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Chapter 21 review

Enuresis= bedwetting

Chronic use of marijuana can lead to a psychological dependence

Mescaline is similar to LSD but much weaker, it is an active chemical found in the Mexican peyote cactus that also can be produced synthetically

Hypochondriasis= disorder characterized by abnormal anxiety about one’s body and health

Alzheimer’s disease accounts for 50-75 % of all dementia cases

Grandiose—an inflated sense of self-worth, power, and knowledge

Depression is a mood disorder characterized by prolonged feeling of extreme sadness or unhappiness, despair, and discouragement

Psychogenic fugue is a dissociative disorder characterized by suddenly leaving home, traveling some distance, forgetting one’s identity and past, and often changing one’s name (often lasts only a few days)

Phobia disorder is the most common anxiety disorder. A phobia is an intense and irrational fear of an object, situation, or thing, resulting in a strong desire to avoid the feared stimulus

Munchausen syndrome is a group of disorders in which the affected individuals simulate illness for no other apparent reason than to receive treatment

Schizoid personalities are loners, they lack warm or tender feelings for others and have few friends (a type of personality disorder)

People who experience intense, persistent gender incongruence can be given the diagnosis of gender dysphoria

Narcolepsy = daily uncontrollable attack of sleep, affected individuals might fall asleep any time they are sedentary, such as when driving, studying, reading, or eating

Nightmare disorder is a condition in which the involved individual is awakened by anxiety-provoking dreams. Once awakened, the individual is quickly oriented

Depression is a main cause of suicide

The most common medications used to treat delusional disorders are antipsychotics

Hashish, a resin from the flowering top of the hemp plant, is thought to be four to eight times stronger than marijuana

Delusional disorders are characterized by a firm belief in a delusion in an otherwise normally adjusted and balanced personality; This disorder is more common in women and tends to occur in middle to late life

OCD has 2 parts: Obsession is repetition of a thought or emotion; Compulsion is a repetitive act the affected individual is unable to resist performing;Behavior becomes ritualistic, and thoughts or attempts to stop the thought or action bring about extreme anxiety

Inhalants are chemicals that produce a vapor that can be inhaled and that produce a mind-altering effect

Chapter 21 review

Enuresis= bedwetting

Chronic use of marijuana can lead to a psychological dependence

Mescaline is similar to LSD but much weaker, it is an active chemical found in the Mexican peyote cactus that also can be produced synthetically

Hypochondriasis= disorder characterized by abnormal anxiety about one’s body and health

Alzheimer’s disease accounts for 50-75 % of all dementia cases

Grandiose—an inflated sense of self-worth, power, and knowledge

Depression is a mood disorder characterized by prolonged feeling of extreme sadness or unhappiness, despair, and discouragement

Psychogenic fugue is a dissociative disorder characterized by suddenly leaving home, traveling some distance, forgetting one’s identity and past, and often changing one’s name (often lasts only a few days)

Phobia disorder is the most common anxiety disorder. A phobia is an intense and irrational fear of an object, situation, or thing, resulting in a strong desire to avoid the feared stimulus

Munchausen syndrome is a group of disorders in which the affected individuals simulate illness for no other apparent reason than to receive treatment

Schizoid personalities are loners, they lack warm or tender feelings for others and have few friends (a type of personality disorder)

People who experience intense, persistent gender incongruence can be given the diagnosis of gender dysphoria

Narcolepsy = daily uncontrollable attack of sleep, affected individuals might fall asleep any time they are sedentary, such as when driving, studying, reading, or eating

Nightmare disorder is a condition in which the involved individual is awakened by anxiety-provoking dreams. Once awakened, the individual is quickly oriented

Depression is a main cause of suicide

The most common medications used to treat delusional disorders are antipsychotics

Hashish, a resin from the flowering top of the hemp plant, is thought to be four to eight times stronger than marijuana

Delusional disorders are characterized by a firm belief in a delusion in an otherwise normally adjusted and balanced personality; This disorder is more common in women and tends to occur in middle to late life

OCD has 2 parts: Obsession is repetition of a thought or emotion; Compulsion is a repetitive act the affected individual is unable to resist performing;Behavior becomes ritualistic, and thoughts or attempts to stop the thought or action bring about extreme anxiety

Inhalants are chemicals that produce a vapor that can be inhaled and that produce a mind-altering effect