essay prep

The Stamp Act Congress

The Headright System

Bacon’s Rebellion

King Philip’s War

Terms for the Multiple Choice or Short Identification

Group 1 Group 2

Market Revolution

Mill Girls

American System

Second Great Awakening


Missouri Compromise

The Cherokee Cases


Cult of Domesticity

Spoils System

Pet Banks

Nullification Crisis

Monroe Doctrine

Second Middle Passage


Nat Turner’s Rebellion

Frederick Douglass

The Grimké Sisters

Dorothea Dix

Seneca Falls

Temperance Movement

Colonization Societies

Moral Suasion

Gag Rule

Bazaars and Sanitary Fairs Manifest Destiny

Mexican-American War

Gold Rush

Compromise of 1850

Kansas-Nebraska Act

Popular Sovereignty

Bleeding Kansas

1850 Fugitive Slave Act

The Whitmans

Dred Scott v. Sandford

Attack on Harper’s Ferry, Virginia

Lincoln-Douglas Debates

Declarations of Secession

Fort Sumter

First Battle of Bull Run

Radical Republicans

Navajo Long Walk

Sand Creek Massacre

Emancipation Proclamation

King Cotton diplomacy

Homestead Act

Ex Parte Mulligan

Gettysburg Address

Thirteenth Amendment

