Presidents of the Jacksonian Era Test Study Guide
Terms to Know
McCulloch v. Maryland
Gibbons v. Ogden
The Corrupt Bargain
Spoils System
Jacksonian Democracy
Kitchen Cabinet
The Bank War
7 Facts about Jame Monroe
5th President of the United States
Last Member of the “Virginia Dynasty” of Presidents
Was President during the creation of the Missouri Compromise
Was Secretary of State under James Madison
Had John C. Calhoun as his Secretary of War
Was President during the McCulloch v. Maryland Supreme Court Case
Was President during the Gibbons v. Ogden Supreme Court Case
7 Facts about John Quincey Adams
6th President of the United States
Was Secretary of State under James Monroe
Was the main writer of the Monroe Doctrine
Was in charge of negotiations between the US and Spain about the US controlling Florida
Was the leader of the National Republicans political party
Was betrayed by John C. Calhoun in the Election of 1828
Passed the Tariff of Abominations
7 Facts about Andrew Jackson
7th President of the United States
Was the US General that invaded Florida during negotiations with Spain to purchase Florida
Had John C. Calhoun as his Vice Presidential pick in the Election of 1828 after Calhoun switched political parties
Created the Spoils System in US politics
Was President during the Bank War
Had the most electoral votes and the most popular votes in the Election of 1824, but still lost the election
Was extremely popular with the “Common Man”
Mudslinging in the Election of 1828 | |
Mudslinging about John Quincey Adams | Mudslinging about Andrew Jackson |
He is an Elitist (Someone who cares only about the wealthy and powerful) | He is a Murderer because of the unlawful raids he launched on the Native Americans in Florida |
He paid for billiard tables in the White House with money collected from taxes | He is a Gambler (Someone who bets their money on a certain outcome in a situation occurring) |
He is a Monarchist (Someone who supports a King or Queen being in power over a Democracy) | He participated in illegal duels as one of the duelists |
He lied about how much money he was spending while he was President | He was involved in slave trading. |
He didn’t actually win the Election of 1824 because he didn’t win the popular vote or the electoral votes needed to win the Presidency | He introduced the Spoils System into American politics |
He participated in the Corrupt Bargain with Henry Clay to gain the Presidency | He was trying to make himself a King |