation utilizes fMet (formyl-Methionine) and initiator tRNA

      • fMet is loaded by 2 enzymes → Methionyl-tRNA synethetase & Methionyl-tRNA formyltransferase

      • Difference between fMet and Met tRNA is that there is a mismatch between AC which provides a kink !!!DIFFERENCE IS IMPORTANT!!!

        • fMet-tRNA to AUG (loads to P site) → regular methionine would load to A site

    • fMet-tRNA binds to AUG

    • Prokaryotic translation

      • 3 initiation factors and GTP hydrolysis

      • 30S subunit (small subunit)

        • IF-1 Bound to the amino site

        • IF-3 bound to nowhere (in relation to APE) (E site bound during initiation)

        • Order bound is:

          • IF-1 → IF-3 → mRNA → then IF-2 binds (explained below)

        • Shine-Dalgarno (SD u can write SD so it’s prolly gonna be on the exam) sequence complementary to the 16S rRNA

          • 16S rRNA is within the 30S subunit (small)

            • Made up of other proteins as well

        • fMet-tRNA is accompanied by the IF-2 that binds to IF-1 which is within the A site

      • So what happens in order now is after the IF-1 binds to the A site and IF-3 binds to the E site → mRNA is now fed through the ribosome in which the SD sequence complements to the 16S rRNA → and the IF-1 is now within the A site → IF-2 binds to the IF-1 within the A site and carries the fMet-tRNA along with it.

        • After all this happens the 50S subunit binds to the 30S subunit making the 70S ribosome and knocks the IFs off the small subunit

          • Something to note here is that fMet still remains on the tRNA that now resides within the P site

      • To clarify once more:

        • IF-3 is nowhere until initiation

        • IF-1 is in the A site

        • IF-2 is on top of IF-1 (bc it binds later)

        • fMet-tRNA is in the P site (comes in with IF-2)

    • Riboswitch inhibition → feedback inhibition

      • If an end product M is present → loop formed at AUG → ribosome falls off → translation is OFF

  • Eukaryotic Translation Initiation

    • Many eIFs → no fMet

    • Eukaryotic initiator Met-tRNA has unique features

      • 12 different IFs

  • Eukaryotic translation steps

    • Small subunit complexes with eIF1, eIFA, eIF3

    • Initiator Met-tRNA w/ eIF2 and Met binds to complex w/ eIF5B-GTP

    • mRNA 5’ cap binds to eIF4F 

    • mRNA-eIF4F binds to the preinitiation complex

      • The Kozak Sequence establishes the reading frame → binds to eIF4F

      • polysome formation involves 5’ cap and poly(A) tail

      • rRNA binds to mRNA through base pairing

      • Scans till AUG

    • Translation Initation complete

    • Locations of each of the eIFs is more important though

      • eIF3 is bound to nowhere (on the opposite side of the ribosome of the APE site)

      • eIF1 is bound to E site

      • eIF2 is bound EXCLUSIVELY to the Met-tRNA (does not touch the ribosome)

      • eIF1A is bound to the A site

      • eIF5B is bound to eIF1A which is bound to the A site

      • Met-tRNA is bound to the P site

      • eIF4F binds to the mRNA’s 5’ cap → which then binds to the ribosomal subunit (does not bind to a site)

  • eIF2 mutation leads to huntington’s disease

  • Elongation

    • Elongation factors are needed for chain elongation

    • Steps

      • 1. aminoacyl-tRNA binds to A site

      • 2. tRNA moves over to the P site and a new peptide bond is formed

      • 3. ejection of spent tRNA from the E site

    • Ribosome catalytic base is an Adenine

    • prokaryotes:

      • fMet-tRNA binds to the P site and and GTP-Tu binds with the second aminoacyl-tRNA at the A site → GTP hydrolysis → Tu falls of and forms Ts-Tu complex → GTP then binds to another Tu to continue the process

      • Peptide bond is formed → aa chain is at the A site 

      • EF-G-GTP binds the A site

      • Translation requires GTP hydrolysis

    • Puromycin binds to A-site

  • Transcription if from 5’ to 3’, ribosomes move 5’ → 3’

  • Termination

    • Protein is made → Stop codon

    • A site scans for stop codon → binds RF2 (release factor)

      • binds to A SITE

      • GTP hydrolysis is involved in termination

        • hydrolyzes polypeptide

    • RFs 

      • RF1 recognizes UAG or UAA stop codon

      • RF2 regonzises UGA or UAA stop codon

      • RF3 - stimulated the rate of peptide release by RF1/RF2 but does not act independently

      • difference is not tested

    • eRFI (human translation release factor)

      • looks like a tRNA w/ and L shape

      • eRFI, RF1, and RF2 all bind to the A site

    • tmRNA

      • compare it to tRNAAla

    • ribosome rescue pathway (method 1)

      • tmRNA binds to A site

      • Ala on tmRNA attacks the polypeptide chain

      • frees the ribosome from the polypeptide chain

    • Ribosome Recycling (method 2)

      • RRF binds !!!A site!!! (just pay attention to A site bascially w/ termination)

      • EF-G-GDP binds to A site

        • pushes RRF to P site

      • Then IF-3 comes in to the E site and kicks RRF and EF-G off


Molecular Biology (BIO 99)

Lecture 1:

  • Operon: genes involved in a single pathway which determines the expression of the tightly regulated genes

    • Gene cluster and promoter at minimum

  • Promoter sequences 

    • -35 box and -10 box and purine start site are most common in E. Coli

    • -35 box - TG box

      • Major binding site for sigma 70 (E. Coli sigma factor)

