Chapter 9: Variations in Sexual Behavior → Kinks, Fetishes, Paraphilias

Historical Context: Krafft-Ebing describing and categorizing different sexual behaviors as disorders caused by genetic weakness, Kinsey study destigmatizing these beliefs

Kinks: Sexual interests outside of norms (fetishes are more specific)

Atypical Sex Behaviors/Paraphilias: Not necessarily pathological (need distress or harm)

Paraphilic Disorder → Atypical pattern of sexual arousal that becomes problematic

  • Causes impairment → Causes distress to person, or harm to nonconsenting people (such as children or partners who are not on board)

  • Study: Paraphilia-Associated Arousal Patterns in German Males → Nearly all who experienced a pedophilic fantasy also experienced distress, whereas exhibitionist disorder didn’t need distress to be a disorder → exposing yourself to nonconsenting people

Fetishes & Fetishistic Disorder → Requires situation for arousal

  • Interest in nonsexual objects, or narrow scope of sexual objects such as body parts (partialism)

  • Situation-based → dom/sub, role play, BDSM

  • Transvestic Fetish → Person repeatedly cross-dresses to achieve arousal, or is disturbed by urges to cross dress

  • Study: object associated with body → shoes to stethoscopes, wide range

  • Partialism Study → Feet and toes most popular

Furries → Differences in personality traits, but not pathological

BDSM → Bondage, Domination, Sadism, Masochism

  • Involves inflicting or receiving pain, humiliation, or restraint for sexual pleasure

  • 20-47% of public has engaged in some BDSM, 69% when including fantasies

  • Gender differences → data from college study indicates men have more sadistic/masochistic fantasies/behaviors, as well as more power=less adherence to norms

  • Relationships: Based on lifestyle and who’s in control rather than who’s providing sexual service

    • Collared = commitment

Sexual Sadism and Masochism Disorder: Distressing/disturbing

  • Hypoxyphilia: sexual arousal from oxygen deprivation (very dangerous)

  • Most rapists aren’t sexual sadists

Consenting Disorders:

  • Fetishistic

  • Transvestic

  • Sexual Masochism and Sadism

Nonconsenting Disorders:

  • Exhibitionistic → Exposing yourself to nonconsenting strangers to get off

    • Linked to low social skills similar to voyeurs

    • Either urges are acted on or are disturbing

  • Frotteuristic → Rubbing against or touching genitals to nonconsenting person

    • Reported exclusively among men

    • Toucherism is related and characterized by the persistent urge to fondle nonconsenting strangers

  • Pedophilic→ Sexual attraction to prepubescent children

    • Vast majority are men

    • Some cases are limited to incest

    • Many are victims of child sexual abuse themselves

    • Many molesters aren’t pedophiles

    • Most are married, hetero men, not attracted to adult women

    • Hebephilia → pubescent children (distinct) risk factors with stepfathers

  • Voyeuristic → Observing unsuspecting strangers who’re naked, undressing, or having sex w/o their knowledge

    • History of this behavior early in life, less likely to be married or have sexually experience than other sex offenders

Not Otherwise Specified

  • Zoophilistic → Urges and fantasies involving sexual contact with animals

    • Bestiality involves actual sexual contact with animals

    • Typically limited to one species

  • Necrophilistic → desire for sex with corpses

    • 3 types: Regular, necrophilic homicide, necrophilic fantasy

    • Many of these people have access

Risky Kinks

  • Apotemnophilia → Arousal around the fantasy of amputation


  • Bio → Studies show people with kinks have a higher sex drive, hormones, gender differences

  • Psych → high in N, Low in C and A, risk taking and sensation seeking behavior, Analytic: paraphilias are a psychological defense, Learning: Paraphilias are learned behaviors through experience, Social: Link with relationship success, access to subcultures

Disgust and Arousal: When we’re aroused, we perceive things with less disgust

  • Study → list of sex activities, aroused men found a wider range of things arousing

  • Study → Women watching sexual/arousing/or not video then touch disgusting things, arousal increased likelihood of participation

Prevention and Treatment → Similar cycle to addiction

  • Systematic Desensitization: Method for breaking learned learned association, relaxation replaces arousal

  • Aversion Therapy; Behavior is paired with aversive stimulus (like shock) so you’re conditioned with an aversion

  • Covert Sensitization: Form of aversion therapy which thoughts become aversive stimulus (imagine consequence, doesn’t often work)

  • Orgasmic Reconditioning: Method to strengthen connection between accepted stimuli

  • SSRIs: Used to treat exhibitionism, voyeurism, and fetishism (may treat obsessive-compulsive quality of paraphilias

  • Anti-Androgen (chemical castration: Suppresses sex drive, used on sex offenders, effects can be reversed

Best combo is drugs and therapy

  • CBT: Lasting change, helps person change behaviors, focusing on cognitive distortions (denial, rationalization), biases, etc

Issues in Treatment: not everyone wants treatment, ethical issues b/t providers and judicial system, treatment success varies by disorder (better for exhibitionists, worse for pedophiles, better overall when treatment is voluntary
