Supergroup I of (+)ssRNA - Picornaviruses
No 5' cap
3' Poly(A) tail
No envelope
V stable
22-30 nm diameter
Icosahedral symmetry
60 copies ea of 4 structural prtns (VP1-4)
VP-3 on surface
VP-4 hidden under
Oral-fecal transmission
Genomic RNA is the only mRNA
Translated into a polyprtn (precursor)
IRES= start site for viral tsln
Triangulation # of pseudo 3
β-barrel jelly roll conserved in icosahedral viruses of plants, insects, animals, humans
Topological family of prtns
Diseases caused by Picornaviridae
Infantile infection w multiple epidemics in North America
Common cold
Upper respiratory tract
~50% of common colds
Hep A
Acute liver infections
Sporadic outbreaks via food & drinks
Heart infections
Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM)
Caused by group B Coxsackieviruses
Diabetes & pancreatic disorders
Encephalomyocarditis virus
Foot-and-mouth disease
Most polio infections were inapparent & self limiting
Paralytic form most feared
Major infantile & childhood disease in the 1st half of the 20th century
The hygiene hypothesis
Early exposure to microorganisms helps build immune system
United States
1st reported case
27 000 cases
6000 deaths (1/3 from NYC)
FDR declares national war against polio
National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis
Later, March of Dimes
1952 epidemic
58 000 children infected
21 269 (36%) displayed paralysis of various severity
3145 (5.4%) deaths
1st reported case (Hamilton, ON)
4000 cases nationally (>50% in ON)
119 deaths (4.7%)
Only single iron lung available - hospital staff rush to make more
~9000 cases
500 deaths (5.5%)
Panic - social distance, isolation, quarantine, etc.
Iron lung
Only treatment & hope of severe polio patients w lung complications
Stay in lung until immune syst heals body
Ex. Barton Hebert
Stayed in iron lung for last 50 yrs of life
Salk vaccine
Jonas Salk (1955)
1st highly effective inactivated polio vaccine
Tested on self & family to convince others
Large clinical trials in USA
Key discoveries made w picornaviruses
Loeffler & Frosch (1898)
1st animal virus discovered shortly after TMV
Isolation of PV
Landsteiner (1909)
Via transmission experiment to monkeys
Cell culture
Enders, Robbins, & Weller (1949)
Plaque assay
Dulbecco (1952)
IPV (inactivated vaccine)
Jonas Salk (1955)
OPV (weakened live virus vaccine)
Albert Sabin & Hilary Koprowski (1960)
Baltimore (1963)
From polio-infected cell
Summers & Maizel (1968)
Infectious cDNA clone
Racaniello & Baltimore (1981)
Pelletier & Sonenberg (1988)
Genome structure & expression strategies
7500 - 8450 nts
5' end
VPg (virion prtn, genome-linked, 22-24 aa residues)
5' UTR: v long secondary structures
Single large ORF encoding 1 polyprtn as precursor
3' end
47-125 nts UTR
Poly(A) tail essential for infectivity
Polyprtn & proteolytic processing
Viral RNA is only mRNA
Single large ORF encodes a polyprtn
Polyprtn cut by proteases into 11-12 functional prtns needed for rep'n
2Apro cuts once
Separates P1 from rest of polyprtn
3Cpro cuts at 8 places
Produces all final prtns needed for rep'n
Polio infection shuts down tsln of cellular mRNAs
Tsln machinery re-directed for viral prtns only
Prevention of PIC formation at cap of host mRNAs
Cap-dependent tsln
All mRNAs, PIC assembles at 5' cap
Brings 2 ends of mRNA together and scan for AUG
Large ribosome subunit joins & tsln starts
Prtns in tsln:
eIF-4F: tripartite structure (eIF -4A, -4E, and -4G)
eIF-4G: euk initiation factor 4G
Picornaviruses block tsln of host mRNA
Doesn't block own tsln
Inhibit PIC formation at 5' cap via:
2APro (polio) or L protease (FMDV) cleaves eIF-4G
Dephosp'n of 4E-BP1, binds eIF-4E tight, sequestering eIF-4E (used mt FMDV, not PV)
How PV prtns are translated
Secondary structures= stem-loop (5' UTR)
Tertiary structures= pseudoknots (5' UTR)
AUG Is downstream of IRES
Pyrimidine-rich seq'ce upstream of AUG
PIC binds directly at IRES -> lands on AUG -> initiates tsln
No need for cap
Poliovirus replication cycle
Canyon: poliovirus, rhinovirus
Surface loop: FMDV
Receptors: PVR, ICAM-1
Sphingosine in hydrophobic pocket of pentamer helps VP1 penetrate mem (forms pore)
Genome rep'n & IRES-based prtn syn
VP0 cleavage into VP2 & Vp4
Control of poliomyelitis
Inactivated polio virus vaccine (Salk, 1955)
Live attenuated vaccines (Sabin, 1960)
Dif Sabin vaccine strains possess mut'ns at multiple sites
The Cutter Incident
April 1955
Patient inoculated in buttock w Cutter vaccine
9 days later, admitted to hospital for flaccid paralysis in both legs
~400 000 children given same vaccine in 10-day period
Within 2 months:
94 cases of polio among vaccinees
166 cases among family & community contacts
1995, Stalk succeeded with killed polio vaccine
Reconstruction of poliovirus
US department of defence
Syn DNA fragments as oligos
Assembly into genome fragments
Clone vector under T7 promoter
In vitro txn to get viral RNA
Assay for infectivity in mice expressing receptor Pvr
VRC: sites of poliovirus rep'n
Viral rep'n on vesicles from ER
Viral tsln, vesicle formation, & RNA syn are couples
VPg as prtn primes for genome rep'n
Viral 3AB attaches to ER mem
Tyr in 3B undergoes uridylylation
Inserted 'UU' anneals poly(A) tail of viral genome
VPg (3B) cleaved off from 3AB by 3CPro
Syn (-)RNA
Replicative intermediate (RI)
Replicative form (RF)
Picornaviridae: fam of (+)ssRNA viruses
Order: Picornavirales
Realm: Riboviria
Kingdom: Orthornavirae
Belong to picornavirus-like supergroup of RNA viruses
Members cause various diseases in humans & livestock
Common cold
Heart diseases in humans
One of most damaging viral diseases of 20th century (after atomic bomb)
Causes epidemics of flaccid paralysis & death in infants due to lack of protecting antibodies in mothers as a result of the practice of better personal hygiene
Development & global use of vaccines (OPV & IPV) resulted in near worldwide eradication
Prototype of Enterovirus genus & family Picornaviridae
RNA genome:
V long 5' UTR
Single ORF
Tsln via cap-independent mechanism by cellular machinery using unique structure designated to the Internal ribosomal entry site (IRES)
Translated into a polyprtn, which is cleaved by proteases (encoded by the virus) into final prtn products
2A: cleaves off P1 (b/w P1 & P2)
3CD & 3C: cleave remaining sites
2A & L cleave the euk tsln initiation factor (eIF-4G) -> shuts down tsln of host RNA upon infection -> infected cell now a factory for progeny viruses
3' UTR
N-term: VPg polypeptide
Prtn primer for syn of gRNA & complimentary RNA (uridylylation)
Research discoveries
Identification of RNA-dependent RNA Pol (RdRP)
Establishment of non-neuronal cell cultures
Plaque assay
Inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) (Salk)
Attenuated oral vaccine (OPV) (Sabin)
Polyprtn & proteolytic processing
Internal ribosome entry site (IRES) for initiation of tsln of viral DNA
1st infectious viral clone for an animal virus
1st synthetic polio viral clone from synthetic biology approach