      • Consensus = TTGACA

    • -10 box - Pribnow box

      • AT rich → easier to unwind due to double bonds instead of triple bonds between nucleotides

      • Consensus → TATAAT

      • Major binding site  

    • Purine start site (A or G)

  • DNA footprinting

    • The empty place is where the promoter region is bound to on gels

      • how it happens? → specific binding protein that recognizes promoter sites → protein binds to the promoter regions → DNAse (involved in footprinting) cannot cut where the protein is bound so there is no DNA in this region → electrophoresis helps us visualize the area where the DNAse cannot cut

  • RNA polymerase

    • 1 in prokaryotes

    • 3’ -OH attacks 5’ triphosphate (nucelophilic attack)

    • 2 mg2+ cofactors

    • No need for RNA primer (unlike DNA polymerase) (will be a T/F question)

    • Coding Strand (sense) same as mRNA

    • Template is used with RNA poly to make mRNA and is opposite of the sequence

  • RNA poly subunits

    • Sigma - recognizes promoter sequences

      • ESSENTIAL for promoter recognition

      • Does not bind to promoter DNA on it’s own

      • Recognizes promoters for housekeeping genes

    • Beta prime - Binds DNA

    • Beta - Binds NTPs and interacts with sigma, polymerizes RNA (Polymerase activity)

    • Alpha - essential for assembly and elongation

    • Omega - functionality and stability

      • One more thing to note is (alpha)2(beta)(beta’) is the “core enzyme”

      • The core enzuyme + sigma cofactor is the “holoenzyme”

  • Initiation of transcription

    • Phase 1, binding - interaction between promoter and RNA pol

      • Formation of closed cmplx where DNA is not unwound → but then unwinds at the -10 to +2/+3

    • Phase 2, initiation - transcription initiation/promoter clearance.

      • 8/9 nucleotides initially synthesized → sigma subunit released → pol leaves promoter and elongates RNA

    • The “scrunching” model: DNA is pulled into RNA polymerase

    • Rifampicin binds (beta) subunit & blocks initiation

  • Transcription Elongation

    • Highest speed among the 3: [DNA replication (is correct)], RNA transcription, Protein transcription?

    • Direction of transcription is 5’-3’ → 3’ end is correlated to positive supercoils(unwinding) and 5’ end is correlated to negative supercoils(rewinding)

    • RNA Polymerase is relatively accurate (1 err / 10000 bps)

      • Errors are okay, half life of mRNA is short, messages are degraded

    • Slower in GC rich areas (due to triple bonds)

    • Topoisomerases relieve supercoiling

    • Higher stability during elongation than initiation cmplx

    • 14bp melted to form transcription bubble

    • 8-9 nucleotides within bubble paired with RNA chain

    • Double stranded DNA opens up in front of the bubble and closes up as RNA polymerase moves along → transcription bubble extends from -12 to +2

  • Core RNA polymerase

    • N-terminal domains of the alpha subunits allow them to form dimers

    • Alpha subunit N-terminal domains bind to the Beta/Beta’ subunits

    • Beta/Beta’ subunits interact extensively with one another and together form an internal channel and the catalytic site

    • Beta subunit has polymerase activity

  • RNA polymerase does not move at a steady rate

    • Temporarily delayed at pause sites

    • Pausing may lead to arrest/termination

    • Arrest is important in proofreading

  • GreB helps rescue an arrested complex (stalled)

  • Transcription Termination

    • Rho-independent

      • GC-rich inverted repeat allows RNA to form stem loop -> reaches to within 7-9 nucleotides of the 3’ end of the RNA

      • U-rich stretch immediately after stem loop causes pausing and release

    • Rho-Dependent termination

      • Hexameric(6 rho factors) ATP dependent helicase, Rho-factor

      • Rho-factor releases RNA from RNA-DNA hybrid

      • Binds to RNA to disrupt RNA-DNA interactions


    • Similarities

      • DNA is a template 

      • Synthesis of Complementary strand

      • Same mechanism of phosphodiester bond formation

    • Differences

      • Transcription is selective

      • 1 strand is used as a template for transcription

      • !!!!Transcription does not require a primer!!!! (most important)

      • Transcription is more error prone (no exonuclease activity)

Lecture 2:

  • Why regulate gene expression?

    • Environmental factors: food sources change

    • Developmental/Differentiation

    • Cell specialization

  • Regulation

    • Controlling transcription initiation is most common → most efficient to regulate at beginning of pathway

    • Recall → sigma factor → specific to promoter sequences → sigma factor itself is transcribed to enhance gene expression in certain genes → regulates how much of a gene is transcribed

    • DNA binding proteins

      • regulators → bind to specific sites that affect how RNA polymerase binds

      • Blocking sites → inhibitor 

      • Affinity for polymerase → activator

      • Some systems are regulated by both negative and positive controllers 

    • Modes for negative control

      • Effector causes dissociation of repressor from DNA 

      • Effector causes binding of repressor to DNA

      • Negative control bc it inhibits transcription (repressor)

    • Modes for positive control

      • Effector causes dissociation of of activator from DNA inhibiting transcription

      • Effector causes binding of activator from DNA, inducing transcription

      • Positive control bc activates transcription (activator)

  • The Lac Operon: physiological background

    • Lactose degraded by beta-galactosidase (Beta-gal)

      • Degrades but also isomerizes into allolactose

    • Galactoside permease for uptake of lactose

  • Operon Advantages/Disadvantages

    • Advantages:

