meaning smth tangible
a person can get 6 sacraments max
baptism, first communion, confirmation - to be received in that order
other sacraments can be received in no particular order
passing down of beliefs and customs from one generation to the next
series fo action performed according to a prescribed order
why may order yung baptis → first communion → confirmation
happens in religions orphilisophical beliefs
all faithful catholic believers should undergo the rituals
it brings people to celebrate or mark important milestones
ex. baptism or matimony and holy orders
these events call for celebration
help us remember cultural info
by learning a format or pattern of behavior through ritual, we can absorb info and recall it later more easily
physical manifestations of God’s grace
any visible sign of the invisible God - St. Augustine
associated with a erformance of a particular ritual
sacramentt of baptism to free us fro our original sin fro adam and eve
Holy eucharistt
nurtered spiritually
spiritual nourishment
no perscoibed age as to when it should be received but for most, usually mga elemtary years yung first communion
spiritual growth
making us soldiers of christ and defenders of faith
no prescribed age
adults can still receive this if they have not received it during their younger years
confession or reconciliation
spiritual healing
for catholic believers: This is one way of nourishing spiritual needs and deepening our faith to God who we cannot see
presence of priest as mediator
need to do the examination of conscience first - check urself kung ano yung since na nagawa mo noon at ngayon
Annointing of the sick
physical and spiritual recovery
comon misconception na when a family calls a priest to annoint the sick, may mamamatay na tao. Contrary, it should be annointed for a person’s past recovery
during the spansih era, sa mga provincial places na walang access sa mga piretss, people decided to do this practices on their own
“nausog” or “nabati”
sacrament is only intended for man and woman
Holy orders
diocesan priests - leading the different parishes. Most priests visible to you
religious congregation - brothers and sisters. They have the brown particular charism. They have their own unique identity. can be assigned in parishes or outside the ministry
aka dominicans or jeuists
ex. dlsu is run by the congregation the
contemplative order
religious brothers - monasteries (seclusion)
religious nuns - convents (secluded din)
perpetual vow
poverty - everything they own is for the whole community
obedience - obedience to their general and to the Church in general and to the pope in particular
offering themselves wholly to God
Sacraments of Initiation
holy orders