Hadean Eon
1st major eon. Hell on Earth. No forms of life.
Archean Eon
2nd major eon. First form of life.
Proterozoic Eon
3rd major eon. Transition to eukaryotes from prokaryotes. Post Oxygen Revolution
Phanerozoic Eon
4th major eon (right now). Massive explosion in diversity.
Biogenesis - all living things come from other living things
Spontaneous Generation - a process by which living things come from nonliving things
Francesco Redi’s Experiment
Proved that the flies did not come from rotting meat, disproving Dr. Jan Baptista van Helmon’s experiment showing mice appearing in the proper environment
Lazzaro Spallanzani’s Experiment
Thought that air was what led to life because heated broth left open led to growth, while when the flask was sealed, there was no growth
Louis Pasteur’s Experiment
Proved it wasn’t AIR itself, but things IN the air that led to life by using a type of flask that doesn’t allow for bigger particles in the air to pass through, so dust collected at the bottom
some of these samples remain unspoiled, even today
The idea of milk pasteurization was inspired by him
How did first life originate?
The Oparin-Haldane Hypothesis proposed a gradual, step-by-step process of “chemical evolution”
Miller and Urey experimentally showed, under the Oparin-Haldane Hypothesis conditions, that inorganic molecules could fuse to make organic molecules
Later research proved that their conditions for early life were incorrect, but despite that, it still proved the theory of chemical evolution true.
Abiogenesis – life arising from simple organic compounds
Steps needed for life:
Simple organic molecules (RNA, amino acids) form from inorganic molecules.
Self-replicating RNA evolved.
Replicating RNA molecules are contained in a cell membrane
metabolism - some cells evolved metabolism that generated energy.
The RNA World Hypothesis states that the first molecule of genetic storage was not DNA, but RNA!
RNA is simpler than DNA, can store information, can act like a protein and be an enzyme, and can code for proteins
Although the Hadean era was very rough (asteroids bombarding the earth, frequent volcanic eruptions, noxious atmosphere, high temperatures), around ~4 bya, there were signs of life
Possible theories:
Shallow clay pools - a hypothesis on how life originated. this allows for the concentration of nutrients in one specific area, and the water evaporates out but the organic molecules remain.
Hydrothermal vents - a hypothesis on how life originated. mantle of the earth is in contact with the ocean there, and there is a LOT of life there, completely cut off from the sun. There’s no photosynthesis, but there is chemosynthesis. They use the chemicals in the water and convert it to sugars. Photosynthesis did not evolve until the oxygen revolution
Panspermia - life elsewhere in the universe, came to Earth, and kick-started the evolution of life on Earth
Chemical evolution needs 8 reaction conditions as of now:
reductive gas phase
alkaline pH
freezing temperature
dry/dry-wet cycle
coupling with high-energy reactions
heating-cooling cycle in water
extraterrestrial input of life's building blocks and reactive nutrients
First life forms were prokaryotic, anaerobic, heterotrophic, and unicellular
Prokaryote: no nucleus/organelles
Anaerobic: did not use oxygen
Heterotrophic: must consume resources
Unicellular: the whole organism is just one cell
Endosymbiosis - modern eukaryotes developed from one prokaryote taking in another, but instead of digesting it, it lives inside the cell and provides energy/resources
European thinkers believed in a “great chain of being”, where every chain link was a species; unchanged from creation, and connecting life to spiritual beings
From the 1700s to the 1800s, European colonizers began to travel across the world
19th-century colonization led to the collection of samples worldwide. Colonizers found very similar, unique organisms in VERY different places.
When they compared these various plants and animals, they noticed lots of similarities and differences between them.
They noticed some traits/instructions had no function (vestigial structures)
They found fossils that did not look like any currently living organisms.
Georges Cuvier attempted to explain this by proposing that some species must’ve gone extinct (but people rejected this idea, because it messed with the “great chain of being” belief)
Extinct - not currently existing
Extant - still existing
Fossils are the only direct evidence we have of old organisms that led to modern species.
