First class - Lesson 1
Penal proceedings
everything that is coming to play form the moment that you are arrested
formal process
no legal issues = no legal proceedings
balance of individual rights
goes all the way after the judge rendered his decision
Legal proceeding
various stages
pleadings = formal written statements which outline the claims and defenses
discovery = exchanging the information, how we discloses the evidence and documents
hearings / trials = how are we going to proceed to the hearing, witness testimonies, legal arguments before a judge or jury, presentation of evidence
judgment = judge decisions
criminal proceedings
the crown that prosecutes
since our criminal code is a federal law
under the protection of the crown
There is 3 different ways to establish the jurisdiction
where the offence took place = the territory
over the person who committed the offence = competency over the accused
over the type of offence that was committed = competency over the offence
absolute discharge
discharge of the accusation
Territorial jurisdiction
Article 6(2)
(2) offences outside canada
subject to this act or any act of parliament
no persons shall be convicted or discharged
under section 730 of an offence committed outside canada
2 types of exceptions
legal and jurisprudential
article 7 = extra territorial jurisdiction for some offences ( sexual assault against children )
examples = article 7(4.1) offences in relation to sexual offences against children
Canadian citizen or permanent resident commits an offence against kids outside canada = deemed to commit that act or omission in canada
Article 465(3) and (4) ; conspiracy
(3) conspiracy
every who, while in canada
conspires with anyone
to do anything
referred in subsection (1) in canada
shall be deemed to have conspired in Canada to do that thing
(4) idem
everyone who
while in a place outside canada
conspires with anyone to do anything
referred to in subsection (1) in canada to do that thing
summary of (3)
when a person conspires inside CA to commit a crime outside CA = as of committed in CA
summary of (4)
when a person conspires outside of CA commit a crime inside CA = as if conspired inside CA
R.c Libman
Provincial jurisdiction
Article 470 - jurisdiction over person
subject to the criminal code
every superior court and every court of criminal jurisdiction
court of criminal jurisdiction = court of Quebec, superior court, municipal court
basically, you are going to be trial where you committed your crime, but you can ask to be trial where you lived
subject to this act
every superior court of criminal jurisdiction
and every court of criminal jurisdiction
that have power to try an indictable offence
is competent to try an accused for that offence
(a) if the accused is found, arrest or in custody within the territorial jurisdiction of the court: or
(b) if the accused has been ordered to be tried by
(i) that court, or
(ii) any other court, the jurisdiction of which has by lawfull authority been transferred to that court
exceptions of 470
Article 476- special jurisdiction
confers the jurisdiction in two jurisdictions
theft in QC and drove to ON and dispose of what he stole and did not stop when the police officer ask him to = crime start in one and finish in another
Article 478 - offence committed entirely in one province
offence completely commits in another province
subject to this act
a court in a province
shall not try
an offence committed entirely in another province
Offence outstanding in same province
article 479
can plaid guilty in one province and be sentenced in another province
where an accused is charged with an offence
that is alleged to have been committed in the province in which he is
he may
if the offence is not an offence mentioned in section 479
appear before a court or judge
Jurisdiction over the offence vs over the accused
Ratione personae
quality of the person
is a minor
someone in military
over the accused
the reason what exactly the offence was
rationae materiae
over the offence
relations to the subject to litigation
exclusive jurisdiction of the superior court
highest first instance court
general rules
superior court = competent to try an indictable offences = article 468
but has exclusive jurisdiction on certain listed offences = article 469
Article 468
every superior court
of criminal jurisdiction
has jurisdiction
to try any indictable offence
Article 469
exclusive of the superior court
attempt murder is not
the other one are exclusive to superior court
Ration personae
article 470 - general rule
not going to be trial in superior corut
Absolute jurisdiction of the provincial court - COURT OF QUEBEC
Article 553
trial without a jury
obvousily, you are not in superior court
an offence punishable on summary conviction
not as violent, not as bad as indictable
assault nto causing bodily harm
fraud under 5k
nudity in a park
more serious crime
assault causing bodily harm
dui causing death
thef over 5k
two paragraphs
give prosecution to prosecute under summary offence or indictable
Quebec judicial system
different courts that we have
municipal courts = summary offence, it is the kind that is prosecuting
court of Quebec = summary + indictable offence
court of appeal = appeals
superior court of Quebec = offences under 469 + appeals for summary convictions
Lesson 2
Supreme court of canada
highest in our country
create in accordance with the supreme court act
consist of nine judges, including chief justice
minimum bench is 5 = for appeals
located in Ottawa
last resort or highest cout in canada
