Macbeth and his friend Banquo, both generals of the kingdom of Scotland led by King Duncan, will be sent home from their successful war against two separate armies that have invaded their kingdom. The friends met three soothsayers with a terrifying appearance that looked like unborn witches
In the world of people. They greet Macbeth as Thane of Glamis (which is his current title) and Thane of Cawdor (which They say that he would become his true title) and king one day. As for Banquo, those who came from his race said that he would be the heir to the crown. When the soothsayers disappeared, it was left to believe in what the soothsayers and their friends had heard.
Soon the men sent by King Duncan arrived to congratulate and thank the two and also to say that Macbeth was appointed Thane of Cawdor in place of the former thane who betrayed the kingdom and was punished by death. It was here that the friends realized that the first part of the prophecy had come true. When Macbeth asks Banquo if he hopes the heir will come from his line, he just shrugs it off and says that the devil sometimes tells half-truths to lure a man who has done harm to himself. Macbeth didn't pay attention to this, wondering if he really could become king and if it would just be given to him or if it would be fulfilled by him doing something bad.
When King Duncan and the two generals met, the king thanked them profusely for their bravery and then announced that he wanted his son Malcolm to be the heir to the throne. The king also says that he wants to have dinner and spend the night at Macbeth's castle. Macbeth writes to his wife Lady Macbeth to inform him of the king's planned visit as well as what the three soothsayers have told him.
When Lady Macbeth read her husband's letter about what the three soothsayers had announced, she very much wanted the throne to go to her husband and the only way she could think of was for Macbeth to kill the king while he was in their castle. Macbeth thought about his wife's wishes but he couldn't bring himself to do it because the king was so good and he had no reason to kill him other than his ambition but it made Lady Macbeth very angry. He was called a coward and his masculinity was questioned. He persuaded her with a plan; he will make the king's two guards drink wine to sleep. Then Macbeth will stab the sleeping king and the blood will be smeared on the two guards so they can be accused. Macbeth was convinced and that night they carried out the plan to kill the king.
The next day, Macduff, another gentleman trusted by the king, discovers his body. The crime was blamed by the Macbeth couple on two guards. Macbeth says that he also killed the two because of his great anger at what they did to kill the king. Macduff could not believe that the guards could kill King Duncan and he began to suspect. Upon the king's death, Macbeth is elected king by the other nobles. The king's two sons Malcolm and Donalbain immediately fled fearing for their safety. They know that whoever killed their father will also want to follow them. Malcolm went to Ireland to England and Donalbain went too Although he has become king, Macbeth still hasn't lost sight of what the three soothsayers said that the heir to the kingdom will come from Banquo's race.
He and his wife invited Banquo to the gathering to be held in their palace that evening. What Banquo does not know is that Macbeth has already talked to two murderers to kill him and his son, Fleance. At night, a third assassin is sent to help the two Macbeth spoke to. And when the father and son were on their way to the palace, they were awaited and attacked by murderers, but only Banquo was killed and Fleance escaped.
At the gathering Macbeth prepared for all the nobles in Scotland Banquo's ghost appeared to him. Macbeth is so frightened and confused that his guests are startled. Lady Macbeth tried to fix the situation but the incident ruined not only the lavish gathering but also the royal guests' eyes for their new king. Macbeth returns to the three soothsayers and they reveal the following prediction for him: He must beware of Macduff; that he could never be killed by anyone "born of a woman"; and he would be safe as long as he did not see the forest of Birnam Wood approaching the castle of Dunsinane. Macbeth breathed a sigh of relief and felt the relief of knowing the forest goes to him, all the people are born by the woman, and the Wood can't move and What Macbeth doesn't know is that Macduff has already run away to join Malcolm.
Malcolm tests Macduff's loyalty before he accepts him. When Macbeth found out that Macduff had sided with Malcolm, he immediately ordered the siege of his castle and had his wife, Lady Macduff, and their children killed of Birnam Dunsinane. Macduff was very angry and saddened when he learned what Macbeth had done to his family and swore to avenge what happened to them.
He and Malcolm returned to Scotland with ten thousand soldiers loaned by King Edward to fight Macbeth's army. They were supported by the Scottish who also objected to Macbeth's tyrannical rule and brutal killing of innocents. On the other hand, Lady Macbeth is regal was gradually persecuted by her conscience. She walks in her sleep and insists that her hands have blood that cannot be washed with water. Before Macbeth's enemies arrive, news reaches him that his wife has committed suicide. He was troubled by this news but he further strengthened the force at Dunsinane and thought that because of what the soothsayers had said he would not be defeated. However, he was greatly frightened when Malcolm and Macduff's army appeared to be on their way and brought with them felled branches from the Forest of Birnam Wood to conceal their true numbers. One of the prophecies has come true. Macbeth fought bravely but the army from England was strong. Gradually his army was defeated and when he and Macduff faced each other he said that his mother did not give birth to him but from his mother's womb, he was removed to be taken out (this is what we know today as CS or delivery by cesarean section ) Even though he knows he will lose, Macbeth continues to fight until Macduff kills him. Malcolm, son of King Duncan was crowned king of Scotland.
Third Stage, Third Scene
The three assassins entered
First Assassin: Who told you to come here and join us?
Third Murderer: Macbeth
Second Assassin: We can trust this guy. He spoke the exact order given to us.
First Slayer: Then come with us. There is still light reflected in the sky. Surely the last travelers were in a hurry to get back to their lodgings. Banquo is coming.
Third Assassin: Listen. I hear horses coming.
Banquo (offstage): Give us a lamp here!
Second Assassin: That's probably him. All the king's guests are already inside.
First Slayer: I hear the footsteps of the horses as the servants lead them into the corral.
Third Murderer: The palace gate is about a mile away and Banquo like the others will just walk to the palace.
Banquo and Fleance enter with torches.
Second Assassin: Here comes the lamp! Here is the lamp!
Third Assassin: That's him.
First Assassin: Get ready. Banquo: It will rain tonight.
First Assassin: Then let it rain.
The murderers attacked Banquo.
Banquo: This is treason! Get out of here at once, good Fleance. Run, run, run! One day, you too will be avenged - O slave!
Banquo died. Fleance escaped.
Third Murderer: Who killed the light?
First Assassin: Isn't that the best thing to do?
Third Murderer: only dead bodies are here. The son escaped.
Second Assassin: We've failed halfway through our mission.
First Murderer: Let's get out of here and tell Macbeth what happened.
They get out.