1. Alliance (noun) | 1. Connection between families, groups, or individuals. 2. An assistance and protection. 3. A treaty of alliance. |
2. Annex (noun) | 1. Something (as a wing of a building) added on. |
Hostility toward or hatred of Jews as a religious or ethnic group, often accompanied by social, economic, or political discrimination. | |
4. AUSCHWITZ | the largest Nazi concentration camp complex, located 37 miles west of Krakow, Poland. The Auschwitz main camp (Auschwitz I) was established in 1940. In 1942, a killing center was established at Auschwitz-Birkenau (Auschwitz II). In 1941, Auschwitz-Monowitz (Auschwitz III) was established as a forced-labor camp. More than 100 subcamps and labor detachments were administratively connected to Auschwitz III. |
5. Collaborate (Verb) | 1. To work with others ( as in writing a book). 2. To cooperate with an enemy force that has taken over one’s country. |
6. Deport (Verb) | 1.Behave I conduct. 2. To force (a person who is not a citizen) to leave a country. |
7. Ghetto (Noun) | 1. A part of a city in which members of a minority group live because of social, legal, or economic pressure. |
8. Government (Noun) | 1. Control and direction of public business (as of a city or a nation). 2. A system of control: an established form of political rule. 3. The persons making up a governing body. |
9. ADOLF HITLER | (1889–1945) Führer (leader) of the National Socialist (Nazi) movement (1921–1945); Reich Chancellor of Germany 1933–1945; Führer of the German Nation (1934–1945). |
10. Holocaust (Noun) | A complete destruction especially by fire. |
11. Immigrate (Verb) | To come into a foreign country to live |
12. Inferior (Adj.) | Situated lower down (as in place or importance). Of little or less importance, value, or merit. |
13. Jew (Noun) | A person who is a descendant of the ancient Hebrew or whose religion is judaism. |
14. Liberate (Verb) | To set free |
15. Murder (Noun) | The intentional and unlawful killing of a human being |
16. Nazi (Noun) | A member of a political party controlling Germany from 1933 to 1945 |
17. Persecute (Verb) | To treat continually in a way meant to be cruel and harmful |
18. Policy (Noun) | A course of action chosen to guide people in making decisions |
19. Rabbi (Noun) | 1.Master, teacher - used as a term of address for jewish religious leaders. 2. A professionally trained leader of a jewish congregation |
20. Synagogue | in Judaism, a house of worship and learning. |
21. SS | German abbreviation for Schutzstaffel (literally, protection squads). A paramilitary formation of the Nazi party initially created to serve as bodyguards to Hitler and other Nazi leaders. It later took charge of political intelligence gathering, the German police and the central security apparatus, the concentration camps, and the systematic mass murder of Jews and other victims. |
22. Yellow Star | a badge featuring the Star of David (a symbol of Judaism) used by the Nazi regime during the Holocaust as a method of visibly identifying Jews. |