      • Coordinate regulation of multiple genes using a single cis acting DNA site

    • Disadvantages

      • Individual regulation of transcription cannot occur

  • Lac Operon

    • Both positive and negative regulators

    • Bound repressor inhibits transcription

      • Absence of lactose: repressor binds

    • Bound activator facilitates transcription

      • Presence of lactose: activator binds/prevents repressor binding

    • Encodes 4 proteins: 1 regulatory, 3 enzymes

    • Operon in order

      • Promoter I (PI)

      • LacI: regulatory

      • PromoterL (PL)

      • OperatorL: regulator binding site (OL)

      • LacZ: B-gal (if knocked out no growth)

      • LacY: permease-transport (if knocked out no growth)

      • LacA: galactoside transacetylase

        • if the knockouts are combined then there will be growth bc of the diffusable protein products

    • Activity increases when lactose is exclusively present with no glucose

    • No lactose: repressor (I) active, binds operator, inhibits RNAP to make Z,Y,A

    • Allolactose is a side product, and an inducer (IPTG is also an inducer) (de-represses the reperssor)

    • Lactose present: inducer made → allolactose → binding of inducer to repressor → repressor does not bind operon

    • 3 operators

      • -82 (O3) and +412 (O2) are auxiliary, +11 is main operator (O1)

    • Lac repression binds either O3 or O2 and always binds O1 along with either

      • 4 LacI is nessecary to inhibit → dimerization at O1, and dimerization at O2/O3 → Dimers form another dimer → DNA loop

    • Lac operator is a palindrome → lacI is a dimeric protein and palindromic sequences are recognized by dimeric proteins

    • Lac repression involves DNA looping 

  • Genetic perspective on lac operon:

    • Create lac- mutuants → lose a function or create a mechanism?

    • Complementation analysis 

Lecture 3:

  • Cis vs Trans gene regulation

    • Cis acting elements → DNA sequences in vicinity of genes

    • Trans acting factors → diffusible protein factors that bind to DNA sequences

    • Note that cis/trans do not illustrate the bond formation

  • Regulatory mutants

    • i- → mutant nonfunctional repressor protein

    • I^S → super repressor: cannot be inactivated by inducer

    • O^C → operator constitutive: cannot be bound by repressor

    • p- → nonfunctional promoter

  • CAP protein & Cap site → glucose sensitive switch

    • Levels of ec glucose and intracellular cAMP → inversely related

    • High glucose levels outside cell create low cAMP levels within cell

    • CAP/cAMP = gene activator

    • CAP = CRP = “cAMP receptor protein”

      • Bind DNA when activated by cAMP

      • Binds lac operon promoter for lacZYA

  • Note that Lac Operon is ONLY active under Lactose=present and glucose=absent conditions

  • Catabolic vs Anabolic operons

    • Lac operon encodes catabolic enzymes

      • Catabolic operons generally regulated through induction

    • Trp operon encodes anabolic enzymes

      • Anabolic operons generally regulated through repression

  • Operons involved in AA synthesis are tightly regulated

    • AAs are expensive

    • Aa levels are low → then expressed

    • Repressed when abundant

  • Tryptophan Operon:

    • 2 modes of regulation

      • Trp repression

      • Transcription attenuation

    • Operon Order

      • trpP (promoter)

      • trpO (operator)

      • trpL

      • trpE

      • trpD

      • trpC

    • Repression:

      • trpR requires trp as a corepressortryptophan levels low → no corepressor → repressor does not bind to aporepressor → no binding to operator → no repression → Expression of trp operon

      • trpR + trp(levels are high) → trp binds to aporepressor → conformational change in aporepressor → binds operator → inhibits expression

    • !!!!Attenuation!!!!

      • Fine-tuning of synthesis

      • Low trp → full mRNA made 

      • High trp → leader sequence made (trpL) exclusively

      • 4 important sequences in leader sequence

        • Alternative base pairing between them results in different results

        • 1-2 (which leads to 3-4 binding), 3-4 lead to 3-4 terminators stem loop

        • 2-3 leads to antiterminator stem loop (prevents 3-4)

        • If 3-4 pair: structure forms → attenuator → acts as a transcription terminator

        • 2-3 pair → 3-4 cannot pair → attenuator not formed → 2-3 pair has no effect

        • Ribosome stalls at sequence 1 when trp is low → leads to 2-3 binding

        • leader region is completely translated in 3-4 binding, trp is high so passes through sequence 1 quickly leading to 3-4 binding

      • When leader region is completely translated → 2-3 reforms after passing through stem loop created by 2-3

Lecture 4:

  • Prokaryotic DNA vs Eukaryotic DNA: 

    • Information density: prokaryotes greater than eukaryotes

      • More genes/bps in prokaryotes

    • Eukaryotes have repeating DNAs → prokaryotes have unique DNA

    • Genome association w/ protein (Chromatin)

      • Prokaryotic genomes loosely associated

      • Eukaryotic genomes tightly associated with histones and chromosomal proteins: chromatin

  • 1% of human genome encodes for proteins

  • As organism complexity increases the genes per base pair decreases

    • Eukaryotes are incredibly complex organisms with very large non-coding regions

  • Renaturation kinetics/Reassociation kinetics

    • Help us understand why DNA is repetitive

    • Eukaryotes need to package data

      • Compacting DNA vs reliable access to DNA → chromatin is solution

        • Proteins include specialized structural proteins/enzymes

        • 30 nm chromatin fiber organized in loops that can be individually opened (looped domains)

    • Sequences will have plateaus depending on their repetitiveness in kinetics chart

      • Very repetitive sequences will anneal fastest

      • Very unique sequences will anneal slowest

        • Prokaryotes have 1 jump in transition

        • Eukaryotes may have multiple jumps

          • (3 classes/3 rises, 4 rises/4 classes, etc.)

