bug pupae cases present in body but empty = end of full cycle
Entomologist PMI determination via ambient
Defendant's ability to know what is happening and be free of mental illness- competence
High variability located within the no coding regions of dna, used to establish the profile of an individual- polymorphic
What doesn’t contain dna- red blood cells
Which academic science used in relation to blood splatter- physics
Convergence of blood point used to find what- angle of impact
Many factors affect insect development, which factor contributes to ovipositor occurring- entomology factors
Parasitic infestation of blowfly and screwworm fly larvae in living people (Myiasis)
What is the term for the environmental factors used by an entomologist to estimate PMI abiotic factors
Sagittal suture closes at approx. which age? (32)
At what age does bone density reach a peak (20s)
32 teeth still intact, skeleton belongs to which age group (adult)
Inhalation of large amounts of hydrogen cyanide is fatal in less than how many minute(s) (idk, options are 1, 2, 3, 4 minutes) *I think its 3 minutes?
Blood alcohol is how many times bigger than breath alcohol number (2300)
What concentration of blood alcohol is fatal (35%)
Heavy metal exposure cause blue discoloration (lead)
Study of drugs, poison, toxins, metabolites (toxicology)
Most important specimen in postmortem toxicology (vitreous humor)
ED50 (produce pain relief for 50% of the population )
When does the surface of the eyes dry out (4-6hrs )
fracture of hyroid bone (ligature/manual strangulation)
Applied physical force exceeds tensile strength of tissue to what force (Blunt Force)
Permanent, fixed point of reference in outdoor crime (datum point)
Second priority after security in crime scene investigation (preservation of evidence)
ABO blood type can be categorized as what kind of evidence (class)
Anthropologist that used skeletal remains of victim in court (Clyde snow)
Issuing death certificate ( medical examiner)
Study of hair with marcelle lambert (victor balthazard)
Era where forensics began as modern form of discipline (1900s)
when a person loses significant amount of blood dies by bleeding to death (exsanguination)
Key applications of behavioral science in forensic sciences EXCEPT (truthfulness)
In blunt-force trauma, a damage to bone will leave telltale marks known as a: (wel..)
Under what medical condition can excessive water intake in athletes lead to coma and death? (Hyponatremia, also known as water intoxication)
cause seizures, brain damage, a coma, and even death
Drinking too much water can increase the pressure inside the skull. This can cause various symptoms and, in severe cases, become fatal.
To determine actual blood alcohol concentration (use chromatography)
The most common presumptive test for blood identification uses the indicator: (Phenolpthalein)
Empty gastric/stomach contents into small intestine takes (6-8 hrs)
VICAP - national FBI database of violent crimes, used to compare new cases to previous ones to cross-investigate behavioral patterns
dental configuration 2:1:2 (children)
2:1:2:3(adults) in each quadrant: two incisors, one canine, two premolars, and three molar, for a total of 32 adult teeth
Identical copies of DNA during replication: amplicon
Kary Mullís received a Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1993, for his invention of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
Fly specks mistaken for blood spatters
Bertillon and the photos he took of convicts (behind the concept of mugshots)
Hard, smooth, and non-porous will create little to no spatter
Photo imaging: means the process that automatically scans an individual's facial features and produces a facial image. The image is added to the statewide SFIS database. (Probably refers to the 3D photos with light adjustments)
Oldest stage of blow flies in chest, younger flies and maggots in the orifices (what is the pattern): I think it’s the fact that there was a wound in the chest (they were attracted to that first) but it could be that there was a fresh wound(explains the new maggots) orrr the body was recently moved attracting the flies to a new area
Guilty but didn’t know what they had done rule (1960s)
GS/MS (gas spectroscopy/mass spectrometry): first step- Samples are generally dissolved or diluted in a solvent
Gas spectrometry - separates chemical into smaller components, produces visual results for analysis
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - author of Sherlock Holmes (elp…)
Uppers - another name for stimulants
Direction of bloodstain - look at tail to determine which direction the blood came from