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Cap 6 Study Guide

Imperfect Tense: Forms (Document 1, Page 1 - First Set)

  1. Front: Imperfect ending for "yo" in -ar verbs?
    Back: -aba (e.g., "hablaba" = I was speaking)

  2. Front: Imperfect ending for "tú" in -er verbs?
    Back: -ías (e.g., "comías" = you were eating)

  3. Front: Imperfect ending for "nosotros" in -ir verbs?
    Back: -íamos (e.g., "vivíamos" = we were living)

  4. Front: What are the three irregular imperfect verbs?
    Back: "ir" (iba), "ser" (era), "ver" (veía)

  5. Front: Imperfect of "hay"?
    Back: "había" (e.g., "Había un problema" = There was a problem)

  6. Front: How is the imperfect progressive formed?
    Back: Imperfect of "estar" + present participle (e.g., "Estaba arreglando" = I was fixing)

Exercise: "Te acuerdas?" (Document 1, Page 2 - First Set)

  1. Front: Tú / muy chistoso (contar buenos chistes / aburrir a tus amigos)
    Back: "Tú eras muy chistoso. Contabas buenos chistes. No aburrías a tus amigos." = You were very funny. You told good jokes. You didn’t bore your friends.

  2. Front: Yo / dormilón (levantarse temprano)
    Back: "Yo era dormilón. No me levantaba temprano." = I was fond of sleeping. I didn’t get up early.

  3. Front: Nosotros / intelectuales (discutir de política)
    Back: "Nosotros éramos intelectuales. Discutíamos de política." = We were intellectual. We discussed politics.

Imperfect vs. Preterite Usage (Document 2, Pages 1-3 - First Set)

  1. Front: When is the imperfect used?
    Back: For ongoing or habitual past actions (e.g., "Mis padres viajaban todos los veranos" = My parents were traveling every summer)

  2. Front: When is the preterite used?
    Back: For specific, completed past actions (e.g., "Mis padres pasaron las vacaciones en México" = My parents spent their vacation in Mexico)

  3. Front: Imperfect example for habitual action?
    Back: "Cuando era estudiante, no tenía coche" = When I was a student, I didn’t have a car

  4. Front: Preterite example for a specific action?
    Back: "Compré mi primer coche después de graduarme" = I bought my first car after graduating

  5. Front: Imperfect for background vs. preterite for main action?
    Back: "Era las dos y hacía calor (imperfect). Fuimos a la piscina (preterite)." = It was two o’clock and it was hot. We went to the pool.

  6. Front: "Hace una hora cenábamos" – Tense?
    Back: Imperfect – "An hour ago we were having dinner"

  7. Front: "Cenamos hace una hora" – Tense?
    Back: Preterite – "We had dinner an hour ago"

  8. Front: "Tomaba el sol desde la mañana" – Meaning?
    Back: "I had been sunbathing since morning" (imperfect with "desde")

Exercise: "Un terremoto" (Document 2, Page 4 - First Set)

  1. Front: Nosotros / tomar el sol (during the earthquake)
    Back: "Nosotros tomábamos el sol." = We were sunbathing

  2. Front: Tú / pescar (during the earthquake)
    Back: "Tú pescabas." = You were fishing

  3. Front: Antonio / zambullirse en el agua (during the earthquake)
    Back: "Antonio se zambullía en el agua." = Antonio was diving into the water

Vocabulary: Expresiones de tiempo (Document 2, Page 5 - First Set)

  1. Front: el sábado pasado
    Back: last Saturday

  2. Front: anteayer
    Back: the day before yesterday

  3. Front: de repente
    Back: suddenly

  4. Front: por fin
    Back: finally, at last

  5. Front: a veces
    Back: sometimes

  6. Front: siempre
    Back: always

Exercise: "Durante las vacaciones" (Document 2, Page 6 - First Set)

  1. Front: Transform: "Hoy es el 3 de junio. Voy a su casa."
    Back: "Ayer era el 3 de junio. Fui a su casa." = Yesterday was June 3rd. I went to her house.

