El Chapo

·       Mexican drug lord and former leader of the Sinaloa cartel

·       Captured multiple times but escaped




·       Mixed indigenous and European (Spanish) ancestry

·       Majority of mexico’s population



·       Charismatic strongmen leaders

·       Ruled through personal power not democracy

·       Common in 19Th century latin america





·       Newly industrialized countries

·       Countries that have rapidly industrialized

·       Mexicos industrialization driven by trade agreements like NAFTA



·       Group of technocratic advisots during Porfirio diaz’s regime (1876-1911)

·       Advocated for modernization and scientific approaches in governance.

·       Criticized for favoring elites.  



corporatist state (having to do with Mexico)

·       Gov controls and mediates interest groups.

·       Top-down.

·       The institutional revolutionary party used this system to maintain power for decades.







·       Opps to the political influence of the catholic church in the 1917 constituition

·       Prominent during the Mexican revolution




Narcos vs. the Mexican Government

·       Cartels = narcos

·       Gov’s “war on drugs” leading to violence + corruption + human rights abuses




·       Powerful drug-trafficking orgs

·       Sinaloa cartel, Jalisco new generation cartel

·       Control large regions of Mexico

·       Engage in violent conflicts with each other + gov



Catholic Church

·       Dominant religious institution

·       Over 70% of Mexicans

·       Faced restrictions during Mexican revolution






·      Networks of political allies and supporters within Mexican politics

·      Used to gain and maintain power

·      Tied to clientelism



Coinciding cleavages (having to do with Mexico)

·      Industrialized North v agrarian South

·      Rich v poor

·      Rural v Urban

·      Amerindians (indigenous) V Mestizos V whites







Technicos (Having to do with Mexico)

·      Technocratic class of political leaders rising to prominence in late 20th century

·      Prioritize economic reform

·      Prioritize modernization



Tlatelolco Plaza Massacre

·      Suppression of student protests in Mexico City in 1968

·      Violent and symbolized political repression under PRI rule



“War on Drugs”

·      Initiated by president Calderon

·      Policy against drug cartels

·      Leading to widespread violence and government criticism

·      Largely founded by the US government




Yo Soy #132

·      Student protest movement in 2012 against media bias and corruption in presidential elections



Zapatista Movement (EZLN)

·      Led by Subcomandante Marcos (leader of Zapatista Army of EZLN)

·      Sought indigenous rights and reperations

o   Land reforms

o   Autonomy esp in southern Mexico


Iguala Mass Kidnapping (missing Students)

·      Abduction of 43 male students by local police in Iguala, Guerro

·      Arrested for allegedly commiting criminal offenses

·      IN 2014

·      Showed deep corruption and ties btw local authorities and cartels





Electoral Systems and Party Systems

Electoral System in Mexico ( type and how does it work). 

·       Mixed system: PR + FPTP

·       Ensures geographic rep + proportional distribution of seats based on national vote

·       Lower house = chamber of deputies (500 seats FPTP) (200 seats PR)

·       FPTP in local districts

·       PR in national vote

·       Senate = upper house (128 seats)


PRI (Political Party)

·       Instituitional revolutionary party

·       For most of 20th century = dominant party

·       Ruled for over 70 years

·       Clientielism, patronage networks, corporatist structure integrating labor unions, farmers, and business interests.

·       Influence waned after 2000 election

·       Regained presidency in 212 with Nieto



PRD (Political Party)

·       Left wing

·       To challenge PRI

·       Rep interests of the urban poor, workers, leftist activists

·       Voice of opposition to the PRI

·       Advocated for democratic reforms and social justice policies




Federal Electoral Institute/IFE (INE)

·       established in 1990 with the goal of making elections more transparent independent

·       2014, the IFE was restructured and became the National Electoral Institute (INE)

·       responsible for maintaining an up-to-date national voter registry and issuing voter identification cards.

·       responsible for organizing electoral districts for the Chamber of Deputies and Senate




PAN (Political Party)

·       Center-right broke PRI dominance

·       VICENTE FOX 2000

·       Reps business








MORENA (New Political Party)

·       Founded by Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO)

·       left-wing populist

·       undo many of the market-oriented reforms




Clientelism (Patron Client, having to do with Mexico)


·       political parties (especially PRI) exchange material benefits for political loyalty and votes.

·       Called in Mexico:






Dominant Party System

·       Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) holding power almost continuously from 1929 to 2000.

·       Mexico de facto one-party state



Pact for Mexico

·       Signed on December 2, 2012

·       overcome political gridlock

·        implement ambitious reforms to modernize Mexico.

·       pact included 95 proposals to address Mexico’s most pressing issues








Economic Influences


·       foreign-owned factories that assemble products

·       located near the U.S.-Mexico border

·       advantage of cheaper labor costs in Mexico and the free trade agreements (like NAFTA) to send goods to the U.S. and other countries.

·       key part of Mexico’s economic model




·       North American Free Trade Agreement

·       signed in 1994 between the U.S., Canada, and Mexico

·       eliminated most trade barriers

·        leading to increased exports in the manufacturing sector

·        integration into global supply chains.

