Explain the role of buffer systems in maintaining acid-base balance and pH
Explain the role of buffer systems in regulating pH of the intracellular fluid and extracellular fluid
To understand the concept of fluid and electrolyte balance
To understand homeostasis of selected electrolytes and related disorders.
Acid - proton (H+) donor
Strong acid - low affinity between acids & protons; highly dissociated in aqueous solution
Weak acid - high affinity between acids & protons; poorly dissociated in aqueous solution
Base - proton (H+) acceptor
Alkali - a base that is soluble in water & produces hydroxyl ion (OH-)
a state of equilibrium between acidity & alkalinity of the body fluids
mechanisms of our body to maintain the body fluids close to neutral pH to ensure proper physiological functions
measured using the pH scale
used to determine the acidity or alkalinity of a fluid
measure the hydrogen ion (H+) concentration relative to that of a given standard solution
negative logarithm of H+ concentration
pH = -log [H+]
a scale from 0-14
neutral (pH = 7.0)
acidic (pH < 7.0)
Basic/alkaline (pH > 7.0)
very slight change in pH will have disastrous effects on cells & tissues
acid-base balance is regulated within a narrow range for normal physiological functions
normal blood pH: 7.35 - 7.45
acidosis (acidemia)
blood has low pH of less than 7.35
overproduction of acid or excessive loss of bicarbonate or buildup of carbon dioxide
metabolic or respiratory acidosis
alkalosis (alkalemia)
blood has high pH of greater than 7.45
over-abundance of bicarbonate or a loss of acid or a low level of carbon dioxide
metabolic or respiratory alkalosis
Different mechanisms to regulate and maintain the blood pH within the fairly narrow optimum range
chemical buffer systems
solutions that can resist significant changes in pH
maintain stable [H+] in biological systems
consist of a conjugate acid-base pair
present in both intracellular & extracellular fluids
finite buffering capacity
most common buffer systems:
bicarbonate buffer system
phosphate buffer system
protein buffer system
Bicarbonate buffer system
Major extracellular buffer system operates in both lungs and kidneys
maintain pH homeostasis of the blood
consists of carbonic acids (H2CO3) as the weak acids and its conjugate bases, bicarbonate ions
H2CO3 is formed when dissolved carbon dioxide combines with the water in the bloodstream
↑ [H+] - HCO3- will accept H+ to form H2CO3
↓ [H+] - H2CO3 will donate H+ and turn in to HCO3-
Compensation for the pH:
lungs → decrease the carbonic acids level through exhalation
→ adjust the respiration rate to decrease or increase the CO2
kidneys → reabsorbs bicarbonate ions or regenerate new bicarbonate ions
→ produce more acidic or more alkaline urine
Phosphate buffer system
important in buffering renal tubular fluid and intracellular fluid
comprised of hydrogen phosphate ions & dihydrogen phosphate ions
Hydrogen phosphate ion is freely filtered through glomerulus → high concentration intracellularly & in urine
critical renal & urinary buffer → allow secretion of H+ ions from the tubular cells in conjuction with the generation of HCO3-
↑ [H+] - HPO4(2-) will accept H+ to form H2PO4-
↓ [H+] - H2PO4- will donate H+ and turn in to HPO4(2-)
Catalysed by enzyme carbonic anyhydrase
Protein buffer system
most abundant and important buffer system in the body fluids
either intracellular or extracellular
protein molecule carries both basic and acidic groups → acts as proton (H+) acceptor or donors
Haemoglobin (Hb) is the major intracellular buffer system
HbO2 is formed from HHb by releasing H+ which will react with HCO3 and form H2CO3 + CO2 + H2)
the CO2 is then eliminated by exhalation
CO2 produced by metabolism enters the blood, hydrated to form H2CO3
the H2CO3 ionises to form H+ & HCO3-
HbO2 accepts the H+ to form HHb
imbalances in acid-base equilibrium
respiratory acid-base disorders
caused by ventilatory dysfunction
a change in the pCO2
metabolic (non-respiratory) acid-base disorders
a change in the bicarbonate level
resulting from a change in renal or metabolic functions
decreased alveolar ventilation (hypoventilation) leads to a decrease in the elimination of CO2 from the lungs
Possible causes:
ineffective removal of CO2 from the blood in lung diseases
trauma, infection or inflammation of central nervous system
drugs (e.g., barbiturates, morphine) % alcohol
congestive heart failure → decreased cardiac output
Laboratory findings:
pH < 7.35
↑ pCO2
normal bicarbonate concentration
acute respiratory acidosis: pH drops 0.1 unit for every 15 mmHg increase in pCO2
chronic respiratory acidosis: pH drops 0.05 unit for every 15 mmHg increase in pCO2
Compensatory mechanisms
via the haemoglobin and protein buffer systems
through metabolic processes in kidneys
↑ excretion of H+
↑ reabsorption of HCO3-
↑ formation of ammonia
via respiratory organs (if functional)
↑ rate & depth of breathing
Results from an increased rate or depth of breathing or both
excessive elimination of CO2 by the lungs/deficit in pCO2
Possible causes:
hypoxemia- & hysteria-induced hyperventilation
deugs, e.g., nicotine & salicylates
pulmonary emboli & pneumonia
gram-negative septicemia, meningitis or encephalitis
Laboratory findings:
ph > 7.45
↓ pCO2
normal bicarbonate concentration
