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  1. Before 1492, many American Indian cultures were strongly influenced by: the Cultivation of Maize and corn.

  1. Jamestown, the first permanent English settlement in the New World, was founded by: Joint stock company, English settlers, Virginia company of London

  1. In the colonial period, Quakers were known for all of the following EXCEPT: refusal to pay taxes

  1. The English colony first settled by the Dutch was: New Netherland, created by dutch west india company

  1. Which of the following leaders is correctly paired with the settlement / colony he led: William Penn - Pennsylvania

  1. The Albany Plan was: Plan to put the colonies under a central government, never carried out, Join or die - Ben franklin

  1. Common Sense by Thomas Paine is considered a most effective: Pamphlet at convincing Americans that they needed to break away from the British. 

  1. The economic and cultural life of colonial Virginia was built upon the cultivation of: Tobacco, John rolfe started the cultivation of Tobacco in Jamestown Virginia and saved the colony.

  1. Which of the following best explains why Massachusetts Bay officials banished Anne Hutchinson?: Her beliefs were heretical to the puritan church, she challenged gender roles.

  1.  Under the Articles of the Confederation, the United States central government had no power to: tax states or make them comply with it’s decisions, the federal government only had to negotiate treaties with other nations.

  1. Shay’s Rebellion frightened many Americans when: There was no response from the federal government, it was too weak and had no military

  1. “In the new Code of Laws which I suppose it will be necessary for you to make, I desire you would remember the Ladies.” The appeal quoted above was made by: Abigail Adams

  1. The Constitutional Convention designed the electoral college to: give each state representation in the presidential election, but mainly to prevent mob rule or popular will from deciding the presidency.

  1. The Northwest Ordinances did which of the following?: Established a government for the northwest territory and gave a process for adding states to the union.

  1. All of the following were results of the French and Indian War EXCEPT: Consequences of the French and Indian War: France was removed from the new world, end of salutary neglect, Not Consequences: Spanish withdrawal from the new world, The war established the United States as a global power.

  1. Who of the following would be most critical of Hamilton’s position on the bank?: Democratic-Republicans, Thomas Jefferson

  1. In addition to his Farewell Address, part of Washington’s legacy was that he: set the precedent for the presidency, set a 2 term limit precedent

  1. A person supporting a larger, stronger federal government in regard to the U.S. Constitution would be a believer in: Federalism

  1. The major significance of the Whiskey Rebellion of 1794 was that it: was crushed by the new federal government, showing the federal government’s power

  1. The development of the early 1800’s concept of “separate spheres” for the sexes encouraged all of the following EXCEPT: acceptance of a woman as the intellectual equal of a man

  1. The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions, the Hartford Convention, and the South Carolina Exposition and Protest were similar in that all involved a defense of: nullification of laws/state power/succession(Hartford Convention considered succession)

  1. The Embargo Act of 1807 had which of the following effects on the United States?: Smuggling, disrupted american shipping, led to war of 1812, agricultural prices and earnings fell, shipping industries were destroyed, existing markets were wrecked

  1. The idea of Manifest Destiny included all of the following beliefs EXCEPT: Commerce and industry would decline as the nation expanded its agricultural base.

  1. The “Three-Fifths Compromise” originally contained in the Constitution referred to: the slaves being worth 3/5ths of a person when counting population

  1. Under Chief Justice John Marshall, Supreme Court decisions tended to: promote business enterprises, favor federal government

  1. The main purpose of Henry Clay’s American System was: to better the United States economy and make them more independent.

  1. The term “impressment” as used by the United States in the period before the War of 1812 referred to: americans being forced to join the British navy

  1. All of the following items dealt with the relations between the thirteen British colonies and the British government EXCEPT: Act does not directly relate to the 13 colonies and England

  1. Between 1803-1848, the portions of the United States most affected by immigration were: the North, Northern factories, New England, midwest

  1. President Jackson’s veto of the Bank bill would contribute most significantly to: the Panic of 1837

  1. Which of the following individuals would be most critical of Van Buren’s economic policy?: Henry Clay

  1. In the Monroe Doctrine: President Monroe warned Europeans powers not to interfere in the western hemisphere

  1. What was the most significant impact of the War of 1812?: American expansionism and self identity, boundaries between canada and US, freed international trade

  1. Which of the following events was caused by Lincoln’s call of 75,000 volunteer soldiers to put down the rebellion in the South?: civil war, caused holdout states to secede and join the confederacy

  1. Which of the following best describes the position on slavery of most Northerners during the sectional crises of the 1850’s?: They did not want it to expand but they were ok with its current institution.

