lecture 2

Key Concepts in Language Acquisition and Development


Language Acquisition vs. Language Development:

Language Acquisition refers to the process of acquiring language, the initial ability to use language .

Language Development involves building upon existing language knowledge.

Factors Influencing Language Use

Language is influenced by social interactions, immediate family, geographical location, and cultural

environments .

The Bronfenbrenner's ecological model illustrates how children's language development is influenced by

various systems, starting from their immediate family and expanding outward to schools and broader social

contexts .

Contextual Language Use

Language choices change based on context, purpose, and the medium of communication. For example,

language used in formal settings (like meeting a partner's grandparents) differs significantly from that used in

casual settings (like a barbecue with friends) .

Functions of Language

Michael Halliday identified seven functions of language, emphasizing that language is used with specific

purposes in mind, such as conveying information or expressing emotions .

Social Context and Language

The social context includes the subject matter, roles, and relationships involved in communication. The

appropriateness of language is determined by the context in which it is used .

Cultural Influences on Language

Language reflects cultural values and beliefs. For instance, advertising strategies often leverage cultural

references to connect with audiences effectively, as seen in campaigns targeting specific demographics .

Discourse and Language Use

Discourse refers to the way language is used within specific social contexts, including the roles and

expectations of participants in communication. Different groups (e.g., sports teams, academic settings) have

distinct discourses that dictate appropriate language use .

Implications for Educators

Understanding the cultural and linguistic diversity of students is crucial for effective teaching. Teachers must

adapt their approaches to accommodate the varied backgrounds of their students .
