*Education before British- There were pathshalas and Madrasas
Boys were home schooled also sent to schools
William Arnold-Students memorized texts without understanding
Sanskrit Schools- Hindu religion, Philosophy, Logic, Law
Persian Schools(maktabs)-Persian language, law, philosophy, Poetry, Geometry, Astronomy
*Education During British rule- 1781 Warren hastings- Calcutta madrasa to teach Muslim law
1791-sanskrit college in Banaras
Fort William college-1801 to teach Indian law, customs, History
Lord Minto Governer general of India (1807-12)
Anglicists and Orientalists
1813-Charter Act-renewed company rule for 20 years
Anglicists-group advocated introduction of western studies, science, philosophy, literature in English medium
Orientalists- promoted Persian, Sanskrit, Arabic learning
English education act-1835-Thomas Macauly- Argued for adoption of western education in India (Memorandum on Indian Education-Macauly’s Minute)
Elementary education neglected in English medium
1844- only people educated in English medium will get gov. jobs
Vernacular Schools-secondary status
Features of Wood’s Despatch 1854- promotion of western education using English
offering grants-private schools-hiring qualified teachers
set up universities modelled in London in-Bombay, Madras, Calcutta
Due importance to set up technical college for vocational Instruction
Departments of education in areas- monitor- work of institutions, provide financial aid
Establish teacher training institutes
IMPACT OF WESTERN EDUCATION- teachers lost freedom to what and how to teach-become government servants with low salary
education was too expensive
three out of four children without education
scientific technical education lagged behind
Indian students had no exposure to their culture- thought of it as embarrassment than pride
it spread modern ideas rationalism (everything should be based on reason not on emotions or religious beliefs), Democracy, Nationalism, Scientific Spirit
No longer limited to a caste or group
INDIAN REFORMERS- Indian intelligentsia (book mein dekh liyo mtlb) wanted more importance given to Indian culture
Raja Ram Mohan Roy (1772-1833)- early supporter of western education -set up Hindu college-calcutta-1817 with David hare
Founded Vedanta college (combination of Indian& Western education)
Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar (1820-91) -advocate for women education- principal of Sanskrit college
Theosophical society lead by-Annie Besant (1847-1933)- set up schools for boys& girls
founder of central HINDU college at Benares in 1898 later known as Benares Hindu university
ARYA SAMAJ- Dayanand Saraswati (1824-83) instituted DAV- Dayanand Anglo Vedic- taught western while teaching Indian values
Ramakrishna Mission (1897)- Founded by Swami Vivekananda (1863-1902)-advocated for combining western Science with Vedanta
Muslim emphasized modern education after the Revolt of 1857
Upliftment of Muslim women, worsening economic conditioning of people- for addressing these issues- Mohammedan Literary society in Calcutta
ALIGARH- Colonial government replacing Persian as the language of law courts caused anxiety in Muslims (1842)
Sir Syed Ahmed Khan- a social reformist recognised need of Muslims to be expert (proficient) in English, Western science
Initially did religious study
Soon realised importance of western education in his community for development
1864-set up scientific society of Aligarh to translate western scientific work in Urdu
Founder of-Mohammedan Anglo Oriental College (based on oxford, Cambridge)
it conveyed (imparted) western education without compromising Islamic values
It had Hindu, Muslim teachers and students
1920-Aligarh Muslim University
1886-Syed started All India Muhammadan Educational Conference -Aim-Muslim managed educational insitutions across country
BARODA- no British education in princely states
Mayo college-Ajmer
Scindia school-Gwalior (both started to educate prince)
Maharaja Sayajirao III of Baroda (1863-1939)-understood importance of educational reforms
interest in- Art, Science, Culture
instituted-Administrative, Educational reforms
1906- primary education free and compulsory in his kingdom
1945-literacy rate high than British India
encouraged-women education, Sanskrit, Indological Study, Fine arts
Setup- Maharaja Sayajirao University completed by his grandson-Sir Pratapsinghrao Gaekwad (also started a trust fulfilling educational requirement of Baroda till date)
NATIONAL EDUCATION- Reaction Against suppression by British
Satish Chandra Mukherjee - instituted national council of education (NCE) (1906)- Impart learning in vernacular language while teaching English and Ancient Indian history, philosophy, logic, law
it influenced founding of- Kashi Vidyapeeth& Jamia Milia Islamia
1901- Visva Bharati at Shantiniketan (near Calcutta)-started with only 5 students
Fine arts, music, dance were given importance
classes conducted outdoors
aimed to impart the best of EAST and WEST
Satyajit Ray-filmmaker
Amartya Sen-economist (both studied at Shantiniketan)
Visva Bharati recognised as a UNIVERSITY in 1951
Nai Talim-basic education for all
Advocated teaching of Indian history, philosophy, law in schools
envisioned a system where children pay equal attention to-mental, spiritual, physical growth
wished to add handicrafts (spinning, weaving, pottery)
Wanted schools to support themselves-only way education could reach masses and economically independent would free them from government
SIR AUROBINDO- believed that main goal of education was to achieve universal harmony of humankind
Proposed-Integral Education -wholesome transformation of learner’
EDUCATION POWER AND CULTURAL IDENTITY- education had a deep influence of nationalism as Indians were exposed-freedom, self-rule, democracy
being removed from their own culture many people searched for their identity which lead to rediscovery of Indian culture
Many people opposed western education claiming that it was harmful for Indian culture
evolution of education in India was ac complex and long process.