  • RNA polymerase in Eukaryotes and Prokaryotes

    • 3 eukaryotic RNA pol vs 1 prokaryotic RNA pol

      • Eukaryotic RNA pols: rRNA, mRNA, and tRNA synthesizers 

    • Eukaryotic RNA polymerase requires multiple transcription factors while prokaryotic require one or two at most

    • Eukaryotes have post-transcriptional processing that involves capping, splicing, and polyadenylating mRNA

      • Prokaryotic DNA generally does not contain introns

    • Eukaryotic RNA pol requires factors to modify chromatin/looped domains to access genes

      • Bacterial genes are not packaged like eukaryotic DNA so it can be easily accessed by RNA polymerase

  • Eukaryotic RNA polymerases

    • Polymerase:

      • 1 → resides in the nucleolus (innermost portion of nucleus)  → transcribes pre-rRNA typically

      • 2 → Nucleoplasm → pre-mRNA and some snRNA

      • 3 → Nucleoplasm → tRNA, some rRNA, some snRNA(spliceosome), and signal recognition RNA 7SL RNA

  • Eukaryotic core promoter motifs

    • TATA box

      • TATAXAX consensus sequence

      • 25-30 bp upstream of transcription start site

    • Initiator element (Inr)

      • Overlaps with transcription initiation site

    • DPE

      • Downstream promoter element

      • Extends from about +28 to +34

    • TFII recognition element (BRE)

    • Typically the order seen is the BRE → TATA Box → Inr → DPE

  • General transcription factors (GTFs) form the preinitiation complex (PIC) 

    • DAB F Pol EH (District Attorney Beats Four Policemen Eating Hamburgers)

    • [TFII (prefix for each)] D→A→B→F-Pol(joins together)→E→H

      • ^^assembly order^^

    • TF = transcription factor

    • II = RNAP II 

    • TFIID

      • Made up of TBP(TATA-binding protein) and TAFs (TBP-associated factors)

      • Very large

      • First to bind

      • Binds DNA in the minor groove

    • TFIIA

      • Recognizes core promoter 

    • TFIIB

      • Recognizes core promoter

    • TFIIF-Pol

      • F targets the Polymerase to the promoter

    • TFIIE

      • Modulator of helicase

      • Binds after Pol/TFIIF binds to preinitiation complex

      • 2 different subunits/both needed to stimulate transcription

    • TFIIH

      • Helicase

      • 9 subunits

      • DNA helicase activity/ATPase activity

      • Kinase activity → phosphorylation of CTD of the large subunit of RNAP

      • CTD protein Kinase

  • Xeroderma pigmentosum

    • Mutations in TFIIH subunits lead to extreme light sensitivity and ultimately cancer

    • May lead to death in childhood

    • Cockayne syndrome is the same mutation


    • Low density of coding information

    • Large amounts of introns

    • 3 RNA polymerases

    • Pol I and III transcribe rRNA and small RNAs have unique promoter requirements

    • Pol II transcribes mRNA which leads to gene expression

    • RNA pol II promoters assemble GTFs (General transcription factors)

    • Preinitiation complex(PIC) consists of more than 30 individual proteins

      • PIC does initiate transcription at very low activity

  • CTD (Carboxyl terminal domain associated with 3’ end of reading frame for mRNA) of large subunit of RNAP helps transition from initiation to elongation 

    • CTD contains many tandem repeats of the heptapeptide Tyr-Ser-Pro-Thr-Ser-Pro-Ser

      • Number of repeats ranges from 26 in yeast to 52 in humans

      • Repeats can be phosphorylated

      • Phosphorylation state differs at different stages of transcription

      • Ser 2 and Ser 5 are imporant

  • Transcription Elongation

    • Largest subunits of RNA pol I, II, and III as well as E. Coli RNA polymerase have many homologies

    • Pol II is unique in having a CTD with heptapeptide repeats

    • CTD is indispensable → deletion mutants are lethal in yeast

    • RNA pol II CTDs have to be unphosphorylated for the PIC to form

    • TFIIH has to phosphorylate RNA pol II CTDs for RNA elongation to occur

    • Serine 2 and serine 5 are very important in CTD

      • RNA pol II is phosphorylated at ser5 to initiate elongation

      • RNA pol II is phosphorylated at ser2 after bp +50 during elongation

    • RNA pol II 

      • O = phosphorylated → elongation ensues

      • A = unphosphorylated → no elongation

      • When it is phosphorylated DAB is then kicked off

  • 2 proteins regulate elongation as well

    • NELF → Negative elongation factor 

    • DSIF → DRB-Sensitivity-Inducing-Factor

      • DRB is an inhibitor of CDK9 which is a component of the positive transcription elongation factor (P-TEFb) 

    • ATP then is used to knock off NELF and DSIF

      • then elongation can be induced by the P-TEFb

  • Transcription Elongation factors

    • Fork loop 1

      • prevents premature unwinding

    • rudder

      • prevents the DNA to rebind to mRNA

    • lid

      • wedge and guide the incoming DNA

    • bridge helix

      • acts as a ratchet (circular motion in one way)

    • more than 100 proteins associated with transcription of RNA polymerase II

Lecture 5:

  • mRNA processing (3 steps)

    • 5’ Cap needs to be added

    • Splicing the mRNA

    • Cleavage/Addition of the Poly-A tail

  • 5’ Cap (pay attention to enzymes below)

