calculate [miscalculate] / calculation [miscalculation] |
capacity (e.g. factory capacity) |
capital (e.g. capital gain / venture capital) |
capital expenditure |
cash flow = cashflow |
cast (e.g. a vote) |
chair = chairperson / president of the board of directors |
charge V / N (e.g. to charge fees / interest / commission / a charge for a service) |
Chief Accountant (CA) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Chief Financial Officer (CFO) |
child abuse |
child support |
civil servant |
claim / claimant |
cloud-based (e.g. cloud-based data) |
co-found (e.g. co-found a company) / co-founder |
cold calling |
colleague = fellow employee |
comfort zone |
commerce / e-commerce / m-commerce |
commission / to work on commission |
compensate for sth / compensation (e.g. receive money in compensation for sth / seek or claim compensation) |
compensation package = remuneration = salary and perks |
compete / competition / competitive (e.g. competitive edge / advantage) |
competent [incompetent] / competency = competence [incompetence] |
compliance |
conformity ( with sth) |
conglomerate |
consignment |
constituency |
consumer |
contingency / contingency plan |
copyright |
Corporate Income Tax (CIT) |
corporation / corporate (e.g. corporate bonds, corporate culture) |
cost effective = cost-efficient |
counterfeit / counterfeiting / counterfeit goods |
covering letter = letter of application |
creative accounting |
credit crunch |
credit rating = credit standing |
currency |