Introduction - 3 Big Questions
Developmental Psychology
= the study of “physical, cognitive, and social change throughout the lifespan” (pg.71)
What’s more important maturation or learning?
Is development continuous or does it consist of stages?
To what degree are traits stable over our lifetime, or do they change quite a bit?
Assimilation & Accommodation
Piaget’s Theory (add from book: sensory motor, concrete emotional, etc.)
Development occurs by a process of equilibration
= Children seek a balance between what they encounter in their environment and their existing schema and cognitive capabilities
= “a concept or framework that organizes and interprets information” (pg. 81)
When environment information does not fit existing schema - Disequilibrium
Then have to use:
Assimilation = Interpret our experience in terms of our existing schemas
Accommodation = Adapt our current schemas to incorporate new information
Dimensions of Parenting
Two Dimensions of Parenting Behavior:
= Affectionate, involved, responsive to emotional needs, spends time
Opposite = Uninvolved; hostile; focused on parent’s needs
= Set, uphold, communicate, & consistently enforce standards
Opposite = Allow kids to do whatever they like
Four Parenting Styles:
Authoritarian - high control + low warmth
Authoritative - high control + high warmth
Permissive - low control + high warmth
Neglectful - low control + low warmth
Associations with Childhood Competence
Authoritarian - “Enforceable competence” (competent when authority figure is present)
Authoritative - High overall competence
Permissive - Specific competencies… when interested
Neglectful - Least competent
Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development
“Each stage of life has its own psychosocial task” (pg. 93) that needs resolution
Trust vs. Mistrust (baby)
Autonomy vs. Shame/Doubt (1-2 years old)
Initiative vs. Guilt (3-5 years old)
Competence vs. Inferiority (6+ years old)
Identity vs. Role Confusion (teenage years)
Intimacy vs. Isolation (20s-30s)
Generativity vs. Stagnation (40s-mid 60s)
Integrity vs. Despair (mid 60s+)
To form a successful love relationship, must resolve Stage 5
Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Development
Told stories to subjects in which characters face moral dilemmas.
Pre-conventional Morality
Conventional Morality
Post-conventional Morality