both civil and criminal
it answer questions = constitutional questions
in all areas of the law
very costly
it chooses their cases in order of importance
issues of national importance
hears appeal from provincial and federal court, court of appeal of each province, the federal court of appeal and other tribunals
constitutional issues, criminal law, civil law, administrative law and more
DISSIDENT = someone that does not agree with a decision
there is 3 ways
by leave = referring to a permission that must be ask
appeal as of right = file the document, dont need to ask, one of the judge is dissident, open the door for you for appeal
by reference = attorney general can referred to the supreme court instead to go all the level of court, can jump straight to the supreme court, constitutional questions, un arret
Court of appeal of QC
our highest tribunal in the province
going to hear appeal that come from superior court, supreme court, Quebec court of appeal, federal court appeal
superior court, court of QC and federal court
general appeal of all QC
cannot hear a case that is in appeal in MANITOBA
3 judges on bench
court of justice act = state that will have 3 judges in virtue of section 9 of courts of justice act
verdict of punishment = it is when the judge is going to decide if you are guilty or not guilty
appeal on the verdict or appeal on the sentence
criminal code = federal law regulates the procedure concerning cases
article 673 = appeal for indictable offences
article 839 = court of appeal also hear appeals from decision rendered by superior court sitting on appeal from summary conviction and provincial penal offence under s.294
article 822 = the procedure of an appeal for summary conviction
article 294 = jurisdiction
article 675 = a person convicted by a court of first instance on indictment may appeal to the court of appeal
exceptions = decisions rendered by federal court and small claims court
appeal in indictable offences are heard by this court under section 673-690
Federal court of appeal
hear appeal on jurisdiction only
decisions from decisions of tax court
has jurisdiction to deal with applications for judicial review of certain federal bodies
The Superior Court
first level for offences under 469
1st instance
exclusive jurisdiction under certains specific infractions
1 judge and 12 jurors = superior court of criminal jurisdiction
article 473(1) and 598
composed of 157 judges, including chief justice as well as 111 supernumerary judges governed by judges act
judges can only act in the territory assigned to them
special cases = may an accused by tried before a judge of superior court without presence of jury = article 473(1) and 508
The different roles :
1- first instance = article 468, hear appeal of summary conviction
2- on appeal
3- power of control and supervision
dual jurisdiction = seat as a court in criminal matters of first instance and as a court of appeal in criminal
First instance
superior court = jurisdiction to try an indictable offence ( ratione materiae)
468 = has jurisdiction to try an indictable offence
469 = attempted murder not heard at superior court, has exclusive jurisdiction over certain crimes listed in 469
470 = person accused of indictable offence, has jurisdiction to try an accused on indictable when : found, arrested or in custody within the territorial jurisdiction of the court
on appeal
it hear certain appeals relate to certain decisions
decision rendered under criminal code by a judge of the court of Québec, youth division, criminal and penal division, municipal court or justice of the peace
relate to summary conviction = article 812
relate to decisions made under other federal and provincial statues = article 270 ccp
heard after they decide if they can or not
make decisions base on first instance court
after hearing of the appeal = superior court proceed with trial file (821) or form of a trial de novo (822)
trial de novo = art 822(4) = very exceptional
control and supervisory power
overall administrative tribunal and bodies in Quebec
exclude the court of appeal
article 34 of civil code of procedure
on matters through extraordinary remedies = certiorari, abeas corpus, mandamus, prohibition
except = cases provided by law, superintending and reforming power
Court of first instance
we found superior court, court of Quebec, municipal court, court of summary conviction
Superior court
jsut summary not indictable ofences
Court of Quebec
first level in summary and indictable
the one in Montral
has jurisdiction of any offence under federal and provincial law
exception = no jury at court of Quebec, trials before a court composed of jury and a judge of a superior court
the civil division
criminal and penal division
youth chamber
1st instance with jurisdiction in civil, criminal and penal matters and youth
hybrid offence = has the choice to go under summary or indictable offence
article 319, 320
article 264.1
prosecutor = the crown
article 82 = in criminal and penal, the court have jurisdiction to the extend provided by law
civil judges are not going to hear criminal cases
court of Quebec criminal = divided in 2 primary cases = summary and indictable offences
3 divisions = criminal and penal, youth chamber, civil and small claims
Municipal court
first level in summary convictions
jurisdictions in civil matters, collection of taxes, liscences or permits + some penal proceedings
hear more and more criminal cases
only sunmmary offences
parking tickets
when act under criminal code = municipal judge acts as provincial judges