germany was very unhappy with the outcomes of the treaty of versailles
issues with versailles:
german bitterness
US congress rejected the treaty
japan + italy were upset bc they wanted more land
chinese may 4th movement.
territorial changes in europe after WW1
russian revolution (1917) - end of romanov dynasty
russian empire →soviet union/USSR
autocratic monarchy →communist dictatorship
territorial changes in asia after WW1
japan acquisition of the shandong penninsula →may 4th movement in china
korea wanted independence from japan
improved production methods
interchangeable parts, mass production, assembly-line production
change to business
rise of corporation + strikes
trusts + monopolies
trade on a global scale
new economic theories + ideas
laissez-faire capitalism, socialism, communism
improvements to communication
telegraph, telephone, photography, radio, movies/film
improvements to transportation
railroads, steamboats, automobiles, aircraft
after ww1
multi-party democracies + coalition governments
the united states
return to isolationism
focus on internal affairs
weimar germany in the 1920s
hyperinflation (1912-24) + current revolution (1924)
US →dawes plan (1923)
causes of the great depression
in the united states
unequal wealth distribution
buying on credit + stock speculation
wall street crah of 1929
in europe
the treaty of versailles + war debt
trade barriers/tariffs
effects of the great depression
global economic collapse
massive unemployment, collapse + closure of businesses, government spending cuts, bankruptcy
the growing popularity of radical ideologies
socialism, communism, fasicism
response to the great depression
rise of keynesian economics
deficit spending to stimulate the economy
ex: U.S. & FDR’s “New Deal”
growth of democratic socialism
increased government spending on public works & social welfare
ex: Scandinavian countries (Denmark, Norway, Sweden)
state-managed production & manufacturing to strengthen the state, especially militarily
ex: Italy (Mussolini), Germany (Hitler), & Spain (Franco)
communist russia under lenin + stalin
russian civil war (1917-22)
CHEKA & “Red Terror”
abortion & homosexuality legal
new economic policy (NEP)
command economy & collectivization
five-year plans
stalin’s purges (1936-38)
fascist italy under mussolini
mussolini as “Il Duce” (“the leader”) by 1925
suppression of opposition
labor unions, press, political opponents, etc.
loss of individual liberties
collaboration with big business
female domesticity & emphasis on increasing birth rates
hitler + the nazi party
originally anti-big business, anti-bourgeois, and anti-capitalist
later evolved to promote pan-german nationalism, racism, anti semitism, & pseudoscience (e.g. eugenics) among other things
rise of adolf hitler
Beer Hall Putsch (1923)
Mein Kampf (1925)
German Presidential election (1932)
Nazi Party as largest political party in Germany
Appointment as Chancellor (1933)
Reichstag Fire (1933)
developments in china
1911 Revolution & end of the Qing Dynasty
Temporary alliance between Communists & KMT/Nationalists
Shanghai Massacre
Chinese Civil War (1927- 1937; 1945-1949)
Jiang & KMT vs. Mao & Communists
developments in japan
Meiji Restoration & rapid modernization
Initial expansion
1st Sino-Japanese War, Russo-Japanese War, WWI
Failed democracy (1920s)
Militarism of the 1930s
“Border incidents” with China