A&P- Exam 1

What is anatomy and physiology?

The structure and function of the human body and things in it

Why are structures and functions of body parts usually learned together?

Structure can denote function.

What characteristics must be present for something to be classified as living?

Cellular organization, the ability to develop, metabolism, reproduce/ pass on traits/ respond to environment, maintain homeostasis.

What is differentiation?

Cells have specific characteristics/ jobs.

What kind of membranes line the inside of all body cavities and the outer surface of organs, usually double walled?

Serous membranes

How many organ systems are in the human body?


What are the 11 organ systems in the human body.

Integumentary, skeletal, muscular, lymphatic, respiratory, urinary, nervous, endocrine, circulatory, digestive, reproductive.

What are the principal functions of the integumentary system?

Protection, temperature regulation.

What are the principal structures of the integumentary system?

Hair, skin, nails, glands.

What are the principal functions of the skeletal system?

Provides structure and framework, protects organs, produces blood, calcium storage.

What are the principal structures of the skeletal system?

Bones, joints, cartilage.

What are the principal structures of the muscular system?

Skeletal muscles.

What are the principal functions of the muscular system?

Movement, heat generation.

What are the principal functions of the lymphatic system?

differentiation of B/T cells, filtration, immune system.

What are the principal structures of lymphatic system?

Lymph nodes, tonsils, spleen.

What are the principal functions of the urinary system?

Filtering out waste from blood, maintains homeostasis.

What are the principal structures of the respiratory system?

Lungs, trachea, nasal passages.

What are the principal structures of the urinary system?

Bladder, kidneys, ureter, urethra.

What are the principal functions of the respiratory system?

Breathing, gas exchange.

What are the principal functions of the nervous system?

Nerve impulses.

What are the principal structures of the nervous system?

Nerves, brain, spinal cord

What are the principal structures of the endocrine system?

Thyroid, pancreas, adrenal/ suprarenal and pituitary gland, ovaries, testes.

What are the principal functions of the endocrine system?

Hormone regulation.

What are the principal functions of the circulatory system?

Distibuting blood.

What are the principal structures of the circulatory system?

Heart, vessels, veins, arteries.

What are the principal structures of the digestive system?

Stomach, esophagus, intestines, liver, pancreas.

What are the principal functions of the digestive system?

Provide nutrients.

What are the principal structures of the male reproductive system?

Testes, penis, duct systems, glands

What are the principal structures of the female reproductive system?

Uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, birth canal.

What are the principal functions of both the male and female reproductive system?

Hormone release, production of gametes, offspring.

How does the midsagittal cut separate the body?

Cuts body directly down midline. 2 symmetrical halves.
