(3rd) Honors - Unit 4 East Asia Topics
| **__East Asia Physical & Human Geography__** |
| East Asia Physical Geography / Physical Map-The Himalaya Mountain Range serves as a boundary between East and South Asia .China’s climate has a subtropical climate because of the winds coming off the Pacific Ocean, and its latitude. China’s Agricultural Production - Double Cropping, the land is so fertile there's no need to wait after harvesting crops to replant another. Two can be growing at the same time Importance of Rice & Population rice can feed twice as many people than wheat very beneficial to China's population problems Impact of Three Gorges Dam-It is the world's largest electricity-generating plant of any kind. Increases the river's navigation capacity, and reduces the potential for floods downstream by providing flood storage space **has flooded archaeological and cultural sites and displaced some 1.24 million people, and is causing significant ecological changes, including an increased risk of landslides.** Mongolia Population & Economics- very cut off, a poor low population country that makes a great barrier to china |
| **__China - History/Modern__** |
| **Revolution Political Change** - **Civil War Sides & Outcome** - communists won, mao came into power and sun-shek retreated to Taiwan **The Great Leap Forward** - 2 five year plans that ultimately failed due to lack of initiative **Iron Rice Bowl** - financially stable jobs **Cultural Revolution** - Mao wanted lots of propaganda to cover his failures.**One Child Policy** - a policy that limited population growth dramatically **T****iananmen Square** - a military crackdown on student protests resulting in unknown casualties **Xinjiang / Uighurs (Wee-Geerz)** - a minority in china that is facing genocide **Importance of Tibet Control** - It makes a political statement about china's control **Special Economic Zone** - “Free market but only where it benefits us” |
| **__Hong Kong__** |
| Explain One Country / Two Systems The first noted mention of "one country, two systems" as a concept is believed to be a proposal from Deng Xiaoping to promote Chinese unification over the separated territories held by the Kuomintang-led Nationalist government of the Republic of China across the Taiwan Strait. |
| **__Taiwan__** |
| Connection to China / History - used to be apart of china until the civil war when the Republic of China fled to form their own democracy |
| **__Korea__** |
| Korean Culture / People - North korea has a strict policy of staying out of and overall being disconnected from the world at large, while south korea has a good farming economy History - had a civil war splitting it into two (cold war) ,Korea’s location has led to multiple invasions by other countries of East Asia (prior to post-WWII) “Shrimp among whales” North Korean Leaders- Kim ll Sung, Kim Jung ll, Kim Jung Un |
| **__Japan__** |
| **__Leaders__** |
| **Sun Yat-sen** - **China’s first non-dynastic leaderProvisional government with Senate, elected-President, plans for constitution** **Chiang Kai-shek** - **Leader of the Chinese Nationalist Party, which later fled to Taiwan after the civil war.** **Mao Zedong** - won the civil war and created the great leap forward and initiated a large propaganda campaign including reeducation camps and public punishment. **Red Guard** - Young members of Mao's propaganda that punished anyone who seemed against his belief**Deng Xiaoping** - Created the one child policy (1979). Began economic reform (1980’s) that changed China’s economy from a strict command economy to one with more capitalist ideology **Xi Jinping**- current president of china **Kim II Sung** - which he ruled from the country's establishment in 1948 until his death in 1994. **Kim Jong-il** - the second supreme leader of North Korea from 1994 to 2011. Kim Jon-uns father **Kim Jong-un** - Current leader of North Korea, has developed nuclear warfare |
| **__Cultural Philosophies / Religions__** |
| Shintoism- Originated in Japan, __the foremost Shinto deity is__ **__Amaterasu__**__, the sun goddess and daughter of Izanami and Izanagi, the creator gods of Japan__. **__Amaterasu__** __is considered ruler of the heavens__.she is still depicted as the sun on the Japanese flag. **Shinto** worship is conducted at shrines, in which the gods are believed to live, and __whose sacred boundary is marked by the torii gateway, traditionally made of three pieces of wood, which symbolizes the right entrance to the sacred way of the gods__ **__Shintoism__** __stresses purity, especially cleanliness of the body, and obedience__. **Shintoism** makes little of life after death. Taoism-__individuals should contemplate nature and lead balanced lives in tune with nature__. **Taoism** teaches that __harmony comes from balancing the opposite forces of nature, called__ ***__yin__* __and__** ***__yang__***.**__aozi__** __taught that it is impossible to have good without bad, beauty without ugliness, or pleasure without pain.__ __Because__ **__Taoists__** __see good and bad as connected, they try to accept both, neither bragging about good fortunes nor complaining about bad fortune__. **__Taoism__** __teaches that humans should see themselves as part of nature__. And not find satisfaction within materialistic ideals Confucianism-__The__ **__Confucian__** __code of conduct stressed virtues (good actions), It also established five basic relationships that created a hierarchical society: (1) ruler and subject, (2) parent and child, (3) husband and wife, (4) elder sibling and younger sibling, and (5) friend and friend.__ |