    • Function

      • Protects mRNA from nucleases

      • Distinguishes mRNA from other types of RNA

      • mRNA export

      • Translation initiation (Ribosome binds to the 5’ cap)

    • How its made

      • 5’-triphosphate Step 1

        • H2O → H2PO4

        • The 5’ phosphate is removed and now we have a diphosphate at the end

      • Guanylyltransferase Step 2

        • GTP → PPi

        • Guanosine is added

      • N7G-methyltransferase Step 3

        • S-adenosylmethionine → S-adenosylhomocysteine

        • Guanine is methylated

      • Capping enzyme is recruited by the CTD of RNA pol II

        • CTD must be phosphorylated on Ser-5 (negatively charged attracts positive enzyme)

        • CE = Capping enzyme

          • Bifunctional

          • RNA triphosphatase and guanylyltransferase

  • mRNA Splicing

    • Function

      • Allows many proteins to be produced by 1 gene

      • mRNA export

      • Translation importance (nonsense mediated decay)

      • Introns are removed

    • Alternative Splicing

      • pre-mRNA can be spliced differently to produce many different mRNAs 

      • Errors may lead to muscular dystrophy

    • 4 elements for splicing

      • GU-rich sequence is the 5’ splice site

      • AG sequence 3’ splice site

      • Branching nucleotide

        • Adenine

        • Most important

      • Pyrimidine rich tract

    • Splicing steps

      • 2’-OH of adenine is the nucleophile

      • The Branching Nucleotide’s 2’-OH attacks the 5’ GU

      • 3’-OH of the 5’ GU that was removed attacks the AG at the 3’ splice site

      • Exon is separated from intron

    • Spliceosome

      • Promotes the splicing and is made up of snRNA

  • Transcription Termination

    • Cleavage at poly(A) site

    • Addition of the poly(A) tail at 3’ end

    • Transcription termination downstream from cleavage site

    • Functions of poly(A) tail

      • Protects from exonuclease activity

      • Important for transport of mRNA

      • Important for translation

      • Allows for isolation of mRNA in a lab

  • Antitermination model for termination vs Torpedo model of termination

    • Antitermination is less supported than torpedo model

    • (likely incorrect) Antitermination proposed that there was a antiterminator that attached to the RNAP II and prevented the release of the enzyme until hitting terminator factors that would elicit the release of the RNAP from the DNA

    • (likely correct) RNAP is stalling and slowing down after making polyA tail → RAT1/Xm2 attacks the poly(A) tail → ends the termination after degrading rest of mRNA (torpedo model) (enzymes involved are important)

  • mRNA export requires GTP hydrolysis

    • mRNA out needs Exportin and Ran + 1 GTP

    • mRNA in needs importin and Ran + 1 GTP

  • Eukaryotic Transcription Regulation

    • Sequence specific transcription factors

    • Promoter elements

      • Eukaryotic promoters are OFF in the absence of regulatory factors

      • Bacterial promoters have a basal/low transcription rate

    • Enhancers

    • Activating and repressing mechanisms

    • Mediators 

  • Chromatin remodeling

    • Allows transcription → loops of DNA are unpacked in order for transcription to initiate

    • Histones: basic proteins that package and order eukaryotic DNA into units called nucleosomes

    • Euchromatin → loosely packed DNA (more expressed

    • Heterochromatin → tightly packed chromatin

    • Transcribing a gene → 

      • HATs encourage transcription by decreasing the affinity of nucleosomes → leading to less tightly bound DNA to histones

      • HDACs increase the affinity of histones for DNA → more tightly bound to each other

  • Eukaryotic promoters must be activated → RNA polymerase have little to no affinity for  promoters without additional factors

    • Combinatorial control: specific combination of transcription factors must be bound at the promoter in order to express a specific gene → large eukaryotic promoters can bind many transcription factors 

    • General TFs bind at core promoter

    • Transcriptional activators that bind DNA and co-activators which bind the activators bind at regulatory sequences both upstream and downstream

  • Cis vs Trans activiating elements (not to be confused with the chemical terminology of cis- and trans- conformations)

    • Cis-repsonsive elements are elements within the DNA sequence that are not the promoter but bind transcriptional factors

    • Transcription factors or (trans-acting regulators): are proteins that bind cis-responsive elements

  • Transcription factors

    • bind to enhancers(DNA) and mediators(proteins)

    • Contribute to the chemical modification of the PIC

    • Stimulate elongation of RNAPII

    • Act on the level of chromatin

  • DNA binding and activation/repression domains:

    • Transcription factors have a bimodal composition

    • One domain recognizes a specific DNA motif or “DNA binding domain”

      • Zinc-finger sequence motif

        • Binds to major groove

        • Complex formation between 4 cysteine/histidine residues and a zinc ion

      • Helix-turn-helix motif

        • Binds to major groove

        • Form dimers (if one of the proteins is mutated it will not function properly)

        • 2 helices → one recognizes and fits into the major groove 

      • Leucine Zipper

        • Leucines are spaced 7 proteins apart

        • Dimers as well

    • Second domain affects transcription activation

    • This can lead to many more combinations of Transcription factors such as if there are 8 transcription factors you can have 64 combinations

  • Eukaryotic promoters:

    • Sigma factor helps bind RNAP to binding sites in prokaryotes

    • eukaryotic promoters are

      • Sequences bound by PIC (Core promoter)

      • binding sites for transcriptional activators (regulatory promoters)

        • Interacts with a specific target sequence which is sometimes close to the transcription start site