Compensatory mechanisms
haemoglobin & protein buffer systems
kidneys excrete more HCO3 in urine
↓ HCO3- level (< 24 mmol/L)
Possible causes:
direct administration or ingestion of acid-producing substances (e.g., ammonium chloride, calcium chloride, ethanol)
production of organic acids (e.g., in diabetic ketoacidosis and lactic acidosis)
reduced excretion of acids (e.g., renal tubular acidosis0
excessive loss of HCO3- from diarrhea
Laboratory findings:
pH < 7.35
↓ pCO2
↓ bicarbonate concentration
normal or increased anion gap
Compensatory mechanisms
via respiratory mechanisms (i.e., quick & shallow breathing)
by kidneys (similar to those occur in respiratory acidosis)
an excess or gain in HCO3-
possible causes:
increase in bases (i.e., massive blood transfusions, infusion of intravenous solution high in HCO3-, ingestion of large quantities of antacids)
decreased excretion of bases (i.e., prolonged use of diuretics)
loss of acidic fluids (i.e., prolonged vomiting, upper duodenal obstruction, cystic fibrosis)
laboratory findings:
pH > 7.45
normal pCO2
↑ bicarbonate concentration
compensatory mechanisms
via respiratory system to retain CO2 (i.e., slower & depper breaths)
by kidneys (excrete > HCO3- & form < NH3)
Average water content: 40% - 75% of total body weight
~60% in men, ~55% in women
Located in intracellular & extracellular compartments
intracellular fluid (ICF)
extracellular fluid (ECF)
intravascular ECF (plasma)
interstitial cell fluid
Movement of water & distribution of water in different body fluid compartments are
determined by osmolality & colloid osmotic pressure
controlled by maintaining the concentration of electrolytes and proteins
Electrolytes are charged atoms or molecules found kn body fluids that are important for
regulation of water distribution, osmotic pressure, cell permeability
nerve transmissions to muscles
oxidation-reduction reactions, maintenance of blood pH
May be classified as:
anions (negatively charged)
cations (positively charged)
Important physiologic electrolytes
sodium (Na+), potassium (K+), chloride, (Cl-) & bicarbonate (HCO3-) occur primarily as free ions
known as electrolyte profile
40% of calcium (Ca2+) & magnesium (Mg2+) are bound by proteins
Electrolyte balance - the quantities of electrolytes gained is equal to those it loses
Electrolyte imbalance is life-threatening
Anion gap - the difference between the unmeasured anions and the unmeasured cations
Calculation of anion gap
determine certain types of electrolyte disorders
as a marker of quality control of electrolyte testing
a trend of increased or decreased anion gap in a run of patient specimens may indicate consistent testing errors in one or more electrolytes
Major cation in extracellular fluid (~90%)
main source: sodium containing food additives, e.g., table salt, monosodium glutamate
excess sodium is excreted in the urine or through sweating
depends on the intake & excretion of water, and renal regulation of Na+
3 primary processes:
intake of water
excretion of water
excretion of Na+ through aldosterone, angiotensin II & atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP)
2 major homeostatic systems
renin-angiotensis-aldosterone (RAA) system
antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
stimulated via:
decreased renal perfusion
serum/plasma level of Na+ <135mmol/L
caused by:
increased Na+ loss (e.g., prolonged vomiting, diuretic use, severe burns)
increased water retention (e.g., renal failure, hepatic cirrhosis, congestive heart failure)
water imbalance (e.g., excess water intake)
classification based on serum/plasma osmolality (ECF volume)
low osmolality (e.g., ↑sodium loss, ↑water retention)
normal osmolality (e.g., severe hyperkalemia, hyperproteinemoa)
high osmolality (e.g., hyperglycaemia, mannitol infusion)
acute hyponatremia (<48 hr); chronic hyponatremia (longer period)
an uncommon artifact results from in vitro hemolysis during blood sample processing in the laboratory
a decrease of serum [Na+] but normal serum osmolality
treatment aims to correct the underlying causes
conventional treatment:
fluid restriction
hypertonic saline and/or other pharmacologic agents (i.e., AVP receptor antagonist)
possible complications:
osmotic demyelination syndrome
cerebral edema
↑serum level of Na+
serum [Na+] > 160mmol/L has mortality rate of 60-75%
caused by:
excess loss of water relative to Na+ loss
decreased water intake
increased Na+ intake or retention (i.e., excess ingestion of salt)
altered mental status
irritability & restlessness
muscle twitching & hyperreflexes
difficult respiration & increased thirst
Major anion in extracellular fluid
involved in maintaining osmolality, blood volume & electric neutrality
filtered out by glomerulus & passively reabsorbed by the proximal tubules
excess chloride is excreted in the urine and sweat
Maintain electrical neutrality
reabsorption of Na+ along with Cl- in proximal renal tubules
Cl- acts as rate-limiting factor or
through chloride shift
decreased level of Cl- in plasma
due to prolonged vomiting, diabetic ketoacidosis, aldosterone deficiency, pyelonephritis
conditions associated with high serum [HCO3-]
increased level of Cl- in plasma
caused by dehydration, renal tubule acidosis, prolonged diarrhea & diabetes insipidus
excess loss of HCO3-