Thinking Geographically requires understanding the reciprocal relationship between humans and the physical world

Environmental Determinism - society developed based on environment and climate

Whether society succeeds or fails is based on environment - takes out human component

Criticism: promotes colonialism and Euro-centrism, in reality people have a say in the succession of the society

Environmental Possibilism - recognizes environment has an impact → not the main and only impact

People adapt toward and change the environment → people control their destiny

People can manipulate their environment

Environmental Determinism - human behavior determined by physical environment

Limits: pro-colonialism, ignores advances in non-European cultures

Possibilism - Natural environment only limits range of options → choices based on needs and technology available

Limits: hard to know carrying capacity, able to go beyond environmental limits with technology

Sustainability - use of Earth’s resources in ways to ensure availability in the future

Pillars of Sustainability - Environment, Society, Economy

Renewable Resource (Flow Resource) - resource that can be replenished after use

Non-renewable Resource - limited and cannot be used sustainably

80% of world energy is non-renewable - 4 major types: coal, nuclear, oil, natural gas
