*Education before British- There were pathshalas and Madrasas

  • Boys were home schooled also sent to schools

  • William Arnold-Students memorized texts without understanding

  • Sanskrit Schools- Hindu religion, Philosophy, Logic, Law

  • Persian Schools(maktabs)-Persian language, law, philosophy, Poetry, Geometry, Astronomy

    *Education During British rule- 1781 Warren hastings- Calcutta madrasa to teach Muslim law

  • 1791-sanskrit college in Banaras

  • Fort William college-1801 to teach Indian law, customs, History

  • Lord Minto Governer general of India (1807-12)

    • Anglicists and Orientalists

  • 1813-Charter Act-renewed company rule for 20 years

  • Anglicists-group advocated introduction of western studies, science, philosophy, literature in English medium

  • Orientalists- promoted Persian, Sanskrit, Arabic learning

    • English education act-1835-Thomas Macauly- Argued for adoption of western education in India (Memorandum on Indian Education-Macauly’s Minute)

    • Elementary education neglected in English medium

    • 1844- only people educated in English medium will get gov. jobs

    • Vernacular Schools-secondary status

    • Features of Wood’s Despatch 1854- promotion of western education using English

    • offering grants-private schools-hiring qualified teachers

    • set up universities modelled in London in-Bombay, Madras, Calcutta

    • Due importance to set up technical college for vocational Instruction

    • Departments of education in areas- monitor- work of institutions, provide financial aid

    • Establish teacher training institutes

    • IMPACT OF WESTERN EDUCATION- teachers lost freedom to what and how to teach-become government servants with low salary

    • education was too expensive

    • three out of four children without education

    • scientific technical education lagged behind

    • Indian students had no exposure to their culture- thought of it as embarrassment than pride

    • it spread modern ideas rationalism (everything should be based on reason not on emotions or religious beliefs), Democracy, Nationalism, Scientific Spirit

    • No longer limited to a caste or group

      • INDIAN REFORMERS- Indian intelligentsia (book mein dekh liyo mtlb) wanted more importance given to Indian culture

      • Raja Ram Mohan Roy (1772-1833)- early supporter of western education -set up Hindu college-calcutta-1817 with David hare

      • Founded Vedanta college (combination of Indian& Western education)

        • Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar (1820-91) -advocate for women education- principal of Sanskrit college

        • Theosophical society lead by-Annie Besant (1847-1933)- set up schools for boys& girls

          • founder of central HINDU college at Benares in 1898 later known as Benares Hindu university

          • ARYA SAMAJ- Dayanand Saraswati (1824-83) instituted DAV- Dayanand Anglo Vedic- taught western while teaching Indian values

          • Ramakrishna Mission (1897)- Founded by Swami Vivekananda (1863-1902)-advocated for combining western Science with Vedanta

          • Muslim emphasized modern education after the Revolt of 1857

          • Upliftment of Muslim women, worsening economic conditioning of people- for addressing these issues- Mohammedan Literary society in Calcutta

          • ALIGARH- Colonial government replacing Persian as the language of law courts caused anxiety in Muslims (1842)

          • Sir Syed Ahmed Khan- a social reformist recognised need of Muslims to be expert (proficient) in English, Western science

          • Initially did religious study

          • Soon realised importance of western education in his community for development

          • 1864-set up scientific society of Aligarh to translate western scientific work in Urdu

          • Founder of-Mohammedan Anglo Oriental College (based on oxford, Cambridge)

          • it conveyed (imparted) western education without compromising Islamic values

          • It had Hindu, Muslim teachers and students

          • 1920-Aligarh Muslim University

          • 1886-Syed started All India Muhammadan Educational Conference -Aim-Muslim managed educational insitutions across country

          • BARODA- no British education in princely states

            • Mayo college-Ajmer

            • Scindia school-Gwalior (both started to educate prince)

            • Maharaja Sayajirao III of Baroda (1863-1939)-understood importance of educational reforms

            • interest in- Art, Science, Culture

            • instituted-Administrative, Educational reforms

            • 1906- primary education free and compulsory in his kingdom

            • 1945-literacy rate high than British India

            • encouraged-women education, Sanskrit, Indological Study, Fine arts

            • Setup- Maharaja Sayajirao University completed by his grandson-Sir Pratapsinghrao Gaekwad (also started a trust fulfilling educational requirement of Baroda till date)

            • NATIONAL EDUCATION- Reaction Against suppression by British

            • Satish Chandra Mukherjee - instituted national council of education (NCE) (1906)- Impart learning in vernacular language while teaching English and Ancient Indian history, philosophy, logic, law

            • it influenced founding of- Kashi Vidyapeeth& Jamia Milia Islamia


            • 1901- Visva Bharati at Shantiniketan (near Calcutta)-started with only 5 students

            • Fine arts, music, dance were given importance

            • classes conducted outdoors

            • aimed to impart the best of EAST and WEST

            • Satyajit Ray-filmmaker

            • Amartya Sen-economist (both studied at Shantiniketan)

            • Visva Bharati recognised as a UNIVERSITY in 1951

            • MAHATMA GANDHI-

            • Nai Talim-basic education for all

            • Advocated teaching of Indian history, philosophy, law in schools

            • envisioned a system where children pay equal attention to-mental, spiritual, physical growth

            • wished to add handicrafts (spinning, weaving, pottery)

            • Wanted schools to support themselves-only way education could reach masses and economically independent would free them from government

            • SIR AUROBINDO- believed that main goal of education was to achieve universal harmony of humankind

            • Proposed-Integral Education -wholesome transformation of learner’

            • EDUCATION POWER AND CULTURAL IDENTITY- education had a deep influence of nationalism as Indians were exposed-freedom, self-rule, democracy

            • being removed from their own culture many people searched for their identity which lead to rediscovery of Indian culture

            • Many people opposed western education claiming that it was harmful for Indian culture

            • evolution of education in India was ac complex and long process.