  2. Front: Transform: "Mi prima me presenta a una chica muy bonita."
    Back: "Mi prima me presentó a una chica muy bonita." = My cousin introduced me to a very pretty girl.

Vocabulary: "Español práctico" (Document 2, Pages 1-2 - Last Set)

  1. Front: pasarlo bien
    Back: to have a good time

  2. Front: hacerse daño
    Back: to hurt oneself

  3. Front: torcerse el tobillo
    Back: to twist one’s ankle

  4. Front: ir de excursión
    Back: to go on a trip

  5. Front: merendar en el campo
    Back: to have a picnic

Expressions for Recounting Events (Document 2, Page 3 - Last Set)

  1. Front: ¿Qué te pasó?
    Back: What happened to you?

  2. Front: Ocurrió anoche
    Back: It happened last night

  3. Front: Sucedió hace tres días
    Back: It happened three days ago

  4. Front: Estaba en el campo
    Back: I was in the countryside

Time and Weather Expressions (Document 2, Page 4 - Last Set)

  1. Front: Era de madrugada
    Back: It was at dawn

  2. Front: Anochecía
    Back: It was getting dark

  3. Front: Hacía calor
    Back: It was hot

  4. Front: Estaba nublado
    Back: It was cloudy

  5. Front: Había niebla
    Back: There was fog

  6. Front: Llovía
    Back: It was raining

Sequencing Events (Document 2, Page 4 - Last Set)

  1. Front: Primero
    Back: First

  2. Front: Luego
    Back: Then

  3. Front: Por fin
    Back: Finally

Events and Natural Phenomena (Document 2, Page 4 - Last Set)

  1. Front: un accidente
    Back: an accident

  2. Front: un incendio
    Back: a fire

  3. Front: un terremoto
    Back: an earthquake

  4. Front: una tormenta de nieve

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Cap 6 Study Guide

Imperfect Tense: Forms (Document 1, Page 1 - First Set)

  1. Front: Imperfect ending for "yo" in -ar verbs?
    Back: -aba (e.g., "hablaba" = I was speaking)

  2. Front: Imperfect ending for "tú" in -er verbs?
    Back: -ías (e.g., "comías" = you were eating)

  3. Front: Imperfect ending for "nosotros" in -ir verbs?
    Back: -íamos (e.g., "vivíamos" = we were living)

  4. Front: What are the three irregular imperfect verbs?
    Back: "ir" (iba), "ser" (era), "ver" (veía)

  5. Front: Imperfect of "hay"?
    Back: "había" (e.g., "Había un problema" = There was a problem)

  6. Front: How is the imperfect progressive formed?
    Back: Imperfect of "estar" + present participle (e.g., "Estaba arreglando" = I was fixing)

Exercise: "Te acuerdas?" (Document 1, Page 2 - First Set)

  1. Front: Tú / muy chistoso (contar buenos chistes / aburrir a tus amigos)
    Back: "Tú eras muy chistoso. Contabas buenos chistes. No aburrías a tus amigos." = You were very funny. You told good jokes. You didn’t bore your friends.

  2. Front: Yo / dormilón (levantarse temprano)
    Back: "Yo era dormilón. No me levantaba temprano." = I was fond of sleeping. I didn’t get up early.

  3. Front: Nosotros / intelectuales (discutir de política)
    Back: "Nosotros éramos intelectuales. Discutíamos de política." = We were intellectual. We discussed politics.