  1. The two largest groups of non-English immigrants who came to the United States during the 1840’s and 1850’s were: Irish Catholics and Germans

  1. Which of the following conflicts was the first to use industrial capabilities, such as railroads, steamships, mass-produced weapons, and other military devices?: Civil war

  1. By what means did the United States take possession of the Oregon Territory: treaty of oregon

  1. President Lincoln’s primary motive for entering the Civil War was: to keep the union united


  1. Before 1492, many American Indian cultures were strongly influenced by: the Cultivation of Maize and corn.

  1. Jamestown, the first permanent English settlement in the New World, was founded by: Joint stock company, English settlers, Virginia company of London

  1. In the colonial period, Quakers were known for all of the following EXCEPT: refusal to pay taxes

  1. The English colony first settled by the Dutch was: New Netherland, created by dutch west india company

  1. Which of the following leaders is correctly paired with the settlement / colony he led: William Penn - Pennsylvania

  1. The Albany Plan was: Plan to put the colonies under a central government, never carried out, Join or die - Ben franklin

  1. Common Sense by Thomas Paine is considered a most effective: Pamphlet at convincing Americans that they needed to break away from the British. 

  1. The economic and cultural life of colonial Virginia was built upon the cultivation of: Tobacco, John rolfe started the cultivation of Tobacco in Jamestown Virginia and saved the colony.

  1. Which of the following best explains why Massachusetts Bay officials banished Anne Hutchinson?: Her beliefs were heretical to the puritan church, she challenged gender roles.

  1.  Under the Articles of the Confederation, the United States central government had no power to: tax states or make them comply with it’s decisions, the federal government only had to negotiate treaties with other nations.

  1. Shay’s Rebellion frightened many Americans when: There was no response from the federal government, it was too weak and had no military

  1. “In the new Code of Laws which I suppose it will be necessary for you to make, I desire you would remember the Ladies.” The appeal quoted above was made by: Abigail Adams

  1. The Constitutional Convention designed the electoral college to: give each state representation in the presidential election, but mainly to prevent mob rule or popular will from deciding the presidency.

  1. The Northwest Ordinances did which of the following?: Established a government for the northwest territory and gave a process for adding states to the union.

  1. All of the following were results of the French and Indian War EXCEPT: Consequences of the French and Indian War: France was removed from the new world, end of salutary neglect, Not Consequences: Spanish withdrawal from the new world, The war established the United States as a global power.

  1. Who of the following would be most critical of Hamilton’s position on the bank?: Democratic-Republicans, Thomas Jefferson

  1. In addition to his Farewell Address, part of Washington’s legacy was that he: set the precedent for the presidency, set a 2 term limit precedent

  1. A person supporting a larger, stronger federal government in regard to the U.S. Constitution would be a believer in: Federalism

  1. The major significance of the Whiskey Rebellion of 1794 was that it: was crushed by the new federal government, showing the federal government’s power

  1. The development of the early 1800’s concept of “separate spheres” for the sexes encouraged all of the following EXCEPT: acceptance of a woman as the intellectual equal of a man

  1. The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions, the Hartford Convention, and the South Carolina Exposition and Protest were similar in that all involved a defense of: nullification of laws/state power/succession(Hartford Convention considered succession)

  1. The Embargo Act of 1807 had which of the following effects on the United States?: Smuggling, disrupted american shipping, led to war of 1812, agricultural prices and earnings fell, shipping industries were destroyed, existing markets were wrecked

  1. The idea of Manifest Destiny included all of the following beliefs EXCEPT: Commerce and industry would decline as the nation expanded its agricultural base.

  1. The “Three-Fifths Compromise” originally contained in the Constitution referred to: the slaves being worth 3/5ths of a person when counting population

  1. Under Chief Justice John Marshall, Supreme Court decisions tended to: promote business enterprises, favor federal government

  1. The main purpose of Henry Clay’s American System was: to better the United States economy and make them more independent.

  1. The term “impressment” as used by the United States in the period before the War of 1812 referred to: americans being forced to join the British navy

  1. All of the following items dealt with the relations between the thirteen British colonies and the British government EXCEPT: Act does not directly relate to the 13 colonies and England

  1. Between 1803-1848, the portions of the United States most affected by immigration were: the North, Northern factories, New England, midwest

  1. President Jackson’s veto of the Bank bill would contribute most significantly to: the Panic of 1837

  1. Which of the following individuals would be most critical of Van Buren’s economic policy?: Henry Clay

  1. In the Monroe Doctrine: President Monroe warned Europeans powers not to interfere in the western hemisphere

  1. What was the most significant impact of the War of 1812?: American expansionism and self identity, boundaries between canada and US, freed international trade

  1. Which of the following events was caused by Lincoln’s call of 75,000 volunteer soldiers to put down the rebellion in the South?: civil war, caused holdout states to secede and join the confederacy

  1. Which of the following best describes the position on slavery of most Northerners during the sectional crises of the 1850’s?: They did not want it to expand but they were ok with its current institution.

  1. The two largest groups of non-English immigrants who came to the United States during the 1840’s and 1850’s were: Irish Catholics and Germans

  1. Which of the following conflicts was the first to use industrial capabilities, such as railroads, steamships, mass-produced weapons, and other military devices?: Civil war

  1. By what means did the United States take possession of the Oregon Territory: treaty of oregon

  1. President Lincoln’s primary motive for entering the Civil War was: to keep the union united