Evidence of Evolutionary Change
HOMOLOGOUS STRUCTURES - Other scientists focused on homologous structures, similar features that originated in a shared ancestor that evolved over time
Analogous structures have very similar functions and may look alike, but are developmentally and structurally different. This is NOT evidence of evolution.
VESTIGIAL STRUCTURES - Vestigial structures were, at one point in time, useful structures to an evolutionary ancestor, but through evolution, are no longer necessary to the organisms that have them.
I.e. tailbones in humans.
EMBRYOLOGY - Similarities in embryology show a shared common ancestor between all vertebrates because of a similar developmental pattern.
MACROMOLECULES - Macromolecule (DNA/RNA protein) similarities show that all living things have a similar blueprint and share similar genes.
BIOGEOGRAPHY - Shows how plants and animals spread across the planet, and how certain species are related to others. Similar organisms may occur in very far places because of them having a similar ancestor back when the continents were together as Pangea.
Evolution - genetic changes in a population of organisms over time
Selection - is the survival and reproduction of individuals with certain traits.
Populations evolve because of selection.
Selection decides which traits become more common.
Fitness - is the ability of organisms to survive and reproduce for the next generation
Survival - (did they live or did they die?)
Mating success - (did they mate?)
Fecundity - (# of babies made)
Artificial Selection: Humans select the traits of plants and animals that are passed onto the offspring.
Natural Selection: Nature selects the traits that get passed to the next generation.
Only the traits that allow organisms to survive and reproduce in nature get passed on to their offspring.
Proposed by Charles Darwin in his book On The Origin of Species in 1859
Natural Selection is the only explanation for why organisms are so specifically suited for the environments they live in
Sexual Selection: A type of natural selection where the best traits increase the chances of successfully having offspring.
Sexual selection usually leads to males being very different from females.
This is called sexual dimorphism.
Males either must compete for the attention of females with colors/songs/dances, OR compete directly with other males for access to females. (female choice vs male competition)
Random Selection (genetic drift): is when a trait survives because it was chosen at random.
Sometimes called a bottleneck effect, where only a few members survive to the next generation, only those traits are passed on (whether they are useful or not).
sexual dimorphism - A trait that differs between males and females of a species.
bottleneck - Reduction in population size so severe that it reduces genetic diversity.
gene flow - The movement of alleles between populations.
genetic drift - Change in allele frequency due to chance alone.
inbreeding - Mating among close relatives.
Selections can shift traits in three ways: Directional, Stabilizing, and Disruptive
Directional selection - For one extreme trait, against the other extreme
Stabilizing selection - For the middle trait, against the extremes
Disruptive selection - For both extremes, against the middle
Jean Baptiste de Lamarck was an incredibly influential biologist, who first proposed species descended from a common ancestor.
First proposed nested hierarchy, where clades (groups of organisms) were grouped as nested sets within larger groups.
Acquired Characteristics Hypothesis - Lamarck first proposed a theory of species modification over time, where traits gained over a lifetime are passed on to an organism’s offspring (aka acquired characteristics go from parents to offspring)
This is impossible because DNA does not change like this, and the truth is natural selection.
Charles Darwin
English Naturalist
1859 published On The Origin of Species
Served as a naturalist on the HMS Beagle and traveled around the world for over 5 years observing.
Darwin, a son of a wealthy British physician, attended the University of Edinburgh, then Cambridge University, before discovering botany, beetles, and natural history!
In 1831, Darwin began his voyage on the H.M.S. Beagle; a five-year mapping and collecting expedition to South America and the South Pacific
Observed fossils of extinct armadillos in South America.
Visited the Galapagos Islands, and was intrigued by the fact that many plants & animals resembled those found on the coast of Ecuador.
Read Thomas Malthus, who described how populations can not simply keep growing, and that there is a balance due to death.
The finches varied in size and beak size and shape.