Imperfect vs. Preterite Usage (Document 2, Pages 1-3 - First Set)

  1. Front: When is the imperfect used?
    Back: For ongoing or habitual past actions (e.g., "Mis padres viajaban todos los veranos" = My parents were traveling every summer)

  2. Front: When is the preterite used?
    Back: For specific, completed past actions (e.g., "Mis padres pasaron las vacaciones en México" = My parents spent their vacation in Mexico)

  3. Front: Imperfect example for habitual action?
    Back: "Cuando era estudiante, no tenía coche" = When I was a student, I didn’t have a car

  4. Front: Preterite example for a specific action?
    Back: "Compré mi primer coche después de graduarme" = I bought my first car after graduating

  5. Front: Imperfect for background vs. preterite for main action?
    Back: "Era las dos y hacía calor (imperfect). Fuimos a la piscina (preterite)." = It was two o’clock and it was hot. We went to the pool.

  6. Front: "Hace una hora cenábamos" – Tense?
    Back: Imperfect – "An hour ago we were having dinner"

  7. Front: "Cenamos hace una hora" – Tense?
    Back: Preterite – "We had dinner an hour ago"

  8. Front: "Tomaba el sol desde la mañana" – Meaning?
    Back: "I had been sunbathing since morning" (imperfect with "desde")

Exercise: "Un terremoto" (Document 2, Page 4 - First Set)

  1. Front: Nosotros / tomar el sol (during the earthquake)
    Back: "Nosotros tomábamos el sol." = We were sunbathing

  2. Front: Tú / pescar (during the earthquake)
    Back: "Tú pescabas." = You were fishing

  3. Front: Antonio / zambullirse en el agua (during the earthquake)
    Back: "Antonio se zambullía en el agua." = Antonio was diving into the water

Vocabulary: Expresiones de tiempo (Document 2, Page 5 - First Set)

  1. Front: el sábado pasado
    Back: last Saturday

  2. Front: anteayer
    Back: the day before yesterday

  3. Front: de repente
    Back: suddenly

  4. Front: por fin
    Back: finally, at last

  5. Front: a veces
    Back: sometimes

  6. Front: siempre
    Back: always

Exercise: "Durante las vacaciones" (Document 2, Page 6 - First Set)

  1. Front: Transform: "Hoy es el 3 de junio. Voy a su casa."
    Back: "Ayer era el 3 de junio. Fui a su casa." = Yesterday was June 3rd. I went to her house.

  2. Front: Transform: "Mi prima me presenta a una chica muy bonita."
    Back: "Mi prima me presentó a una chica muy bonita." = My cousin introduced me to a very pretty girl.

Vocabulary: "Español práctico" (Document 2, Pages 1-2 - Last Set)

  1. Front: pasarlo bien
    Back: to have a good time

  2. Front: hacerse daño
    Back: to hurt oneself

  3. Front: torcerse el tobillo
    Back: to twist one’s ankle

  4. Front: ir de excursión
    Back: to go on a trip

  5. Front: merendar en el campo
    Back: to have a picnic

Expressions for Recounting Events (Document 2, Page 3 - Last Set)

  1. Front: ¿Qué te pasó?
    Back: What happened to you?

  2. Front: Ocurrió anoche
    Back: It happened last night

  3. Front: Sucedió hace tres días
    Back: It happened three days ago

  4. Front: Estaba en el campo
    Back: I was in the countryside

Time and Weather Expressions (Document 2, Page 4 - Last Set)

  1. Front: Era de madrugada
    Back: It was at dawn

  2. Front: Anochecía
    Back: It was getting dark

  3. Front: Hacía calor
    Back: It was hot

  4. Front: Estaba nublado
    Back: It was cloudy

  5. Front: Había niebla
    Back: There was fog

  6. Front: Llovía
    Back: It was raining

Sequencing Events (Document 2, Page 4 - Last Set)

  1. Front: Primero
    Back: First

  2. Front: Luego
    Back: Then

  3. Front: Por fin
    Back: Finally

Events and Natural Phenomena (Document 2, Page 4 - Last Set)

  1. Front: un accidente
    Back: an accident

  2. Front: un incendio
    Back: a fire

  3. Front: un terremoto
    Back: an earthquake

  4. Front: una tormenta de nieve