  • Transcription is controlled by a promoter and an enhancer

    • Separation from enhancer may be in several kbps to the promoter VERY FAR

    • Enhancer

      • Location and orientation of enhancer is independent and functions at a distance

      • Enhancers can be upstream or downstream and still provide the same function

    • DNA looping occurs between regions bound to activator proteins

    • DNA binding domain on an enhancer is bound by an activator which then binds to the PIC which is bound to the core promoters (TATA,Inr,DPE)

  • Enhancers and Silencers

    • Activators(protein) bind to enhancer sequences

      • Determines which genes are switched on and increase the speed of transcription

    • Repressors(protein) bind to silencer sequences

      • Interferes with the functioning of activators and slows transcription

      • May either interfere with the binding site of the activator (the enhancer sequence) (competitive DNA binding)

      • may bind to the activator as it may “mask the activation surface” of the PIC

      • May bind to the GTFs in the PIC and “directly interfere with the binding of the activator” on an enhancer sequence to the PIC

    • Enhancers(cis element) need a mediator(trans element)

      • Specifically interacts with the CTD of the large subunit of RNA pol II

      • CTD attracts the attachment of many additional factors including

        • Termination factors, splicing factors, elongation factors, mediators

        • CTD acts as an assembly line for tools needed for promoter clearance and RNA processing which is coupled to the elongation process

        • mRNA might get fed through this line of factors which are bound to the CTD

      • Binding of an activator to an enhancer recruits RNAP II through mediator/RNAP complex

      • When many enhancers aim to promote transcription their effect is synergistic

        • I.e. 1 activator may produce a synergistic effect of 1 unit

          • 4 activators may produce a synergistic effect of 500 units

    • Insulators block activation by enhancers, or block repression by silencers.

Lecture 6:

  • Chromatin packaging hierarchy

    • Nucleosome forms (DNA + Histones)

    • 30 nm fiber (coiled nucleosomes)

    • Nuclear scaffolding w/ looped domains

    • Metaphase chromosome (mitotic)

  • Histones made up of octamer (2xH2A,H2B,H3,H4)

    • 146 bps wrap around a histone (2 turns)

    • Histones contain many basic amino acids (Lysine & Arginine)

      • Histones as a result are positively charged

      • DNA is negatively charged

      • Strong electrostatic interactions

  • DNA packaging + transcription

    • Heterochromatin vs Euchromatin 

      • Euchromatin = histones on the outside of the plane which allows for transcription

      • Heterochromatin = histones are tightly wrapped and adjacent limiting transcription

  • How to alter DNA packaging

    • Chromatin Remodeling

      • Chromatin remodeling complex exposes promoter that may be bound to nucleosome

      • Brings out the promoter to the string

    • Histone tail modifications

      • Histone tails can be modified to create different changes to the histone itself

        • Histone modifications influence transcriptional activity

        • Acetylation

          • HATs (histone acetyltransferase)

          • Lys residues at N-terminus

          • Enhances transcription by destabilizing nucleosomes

        • Deacetylation

          • HDACs (histone deacetylases)

          • Stabilizes compact chromatin structures

          • Represses transcription

        • Methylation 

          • Lys and Arg residues

          • Repression

        • Phosphorylation

          • Ser residues

          • Activation 

        • Ubiquitination

          • Lys residues

          • Activation

    • Remodeling and Modification usually work together

    • Chromatin Remodeling Complex is SWI/SNF

  • Methylation

    • Chromodomain

      • Allows proteins to bind methylated histones

    • Chromoshadow domain

      • Allows HP1 to bind to other HP1 Protiens

  • Epigenetic code 

    • Covalent changes to histones and DNA create changes that may alter gene expression and result in being read like the genetic code

  • Transcription Regulation and Cancer

    • Cofactors

      • Binds transcription factors without making DNA contact

      • Can be super-activators (cofactor)

      • Can repress the activity of the TFs (corepressor)

        • E2F → constitiutive transcription factor in the context of certain cellular genes

        • Binds the cofactor RB and loses activation function

    • Cell cycle is regulated by transcription factors and co-repressors

      • S phase = replication of chromosomal DNA 

      • G1 phase = no replication of chromosomal DNA

      • G1-S transition: express proteins needed for replication of DNA like DNA polymerase

        • G1 co-repressor(RB) blocks E2F function

        • Regulated phosphorylation of RB leads to it’s removal and reactivation of E2F → leading to S phase

      • In many cancers the RB gene is mutated and cells permanently go from G1 to S without stalling

        • RB mutations may lead to cancer

          • RB originally found mutated in cancers of the retina

          • Some of the most frequent mutations leading to cancer

        • Transcription regulation is central to carcinogenesis

          • Normal cells have cdk2 to phosphorylate RB and remove it from E2F to have typical DNA replication

          • Cdk2 is negatively controlled by a different factor (p21CIP)

        • p21 transcription is activated by p53

        • p53 availability determines E2F repression by RB

        • p53 is a tumor suppressor → loss of function/mutation would potentially lead to uncontrolled tumor proliferation

          • p53 available(up) → p21 up → cdk2 down → RB up → E2F down → G1 does not go to S phase (inverse is true for p53 mutation)

        • Many viruses target p53 and RB and cause cancer (papillomaviruses, polyomaviruses, and adenoviruses)

  • siRNA

    • mRNA + tRNA and → 

      • small stretches of RNA which complements part of mRNA (siRNA)

      • Double stranded RNA is responsible for lowering RNA levels

    • RNAi → RNA interference

    • Long ds-RNA (double stranded)

      • RISC(big complex that contains dicer and argonaute) → Dicer cleaves ds-RNA and siRNA

        • Protein breaks strands into single strands

          • Delivers to RNA

            • Transcript is degraded

    • Small RNAs / RNA interference

      • Previously seen that small RNAs exist in the cell

      • Problem → small RNAs found in the cell siRNA or degradation products of other larger RNAs 

        • Are they natural?

