Untitled Flashcards Set

  1. In what kinds of ways does God talk to us?

God talks to us through our prayers and through our everyday lives. 

  1. What things in creation show God’s goodness and power?

God's glory is declared by the heavens and the skies Proclaim the work of God's hands.

God shows his kindness by giving us rain from heaven and crops in their seasons. He provides you with plenty of food that fills our hearts with joy.

God has made every little thing on this Earth and he has eternal power that is divine. it is clearly seen so people are without excuse. 

God’s goodness and power are shown in the way He put His law in our hearts, giving sy a conscience that helps us know right from wrong. 

  1. What are some universally agreed upon things that are right?

  • telling the truth 

  • Manners

  • Honesty

  •  Kindness

  •  Respect

  •  loving people 

  1. What are some universally agreed upon things that are wrong?

  • Murder 

  • Stealing 

  • Cheating 

  • Lying

  • Adultery 

  1. What are five essential things that God wants us to know?

  • He loves us 

  • He made a perfect world, but Satan tempted Adam and Eve, bringing sin into the world.

  • Because of sin, bad things happen. People die. And worse yet, our sin separates us from God forever. (Because of sin, not everyone realizes or cares that God exists.)

  • He loves us so much that He sent his Son, Jesus, to become a man, die, and rise in our place. Justice has been served to pay the price, so we are set free from sin, deth, and the devil. 

  • Those who believe in Jesus will be saved. 

  1. What are five ways that God uses His Word to reveal Himself to us?

  • God's word creates. 

  • God spoke into being His creation, which reveals God himself through natural knowledge. 

  • God’s word speaks to people directly. 

  • There have been times in the past where God spoke directly to someone. Adam, Eve, Abram, Moses, Samuel, and many others have had conversations with God. 

  • God’s word speaks to people through people. 

  • God uses prophets to speak to others. He uses pastries to speak to others. He even uses us to speak to others. 

  • God’s word became flesh and dwelt among us.

  • We are saved by the word, that is, Jesus himself. 

  • God’s word has  been recorded and handed down. 

  • When we have questions about God, we can go to his word and find the same answers that all believers have found for generations. We might take it for granted, but to have God’s word in our hands is an incredible gift from God. 

  1. Papyrus, Parchment, Vellum, and Cuneiform

Papyrus is a paperlike material made in ancient Egypt from flattened reed stems laid at right angles and pounded flat. 

Parchment is a thin layer of untanned sheep or goat skin used as a writing surface; named after the city of Pergamon in ancient Greece, which specialized in its production. 

Vellum is thin calfskin, and is considered the highest-quality writing surface; its Latin name is botulinum, Which means “made from calf.”

Cuneiform characters made with a reed on a clay or wax tablet were first used in Sumaria and Mesopotamia as early as 3500 BC. 

  1. How were the Masoretes careful with copying Biblical texts?

When the Masoretes copied biblical text, they wrote only one line at a time. Then, they counted the letters and spaces. if there was an error, the copy was destroyed. 

  1. How does the quantity and time frame compare when looking at the Bible and Homer’s Iliad?

There are 24,000 early copies of the new testament, but only 643 copies of Homer's The Iliad. 

The time between the completion of the New Testament in the earliest known copy of it is 225 years. For The Iliad, the Gap is 400 years. 

  1. In what two ways does the Cyrus Cylinder (cuneiform artifact) point towards the Bible?

The earliest known manuscripts of Oedipus the King by Sophocles were written more than 1,400 years after his death. The Cyrus cylinder, a clay Barrel covered with writing that was created in 539 BC, was unearthed by archaeologists during the excavation of Babylon in 1879.  The cleaner verifies both Isaiah's prophecy naming Cyrus and the events into Chronicles concerning the resettlement of Jerusalem, following the exile.

  1. To what extent should we use human reason to understand the Bible?

In Psalms 119:73 it tells us that God made everyone with his own hands.

In Matthew 22:37 it says that we should love our God with all our heart.

In Acts 17:11 it says that we should read scripture every day.

In Romans 3:4 it tells us to always speak the truth.

In 2 Corinthians 10:5 it says that we should retain the knowledge of god.

In Colossians 2:8 it says that people tend to focus on our world instead of on christ.

In 2 Timothy 4:3-4 it says we should keep our eyes fixed on God and not other things.

In 2 Peter 3:15-16 it says that God will give us opportunities in life. 

  1. What is the “canon” referred to in lesson 12?

The Canon is an accepted list of books with authority. The biblical Canon was not selected by a committee or an emperor. Rather, the Holy Spirit led Moses to begin writing around 1400 BC, and the books of the prophets were added as they received messages from God. 

  1. How many books are in the Bible and how many years do we think it took for all of them to be written?

The Bible is a sort of library of sixty-six books written over 1500 years. The Old Testament includes thirty-nine books, all written before Jesus's birth. The New Testament is made of twenty-seven books that were written after Jesus's birth. 

  1. What books are in the pentateuch?  Who was guided by God to write these books?

Genesis, exodus, leviticus, numbers, and deuteronomy, are all in the pentateuch. 

Coming from the Greek words for ''five scrolls,'' the Pentateuch is the written Torah traditionally believed by Jewish people to be the word of God written by Moses. 

  1. How is the entire Old Testament organized into five categories?

It is organized by the pentateuch which is historical, other historical books, poetic, major profits the prophetic book, and the Minor Prophets. 

  1. Which new testament book has an unknown author?  Why is it canonized anyway?

Hebrews has an unknown author. It is canonized because the contents of the book agree with the rest of scripture, so it was included. 

  1. When was the Bible as we know it completed?

The Bible as we know was completed by  AD 350. 

  1. What do you know about God that shows you he has the desire and power to protect the accuracy of the Bible?  How does that help you to trust the Bible’s contents?

I know that God created the heavens and earth. I know that Jesus will crush Satan's head. I know that the spirit of the Lord will be with me and will provide me with wisdom. I know that God loves me. I know about Jesus's birth and resurrection. I know that if I believe I will have eternal life. I know that God is with us always and we should obey what he has commanded us. I know that I have sinned and fall short of the glory of god. I know that God has given us eternal life in Christ Jesus our lord. and I know that the second coming of Jesus will happen to him. I know all this because it says it in the Bible. 

  1. What do we know about God the Father? (Use the “What does this mean?” section from studying the first article in the small catechism.) 

We know that God created all life on Earth and provides things to and for me out of the goodness of his heart. 

  1. What do we know about God the Son? (Use the “What does this mean?” section from studying the second article in the small catechism.) 

I believe that Jesus has been with God from eternity but he is also a man who died for my sins. 

  1. What do we know about God the Holy Spirit? (Use the “What does this mean?” section from studying the third article in the small catechism.) 

We know that the holy spirit gives us the power to believe and calls all of us to come together. 

  1. What is the way to eternal life?

Jesus is the way to eternal life. 
