Water Cycle
Evaporation - liquid to gas
Transpiration - liquid to gas
Condensation - gas to liquid
Precipitation - movement from the atmosphere to the biosphere
Runoff - the movement of precipitation to lakes streams rivers and oceans
Groundwater - water found underground
Carbon Cycle
Carbon is needed to build all organic molecules!
Photosynthesis- Plants remove Carbon dioxide from the atmosphere - store carbon in carbohydrates or starches - pass it to consumers
Respiration- Plants & animals release carbon dioxide back into the air
Decomposition- Decomposers return carbon to the environment when organisms and their waste are processed
Combustion – The burning of Fossil fuels returns Carbon Dioxide to the atmosphere
Deforestation - decreases the amount of carbon dioxide removed from the atmosphere
Nitrogen Cycle
NITROGEN - needed in proteins and nucleic acids
Nitrogen in atmosphere = N2
Problem? Only one type of organism can take it OUT of the
air and turn it into a usable form for organisms
Convert ammonium (NH4+) to nitrate (NO3-) for plants
Once nitrogen fixation occurs, nitrogen-containing compounds can then move through an ecosystem.
Plants can absorb & use nitrates (NO3-) to make proteins
Consumers eat plants & get proteins containing nitrogen
Decomposers break down dead organisms & return nitrogen to the soil (NH4+) and (NO3-). Denitrifying bacteria convert (NO3-) back to N2 to be released back into the atmosphere.
Phosphorous Cycle
Needed by animals to form teeth and bones, parts of molecules like DNA, RNA, and ATP
The slow cycle relies on the uplift and weathering of rock to add inorganic phosphate (PO 4-3) to the soil.
Rarely atmospheric - hardly occurs in a gaseous state
Plants assimilate and build into molecules
Moves to consumers when they eat plants
Decomposition of waste and dead organisms
Fertilizer and Runoff into the water... settle...becomes the new rock that will eventually uplift again
Oxygen Cycle
Needed for cellular respiration - to make ATP!
Released through Photosynthesis
Lost through Respiration and Decay
Lost through the formation of rust
Gain through weathering
Calcium Carbonate shells🡪Limestone🡪oxygen when organisms disturb ground to get at nutrients.
Phosphorus and Nitrogen Cycle
What effects humans have:
The Ozone Layer
CFC’s (Chlorofluorocarbons)
Selected Greenhouses gases
Greenhouse effect and Global Warming
What is Acid Rain?
How does Acid rain affect us?