          • Yes → are they degradation products or siRNA tho

            • Northern Blot → sequence of small RNA

              • Sequence found in genomes are very similar sizes

                • NOT random degradation

      • Endogenous RNA → microRNAs(miRNA)

        • 21-23 nucleotides

        • Primary mRNA transcribed by RNA pol II

      • Different parts of RNA interference

        • RISC → RNA interference is done by this complex

        • Dicer → cleaves the DS RNA

        • Argonaute → cleaves between siRNA and mRNA

      • Drosha processes microRNA

        • pre-miRNA then is loaded onto RISC

          • Processed by RISC

      • siRNA vs miRNA 

        • siRNA is artificial (Gene silencing)

        • miRNA is encoded by genome (RNAi)

        • miRNA leads to translation inhibition

        • siRNA leads to translation inhibition and/or degradation

  • CRISPR-Cas

    • Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats

      • Used by bacteria to fight viruses

    • 3 steps

      • Acquisition - cas locus → binds to virus DNA → GGG sequence → cuts 20 bases upstream

      • Expression - bait the DNA from the virus 

      • Interference - Cas protein bind to CRISPR DNA 

    • Similar to siRNA but the difference is it involves DNA

    • CRISPR and Eukaryotic cells → possible to create specific genome modifications

      • Required are Cas9(nuclease), Gene specific CRISPR RNA (crRNA), and tracr RNA → links crRNA to Cas9

  • 3 Genome editing techniques 

    • Zinc finger (motif)

      • Binds DNA and cuts with endonuclease (FolkI) 

      • Issue is that zinc finger has to be remade each time

    • TALEN (helix-turn-helix)

      • Binds DNA and cuts with endonuclease (FokI)

      • Issue is 9 proteins needed to be bound

    • Cas9/CRISPR

      • gRNA binds DNA, cuts by an externally added endonuclease (Cas9)

      • Allows highly specific binding and linked to trcrRNA

      • BEST strategy 

      • gRNA??? → guide RNA → crispr RNA

      • RNAi inhibits an RNA, CRISPR/Cas9 will inhibit DNA (major difference)

  • Human collections generated by Cas9/CRISPR include genes essential for cancer cells and genes important for resistance to chemotherapy drugs

Lecture 7:

  • Translation by ribosome

  • Proteins differ from nucleic acids:

    • 20 amino acids vs 4 nucleic acids

    • Large variety of functional groups

    • Accelerate a multitude of chemical reactions

    • well-defined tertiary structure (shapes)

  • 4 nucleic acids ^ 3 codon slots → 64 combinations of nucleic acids

  • tRNA

    • Transfer RNA

  • Ribosome

    • Factory to make

  • How is code read?

    • Unpunctuated code → deletions of 3 nucleotides would restore the reading frame

    • The two wrong proposals were overlapping code and punctuated code

  • Deletions

    • 1-2 frameshift mutation

    • 3 nucleotides = removal of 1 aa

    • Insertion of 3 nts → insertion of 1 aa

    • Change of 1 nt results in a missense or nonsense mutation

  • Filter experiment

    • Synthetic mRNA that codes for certain amino acids added to solution

  • Filter binding assay

    • Filter contains mRNA and only the corresponding tRNA would attach to filter → aa that is radioactive would then be stuck on filter

  • There are variants to the genetic code

    • UGA = Trp, AUA = Met, AGA = Stop in mitochondria

  • Genetic code

    • Non-overlapping, no spacers

    • Almost universal

    • Highly degenerate = many aas are specified by two or more codons

    • Unambiguous = codons specify ONE aa

  • Crick’s adaptor hypothesis

    • tRNA

    • AA – Adaptor(tRNA) – Nucleic acitd

  • tRNA cloverleaf secondary structure

    • Amino-acid arm - conserved CCAOH → attaches to AA

    • Anticodon arm - read antiparallel to mRNA

    • D-arm

    • Extra arm

    • TψC arm 

  • 7-15% of tRNAs contain modified nucleosides

    • Post Transcriptionally modified

    • Adenosine at 5’ anticodon changes to I (Inosine) → can base pair with A, U, C → “Wobble theory” / third base wobble

      • tRNA ala found to bind to GCA, GCC, and GCU → Inosine is the 3rd base

      • Inosine is highly ambiguous

      • Allows for more conservation of energy

      • 32 tRNAs for 61 sense codons (3 are stop)

      • Non-canonical base pairing in one base provides weaker interaction between anticodon and codon → higher rate of protein synthesis

  • tRNA folds into a L shaped 3D structure

    • Active sites include anticodon and amino acids and they are maximally seperated

    • The anticodon stem and acceptor stem form double helices

  • Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase

    • Matches tRNA vs AA

    • AA attacks ATP → becomes adenylated

      • Aminoacyl-AMP formed → 2’ OH of tRNA attacks C which releases AMP (which is a great leaving group)

  • How do aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases know they have the correct AA attached?

    • AA too large → does not fit

    • AA too small → fits → proofreading site within enzyme → removed through hydrolysis

Lecture 8

  • Ribosome History

    • Who won the ribosome race?

      • Tom Steitz

    • Who first crystallized the ribosome?