Concluded that all these finches evolved from one species of finch
Darwin collaborated with a young naturalist, Alfred Russell Wallace
Published 2 major theories
Descent with Modification - Newer forms of organisms appearing in the fossil record (and in modern times) are the modified descendants of older species
Modification by Natural Selection -
Evolution by Natural Selection
VARIATION IN A POPULATION (Variation) - There are slight differences between organisms of a species.
CHALLENGE IN ENVIRONMENT (Struggle) - Some individuals are better suited to survive. Some traits are beneficial, and some are not.
SURVIVORS REPRODUCE & COMPETE (Differential fitness) - Over time, the organisms with the beneficial trait survive and reproduce passing on the favorable trait to the offspring.
FAVORABLE TRAITS PASS ON (Heredity) - The number of individuals with the beneficial trait increases in a population, and over long periods these changes accumulate. Populations evolve
Beneficial traits increase fitness by helping organisms survive their harsh environment and successfully mate and produce offspring.
Giraffes and neck lengths
Darwin’s finches
Peppered moth
Population Genetics - the study of evolution from a genetic perspective, focusing on the change of allele frequency over time
Gene Pool - The total genetic information available in a population.
We can predict the proportion of possible phenotypes of a population based on the proportion of dominant and recessive alleles in a population!
Genotypic Frequency - how often a specific genotype occurs in a population
Allele Frequency - the proportion of a specific allele in a population
P = frequency of one allele (usually the dominant)
Q = frequency of the other allele (usually the recessive)
In cases of codominance or incomplete dominance, p/q assignment for an allele makes no difference. Either allele can be p or q
Allele frequencies follow simple arithmetic rules.
P+Q = 1
P = 1-Q
Q = 1-P
If you know the numbers of homozygotes and heterozygotes:
TO FIND P: [2* (# of homozygous dom) + (# of heterozygous)]/2*total
TO FIND Q: [2* (# of homozygous recessive) + (# of heterozygous)]/2*total
Or you do 1-P
To check if you did it correctly, add the values of P and Q and check if the answer is
microevolution - Change in allele frequency of a gene in a single population
macroevolution - significant evolutionary change in multiple populations
These concepts are used in the Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium
A null hypothesis - hypothesizes that NOTHING is happening. If proven incorrect, then something (evolution) is happening
Assumes allele frequencies do not change in a population
Allows us to predict allele (and, thus, genotype) frequencies in subsequent generations
Biologically unlikely due to assumptions
Five assumptions of HWE -
The population is very large
Individuals mate at random (NO sexual selection)
There are two equally viable alleles (NO natural selection)
No migration
No mutation
I.E. no evolution.
Violating HWE assumptions = Evolution
Genetic drift
Sexual selection
Natural selection
Reproductive isolation - the separation of a species or population so that they can no longer interbreed
The end of gene flow between populations
Isolation Mechanisms - reproductive isolation results from barriers to successful breeding between populations in the same area.
Geographic Isolation - physical separation of populations
Habitat/Ecological Isolation - separation of populations due to differences in habitat (i.e. terrestrial vs. aquatic, underground vs. trees)
Temporal Isolation - timing separation of populations
Behavioral Isolation - an attraction barrier between organisms
Mechanical Isolation - it is physically impossible to reproduce
Reduced Hybrid Inviability
Hybrid Sterility/ Reduced Hybrid Fertility
Hybrids such as ligers, zorses, mules, etc, are sterile and cannot reproduce.
Previously, species were defined by:
Morphological Species Concept
Based on external appearance
Problematic because some species look very alike.
Biological Species Concept
A certain species can only successfully interbreed with their own, and not other groups
Problematic because some species were extinct, asexual organisms
Species - a unique type of organism that has a genus name and specific epithet. Also, a group of individuals that can potentially interbreed, produce fertile offspring, and do not interbreed with other groups.
Speciation - the formation of a new species. Occurs when members of a species become isolated and can no longer reproduce.
