historical basics
about when did image-making begin?
during the paleolithic era.
when was the paleolithic era?
40,000-9,000 BCE
what was life like in the paleolithic era?
during the ice age, people were nomadic hunters & gatherers
when did the neolithic era begin?
8,000-2,300 BCE
what factors caused the shift from paleolithic to neolithic?
the ice age ended and then animals shifted northward. people then also shifted because they wanted to domesticate the animals.
how did life change in the neolithic period? why?
people made permanent settlements and megalithic structures.
artistic basics
what types of imagery were created in the paleolithic period?
small, handheld sculptures of women
how did art and articulate change in the neolithic period? why?
people made megalithic structures
what were the earliest types of permanent construction?
graves, henges, etc.
what is a possible reason that neolithic builders in the british isles arranged megaliths to align with solstice days?
to track the passage of time and the sun, as people were no longer nomadic and stayed in one place
post and lintel
passage grave
heel stone (Stonehenge)
key works of art
Woman from Willendorf (ca. 28,000-25,000BCE)
Hall of the Bulls, Lascaux Caves
Stonehenge (ca. 2550-1600 BCE. Salisbury Plain, England)
Village of Skara Brae (Orkney Islands, Scotland, ca. 3100- 2600 BCE)
Tomb at Newgrange (Newgrange, Ireland, ca. 3000- 2500BCE)