      • Ada Yonath

  • Ribosome

    • 4 binding sites

    • Large subunit

      • E - Exit

      • P - Peptide

      • A - Amino

    • Small subunit

      • mRNA binding site

    • 2/3 of the ribosome is RNA and 1/3 is protein

      • Proteins are just there to stabilize the RNA

  • Translation

    • aa + ATP + tRNA → aa-tRNA + AMP (hydrolysis of ATP = loaded aminoacyl tRNA)

    • Bacterial initiation utilizes fMet (formyl-Methionine) and initiator tRNA

      • fMet is loaded by 2 enzymes → Methionyl-tRNA synethetase & Methionyl-tRNA formyltransferase

      • Difference between fMet and Met tRNA is that there is a mismatch between AC which provides a kink !!!DIFFERENCE IS IMPORTANT!!!

        • fMet-tRNA to AUG (loads to P site) → regular methionine would load to A site

    • fMet-tRNA binds to AUG

    • Prokaryotic translation

      • 3 initiation factors and GTP hydrolysis

      • 30S subunit (small subunit)

        • IF-1 Bound to the amino site

        • IF-3 bound to nowhere (in relation to APE) (E site bound during initiation)

        • Order bound is:

          • IF-1 → IF-3 → mRNA → then IF-2 binds (explained below)

        • Shine-Dalgarno (SD u can write SD so it’s prolly gonna be on the exam) sequence complementary to the 16S rRNA

          • 16S rRNA is within the 30S subunit (small)

            • Made up of other proteins as well

        • fMet-tRNA is accompanied by the IF-2 that binds to IF-1 which is within the A site

      • So what happens in order now is after the IF-1 binds to the A site and IF-3 binds to the E site → mRNA is now fed through the ribosome in which the SD sequence complements to the 16S rRNA → and the IF-1 is now within the A site → IF-2 binds to the IF-1 within the A site and carries the fMet-tRNA along with it.

        • After all this happens the 50S subunit binds to the 30S subunit making the 70S ribosome and knocks the IFs off the small subunit

          • Something to note here is that fMet still remains on the tRNA that now resides within the P site

      • To clarify once more:

        • IF-3 is nowhere until initiation

        • IF-1 is in the A site

        • IF-2 is on top of IF-1 (bc it binds later)

        • fMet-tRNA is in the P site (comes in with IF-2)

    • Riboswitch inhibition → feedback inhibition

      • If an end product M is present → loop formed at AUG → ribosome falls off → translation is OFF

  • Eukaryotic Translation Initiation

    • Many eIFs → no fMet

    • Eukaryotic initiator Met-tRNA has unique features

      • 12 different IFs

  • Eukaryotic translation steps

    • Small subunit complexes with eIF1, eIFA, eIF3

    • Initiator Met-tRNA w/ eIF2 and Met binds to complex w/ eIF5B-GTP

    • mRNA 5’ cap binds to eIF4F 

    • mRNA-eIF4F binds to the preinitiation complex

      • The Kozak Sequence establishes the reading frame → binds to eIF4F

      • polysome formation involves 5’ cap and poly(A) tail

      • rRNA binds to mRNA through base pairing

      • Scans till AUG

    • Translation Initation complete

    • Locations of each of the eIFs is more important though

      • eIF3 is bound to nowhere (on the opposite side of the ribosome of the APE site)

      • eIF1 is bound to E site

      • eIF2 is bound EXCLUSIVELY to the Met-tRNA (does not touch the ribosome)

      • eIF1A is bound to the A site

      • eIF5B is bound to eIF1A which is bound to the A site

      • Met-tRNA is bound to the P site

      • eIF4F binds to the mRNA’s 5’ cap → which then binds to the ribosomal subunit (does not bind to a site)

  • eIF2 mutation leads to huntington’s disease

  • Elongation

    • Elongation factors are needed for chain elongation

    • Steps

      • 1. aminoacyl-tRNA binds to A site

      • 2. tRNA moves over to the P site and a new peptide bond is formed

      • 3. ejection of spent tRNA from the E site

    • Ribosome catalytic base is an Adenine

    • prokaryotes:

      • fMet-tRNA binds to the P site and and GTP-Tu binds with the second aminoacyl-tRNA at the A site → GTP hydrolysis → Tu falls of and forms Ts-Tu complex → GTP then binds to another Tu to continue the process

      • Peptide bond is formed → aa chain is at the A site 

      • EF-G-GTP binds the A site

      • Translation requires GTP hydrolysis

    • Puromycin binds to A-site

  • Transcription if from 5’ to 3’, ribosomes move 5’ → 3’

  • Termination

    • Protein is made → Stop codon

    • A site scans for stop codon → binds RF2 (release factor)

      • binds to A SITE

      • GTP hydrolysis is involved in termination

        • hydrolyzes polypeptide

    • RFs 

      • RF1 recognizes UAG or UAA stop codon

      • RF2 regonzises UGA or UAA stop codon

      • RF3 - stimulated the rate of peptide release by RF1/RF2 but does not act independently

      • difference is not tested

    • eRFI (human translation release factor)

      • looks like a tRNA w/ and L shape

      • eRFI, RF1, and RF2 all bind to the A site

    • tmRNA

      • compare it to tRNAAla

    • ribosome rescue pathway (method 1)

      • tmRNA binds to A site

      • Ala on tmRNA attacks the polypeptide chain

      • frees the ribosome from the polypeptide chain

    • Ribosome Recycling (method 2)

      • RRF binds !!!A site!!! (just pay attention to A site bascially w/ termination)

      • EF-G-GDP binds to A site

        • pushes RRF to P site

      • Then IF-3 comes in to the E site and kicks RRF and EF-G off