·       negative consequences for small farmers opened up the Mexican agricultural sector to U.S. imports





·       (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade / World Trade Organization)

·       Mexico joined the GATT in 1986

·       to integrate into the global economy

·       1995 Mexico became a founding member of the WTO




·       communal lands granted to peasants for agricultural use

·       established under the 1917 Constitution







·       Petróleos Mexicanos

·       1938 after the nationalization of the oil industry

·       dominated oil and gas

·       became symbol of Mexican sovereignty

·       Energy reforms in 2013 allowed for priv investment






Import substitution Industrialization (ISI)

·       Implemented during the 1940s-1980s

·       reduce dependency on foreign goods by promoting domestic industries.

·       led to inefficiencies and stifled competitiveness

·       abandoned in favor of liberalization


Rentier State

·       Mexico relying heavily on oil exports for revenue

·       Make economy vulnerable to price fluctuations in oil






Privitization (Mexico)

·       1980s-1990s initiation

·       to reduce the state's role in economy + increase efficiency

·       telecom + banking privatized

·       mixed results regarding inequality and corruption






·       United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement

·       Replaced NAFTA in 2020

·       Trade rules updated


Remittances (having to do with Mexico)

·      Money given from Mexicans abroad

·      Crucial source of income

·      2022 exceeded $58 billion

·      Support families + boost local economies






Structural Adjustment Program


·      1980s under IMF and World Bank

·      address Mexico's debt crisis.

o   austerity measures

o   trade liberalization

o    privatization



Confederation of Mexican Workers (CTM)


·      Founded in 1936

·      Mexico's largest labor union

·      historically aligned with the PRI.

·      central role in the corporatist state

·      mediation btw workers and government




Mexican Miracle

·      rapid economic growth (1940-1970)

·      industrialization

·      urbanization

·       low inflation.

·      Fueled by ISI + gov investment

·      Economic disparities persisted





Presidential System (having to do with Mexico)

·       The president serves as head of state and government.

·       elected for a six-year term (sexenio).

·       Current: Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo (2024)




·       six-year presidential term

·        no reelection allowed



Chamber of Deputies

·       lower house of Congress

·       500 members

·       mixed-member proportional representation

·       Responsible for legislation, budget approval, and oversight.





·       upper house of Congress

·       128 members

·       FPTP + PR

·       foreign policy and treaty ratification



Supreme Court

·       highest judicial authority

·        11 justices appointed by the president

·       confirmed by the Senate.

·       Plays a crucial role in constitutional interpretation.






1917 Constitution


·       written during the Mexican Revolution. It was drafted in Santiago de Querétaro by a constituent convention.

  • established labor protective principles. 

  • includes provisions for human rights

  • freedom from slavery

  • protection from discrimination. 

  • provisions for education

  • the right to education

  • the right to have children's rights respected. 






·       State-owned enterprises like PEMEX

·        key during the ISI era

·       later diminished due to privatization.





·       Porfirio Díaz regime (1876-1911)

·       modernization, foreign investment, and social inequality






·       outgoing presidents "handpicked" their successors

·       PRI era



·       judicial remedy that protects constitutional rights

·       means "shelter" or "safe haven".

·       constitutional appeal, which may be filed in federal court, by Mexicans and by foreigners.

·       constitutional protection lawsuit



·       upper house = senate

·       lower house = chamber of deputies


Mexican Judicial Reform 2024 (internet)

·       replaced appointment-based system for selected judges with PRE-SELELCTED judges by congress are then elected by popular vote

·       each judges serves renewable 9 year term

·       reduces # of sup court judges from 11 to 9 and limits terms to 12 years.

·       amend the federal judicial branch (FJB) and the local judiciary.






·      dominant media company

·      historically aligned w PRI

·      criticized for monopolistic practices


·      privatized in 1990s

·      became part of Carlos Slim’s (richest Mexican) business empire

Federal Telecommunications Institute

·      established 2013

·      promote competition and regulate telecom industry


Carlos Slim

·      one of the wealthiest individuals in Mexico

·      his influence extends across telecom, construction, finance.

People to Know

Porfirio Diaz

o   1884 – 1911

o   Dictator known for modernization and repression

o   During porfiriato

o   Beginnings of oil industry

o   Coaxed foreign money into mines and industry

o   Public education


Emilio Zapata

o   Mexican revolution leading figure 1910-1920

o   Was assassinated by an ally

o   Wanted amerindian indigenous rights

o   Land reform



Carlos Salina

o   PRI President [988-1994]

o   Architect of NAFTA

o   Neoliberal reforms

o   Privatization – telecom, steel, mining


Ernesto Zedillo

o   PRI President [1994-200]

o   Democratic elections and economic stabilization after the peso crisis

o   Allowed competitive elections


Felipe Calderon

o   PAN [2006-2012]

o   Launched war on drugs

o   Deployed military against cartels

o   Energy and economic reforms

o   Accused of human rights vios and military interventions


Vincente Fox

o   PAN [2000-2006]

o   First non-PRI in 70 years

o   Economic growth and trade w the US


Enrique Pena Nieto

o   PRI [2012-2018]

o   Pact for Mexico major energy, education, and telecom reforms

o   Opened oil industry to foreign investment

o   Corruption scandals casa blanca

o   Increased violence



·       MORENA

·       2018-2024

·       Pensions and scholarships for the poor

·       “fourth transformation”

·       Combat corruption and reduce inequality


Claudia Sheinbaum

·       MORENA

·       2024

·       Very recently elected

·       Was mayor before of Mexico city

·       First female president of Mexico

