Ostrogoth - World History Encyclopedia

Mausoleum of Theodoric and the Ostrogothic Empire

Theodoric the Great

  • Established the Ostrogothic Empire.

  • His successors faced conflicts with the Byzantine Empire.

  • The Goths: debated whether they were a singular people or a coalition.

  • Prosperity flourished under Theodoric but declined after his reign.


  • Eastern tribe of the Goths, known for rising power north of the Black Sea.

  • Name "Ostrogoth" means "Goths glorified by the rising sun."

  • Roman writer Cassiodorus coined the term to distinguish between Ostrogoths (Eastern) and Visigoths (Western).

  • Initially known as the Greuthungi as per historian Ammianus Marcellinus.

Historical Context

  • Goths first appear in history around the Black Sea, launching incursions against Rome.

  • Major displacement of Goths occurred after the Hunnic invasion in 375 CE, leading to formation of the Visigoths.

  • Ostrogoths remained under Hunnic rule until declaring independence after Attila’s death in 453 CE.

Theodoric's Reign

  • Theodoric conquered Italy (488-493 CE) and defeated Odoacer,

  • Established flourishing empire from Sicily to parts of modern Spain and France.

  • Promoted Roman art, culture, and religious tolerance between Nicene and Arian Christians.

  • Initiated public works and education programs, emphasizing equality under the law.

Struggles After Theodoric

  • After Theodoric's death in 526 CE, his daughter Amalasuntha ruled as regent.

  • Political instability led to her being assassinated by Theodahad, whom she appointed for co-rule.

  • Domestic issues exacerbated by corrupt tax officials and military discontent.

The Ostrogothic Wars

  • General Justinian I sent Flavius Belisarius to regain control of Italy from Ostrogoths.

  • Successive battles led to Gothic defeat and Belisarius occupying Rome.

  • Political manipulation saw Ostrogothic nobility offering crown to Belisarius, which he declined.

Rise of Totila

  • After initial Gothic leaders failed, Totila (Baduila) rose to king in 541 CE.

  • He achieved significant military victories, gaining control over Italy.

Totila’s Campaign Against Rome

  • Laid siege to Rome and offered Justinian I terms for peace which were refused.

  • Belisarius’s counsel led Totila to abandon aggressive tactics.

  • Following Belisarius's departure, Totila was ultimately defeated.

Fall of the Ostrogoths

  • Totila was killed at the Battle of Taginae in 552 CE.

  • The collapse of Ostrogothic power followed with Byzantine reassertion in Italy.

  • Lombards conquered northern Italy in 568 CE, and Ostrogoths merged into the population, signaling the end of their identity.


  • Cultural assimilation between Lombards, Romans, and Ostrogoths formed the foundation of Italian identity.

  • The Ostrogoths eventually contributed to the ethnogenesis of the region but ceased to exist as a distinct entity.