Allopatric - barrier forms + in isolation = new species
a physical barrier, a geographical difference
Peripatric - new niche enters + niche in isolation = new species
Parapatric - new niche enters + in adjacent niche = new species
Sympatric - genetic polymorphism + within same population = new species
a mutation
genetic polymorphism
adaptive radiation - A lineage undergoes a burst of genetic divergences that gives rise to many species.
coevolution - The joint evolution of two closely interacting species; each species is a selective agent for traits of the other.
exaptation - A trait that has been repurposed during evolution.
extinct - Refers to a species that no longer has living members.
key innovation - An evolutionary adaptation that gives its bearer the opportunity to exploit a particular environment much more efficiently or in a new way.
macroevolution - Large-scale evolutionary patterns and trends.
stasis - Evolutionary pattern in which a lineage persists with little or no change over evolutionary time
Taxonomy: the branch of biology that names and groups organisms according to characteristics and evolutionary history.
Modern classification is a nested hierarchy, with each group made up of several smaller groups
Does King Phillip Come Over For Good Soup
domain (bacteria, archaea, Eukaryota)
Combining all of the evidence we know about evolutionary history helps scientists build a phylogeny
Phylogeny - the evolutionary history of a species.
Phylogenetics is the study of evolutionary relationships among biological entities - often species, individuals, or even genes.
Phylogenies are graphs with one axis, time.
In a phylogeny, branch length = time elapsed
Cladograms are sometimes seen as a hypothesis, while phylogeny reflects true evolutionary history based on empirical data.
Cladograms will have traits on the diagram itself. Phylogenies don’t.
This is NOT UNIVERSAL/CONSISTENT within the community. Phylogeny/cladogram are used interchangeably.
Reading phylogenies
In a phylogenetic tree, the species of interest are at the tips of the branches, and branches are split into two parts at branch points (nodes)
The branching pattern of the tree represents how a species or other groups evolved from a series of common ancestors
Don’t read the tips, read the nodes!
Reading cladograms
Traits are placed directly on the tree. EVERY organism after the trait has that trait!
These are graphs with one axis - time!
Character tables
Key to cladogram/phylogenetic construction is the concept of parsimony, or that the simplest explanation of evolutionary relationships is the best one. (may not always be true!)
clade - A group whose members share one or more defining derived traits.
cladogram - Evolutionary tree diagram that shows evolutionary connections among a group of clades.
derived trait - A novel trait present in a clade but not in any of the clade’s ancestors.
phylogenetic tree - Diagram showing evolutionary connections.
phylogeny - Evolutionary history of a species or group of species.
sister groups - The two lineages that emerge from a node on a cladogram.
Important People
Dr. Jan Baptista van Helmon
theorized that life magically appears from the right conditions
Francesco Redi
proved that life doesn’t just appear from the right conditions
Lazzaro Spallanzani
believed air was what led to life
Louis Pasteur
proved that it wasn’t air, but the things in the air that led to life.
Oparin-Haldane Hypothesis
proposed the idea of chemical evolution
Miller and Urey
experimented under the Oparin Haldane Hypothesis using early life conditions. later, we learned that the life conditions were incorrect, but the idea of chemical evolution was proved.
Georges Cuvier
proposed the idea that some species have gone extinct after finding fossils that did not look anything like any currently living organisms.
Jean Baptiste de Lamarck
theorized that species modified over time and traits gained over a lifetime were passed on to an organism’s offspring. this is incorrect because DNA doesn’t work like that.
Charles Darwin
visited the Galapagos islands and studied finches. concluded that the finches evolved from one species of finch. published 2 theories in natural selection, descent by modification, and modification by natural selection.
Alfred Russell Wallace
was second in publicizing his findings on natural selection, so Darwin got to it first.
Thomas Robert Malthus
wrote about how populations cannot keep growing and things die eventually, leading to a balance.
how to solve hardy weinberg equilibrium problems
figure out what the question is asking
if whether or not it’s in the hardy weinberg equilibrium
if there’s an unknown amount of genotypes