Importance of protein passageways in cell membranes.
Course Objective #4: Distinguish between types of passive and active transport mechanisms through cell membranes.
Topics to Review:
Diffusion & Osmosis
Passive Transport
Powered by diffusion
Channels & carrier proteins
Active Transport
Powered by ATP hydrolysis
Additional Entry/Exit Methods
Mechanisms of Salt Toxicity:
Salt ions invade cells and instigate lethal biochemical reactions.
Salt combines with water in cells, creating a viscous liquid that hinders movement; slugs get immobilized.
Water diffuses into slugs' cells due to salt causing cell explosion.
Water diffusion out of cells results in slugs succumbing to dehydration.
Composed of a diverse mixture of macromolecules, ions, etc.
Separates the extracellular environment from the intracellular environment.
Regulates the entry and exit of substances.
Question: Which molecules diffuse most quickly?
Options: H2O, O2, H2PO4-, glucose, Na+
Examples include:
Water (exhibits a faster rate than osmosis)
Dietary sugars, amino acids, vitamins
Signaling and secreted molecules
Waste products
Passive Transport Characteristics:
No energy cost to the cell.
Movement across cell membranes driven by concentration gradients.
Facilitated diffusion uses proteins as passageways for large or charged solutes.
Transmembrane/Integral Membrane Proteins:
Amphipathic nature with hydrophobic tails and hydrophilic heads.
Integral proteins exist within the phospholipid bilayer.
Recognize specific ions or molecules.
Provide open passageways for rapid transport.
Can be gated, allowing regulation of flow.
Question: Amino acids in the a-helices:
Face hydrophobic fatty acid chains: likely hydrophobic.
Face inner pore: likely hydrophilic.
Question: Which statement about osmosis is correct?
Options covering isotonic, hypertonic solutions, aquaporins' role, etc.
Mechanism: Specific solute binds, protein undergoes a conformational change and opens to the opposite side.
Speed compared to channels: may vary.
Key Characteristics:
Moves solutes against concentration gradients.
Energetically unfavorable and requires energy input, typically from ATP.
Example: Proton pump.
Structure and Function:
Adenosine Tri-Phosphate (ATP) consists of adenine, ribose, and inorganic phosphate.
Acts as the energy currency for cellular work and chemical synthesis.
High extracellular [Na], low intracellular [Na].
Mechanism includes:
Na+ binding to pump and triggering phosphorylation by ATP.
Conformational change expels Na+ outside the cell.
K+ binding triggers release of phosphate, restoring original conformation.
Key differences in mechanisms of transport and energy requirements.
What kinds of biomolecules play crucial roles in barrier integrity, fluidity, and ion entry?
Overview of processes and their significance for cellular function:
Endocytosis: Phagocytosis, pinocytosis, and receptor-mediated endocytosis.
Exocytosis: Mechanism for expelling materials from the cell.
Ingestion of large particles (e.g., food).
General intake of liquids.
Receptor-Mediated Endocytosis:
Specific solute intake via receptors.
Question: Invading bacteria uptake mechanism by immune cells:
Options: pinocytosis, exocytosis, osmosis, phagocytosis, facilitated diffusion.