Defining Diversity = diversity and inclusion
Defining Culture. What is culture? Defining society
Material Culture, Non material culture \Diversity of culture. Implications for teachers.
(Review class Notes, powerpoints on Brightspace). d
Eliot’s experiment. Rationale. (class notes, video).
Social Construction of difference
The process of difference construction
Learning and unlearning of constructs like prejudice/discrimination
Role of the teacher in shaping this process
Terminologies of diversity: (see Brightspace Definitions by everybody)
Race/ ethnicity
Social Justice
Gender Identity/ Gender Roles
Implicit bias.
Critical Race Theory.
Hidden Curriculum.
Culturally relevant pedagogy
A Historical look at participation patterns in physical activity and sport. Factors that influenced participation patterns. (Delaney & Madigan Chapter 3).
Sport in Ancient Greek and Roman sports
Ancient Olympics
Pre industrial societies
Early industrial era (Sport and Industry, Karl Marx and emergence of critical theory).
Modern Olympics (Ideals,
19th Century
Legal Construction of Difference (Class Notes). How the law has determined participation in the society in all spheres including in education and sports.
SCOTUS Decisions & implications for equity.
* Plessy vs. Ferguson
* Brown vs. Board of Education
* Title 9
* IDEA Law
* Kennedy vs. Bremerton
Stereotypes. What are stereotypes? (class notes; PowerPoint).
Defining stereotypes
The working of stereotypes. What originates and sustains stereotypes?
Confirmatory bias
Types of stereotypes (distortion and omission) what is the differences?
Examples of stereotypes in PE class. Examples of stereotypes from Ms. Elliot’s Experiment).
Implications of stereotypes.
Stereotype lift = what is stereotype lift? What are its implications in PE teaching Context.
Stereotype threat = what is stereotype threat? What are its implications for teaching PE?
Hidden Curriculum (read notes ppts) Robinson & Gleddie).
Defining hidden curriculum
Other ways of characterizing hidden curriculum: implicit/unstudied/silent curriculum/implicit/invisible/covert/latent.
Avenues of hidden curriculum (Teacher actions/teacher behavior/Comportment/Language/ Instructional decisions).
Sources of hidden curriculum – School environment/ academic environment/social environment/cultural environment.
Examples of hidden curriculum in PE
How does hidden curriculum marginalize?
10. Culturally diverse students in PE strategies. Teaching cultural diversity across the curriculum
Read Cruz & Petersen/ Flannery & Vanterpool. Class notes / class handouts (The do’s and don’ts for teachers).
Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility Model
Levels of social responsibility model Levels 0- 4
Implementing Personal and Social Responsibility model (Hellison’s). (what goes into each level) examples. (read teaching TPSR – Hellison)
Applications of Hellison’s model to teaching in PE.
12. Culturally responsive teaching/ Culturally relevant Pedagogy & Cultural competency.
Review Articles: Anton & Hixon; Young & Sternod; Braga & Elliott
13. Appropriate Games Behavior Curriculum (Review Samalot & Vidoni).
Teaching values through sports
Teaching appropriate games and sports behavior (steps).