Untitled Flashcards Set

Chapter 1

Would you argue that Japan's imperialism comes from fear or arrogance?  Make your argument and use information from the first reading to prove your point

I think Japan's imperialism comes from fear, the goals of It's imperialism were to further sepereate Japan from Korea and China. Giving the emperor more powers and the slogan "rich country, strong country", were methods that proved sucessful in the Sino-Japanese war. The text states that they viewed Korea and China as threatening foreign dominions. Japan's foreign policy's underlying goal was about establishing colonial rule and national pride. I think that this imperialism started out of fear, but could've grown to be something of arrogance after continued victories. 

The Meji Restoration - 1920’s

  • “Rich country, strong country”

  • Japan had a large fear of western influence/denomination

  • Industrialization and nationalism were big during this time

  • “Twenty one demands to china”

  • Chinese government was fractured by warlordism

  • WWI brought inflation for japan, this caused riots and death for 700k anti-soviet group

  • Kanto Earthquake

    • Manhood suffrage bill

    • Peace preservation Law - outlawed radical organizations and gave more control over the people to the gov

  • The Allied Occupation - was sent to americanize japan

    • As the changes towards industrialization commenced, Japan lost a lot of it’s traditional culture

    • The Japanese people were denied their voice

    • Rush to modernize

    • Rural population suffered

  • Male conscription - the 3 year contract

Chapter 2

Please summarize the main points of the Chapter and include 2 Questions that you have from the reading.

During and after the Meiji Restoration, japan had massive centralization and industrialization, this was partially due to western influence. Japanese society had more freedom economically and benefitted from modernization. The Chapter also talks about women in textile industry, and constantly growing heavy industry. There were some labor laws put in place but they were not heavily enforced, this resulted in a large uptake of labor unions, and the Factory act of 1911 was one result. military expansion also happened during this time. Newspapers also saw an increase in production, although only 50% of the population could read adiquately. there was an uptake of sports and movies during the Taisho period. They implimented a 3 year requirement on military service and the imperial army was strengthened. Overall, Japan saw a dramatic increase in economic stability (and nationalism as a result)from western influence. 

Taisho Era - 1920’s(1925<)

  • By 1925, 2 generations had lived through the Meji Restoration

  • The Japanese people experienced more freedom than ever before because of Japan trying to keep up with western nations

  • Centralization

  • The Diet - constitution

  • Urban growth

    • Job opportunities with new factories

    • Women in textile industry

    • More women than men in industry

    • Cotton 

  • Labor unions formed

  • 1911 Factory Act - was meant to limit how many hours employees can work and their hire age. This wasn’t put into place until 1916, but still was never enforced. It was later expanded in the 1920’s

  • Japan was afraid that people would develop individualism from this economic freedom

  • Military service for men

  • 50% literate

  • Huge boom in newspaper production

    • Ex. Chuo Koron, Shufu No Tomo(the housewife’s friend), Fujin Koron

  • Japan opens its borders to the west, increase in travel

  • Western clothing

  • Jazz

  • “Mobos and Mogas” Modern boys and girls

  • Sports, baseball, golf, tennis

  • Movies and film media

  • Radio

  • Military service was required, and cut across classes

  • Urban vs Rural gap was still prevalent, “as if there were 2 Japans”

  • Rice culture was big

    • Rural women preferred industry because of the harsh conditions of arranged marriage

    • 15 years of silence. Girl i cant even stay quiet for 5 minutes

    • Poverty rates only increased after WWI

    • Rural Japan focussed on traditional Values

  • Tenant culture and the Tenancy Arbitrition Law - the police were allowed to step in and settle disputes.

1. Were the newspapers used as a form of mass propaganda, or were they mostly run by the people? 

2. How improved is industrial society in Japan now? 

Chapter 3

Please summarize the main points of the Chapter and include 2 Questions that you have from the reading.

As domestic and international tensions heightened, universal manhood suffrage began to expand after many years of little progress. Western tensions rose with the exclusion act and gentlemans agreement that limited immigration from japan to the US, taisho democracy knew short lived stability as the great depression hit. Voting rights were a struggle and the Kokuhonsha nationalist organization was formed. Prime minister Tanaka came into power and demanded anarchist and communist arrests. Chinese instability and warlord power were the center focus of Sun, the CCP, and GMD. Japan's place in international community felt threatened by US racist policies. Zhang's assassination brought the Tanaka Cabinet to resign, military control of the government began to grow. The washington conference brought attention to the naval arms race, they then created the 9 and then 5 power treaty, this gave Japan east asian water military control. Chapter 3 ends with increasing government control by the military. I did not read chapter 4 yet.

Taisho Democracy - 1925-1930

  • The meiji reforms are now over 50 years old

  • By mid 1920’s, Japan could claim to be the strongest nation in Asia

  • 1924 Exclusion Act by the USA - limited the # of japanese that could come to america. 

    • 15 years earlier japan had tried to prevent this by joining the Gentlemen’s Agreement which limited the # of emmigrants from Japan to the US.

  • People overall became more politically involved

  • Labor movement peak

  • Womens movement peak

  • Manhood suffrage has been a long struggle, the diet had been trying repeatedly to get some laws passed

  • 1923 a struggle for voting rights after the Kanto earthquake

  • Police murder of Osugi Sakae->

  • Assasination attempt on Crown prince Hirohito as a result

    • The crown prince had a crazy father

    • The idea of “Dangerous Thought” was brought to attention by the Diet, and they created the Kokuhonsha(National Foundation Society) in 1924

      • Promoted nationalism

      • 200,000 members

      • Important to right-wing nationalist government

    • The Peace Preservation law - made illigal any groups that voiced to change the Kokutai(the imperial government) or anyone who wanted to end private property systems(aimed at communists)

      • This bill scared radicals

  • 1927, Japan had huge unpaid bank debt(another result of the Kanto earthquake)

    • They were never able to recover from this and it only got worse in 1929 when the US stock market collapsed & the GD started

  • 1928, The first election under the new suffrage law, Prime minister Tanaka Giichi was elected

    • Tanaka ordered the arrest of suspected anarchists and communists, over 1,000 arrests “1928 roundup of leftists”

    • Samurai class

    • Served in the army 

    • The Imperial Reservists association - his propaganda to promote the military

    • He became prime minister in the heat of the financial crisis

  • Problems with China

    • Overrun with warlordism

    • CCP - chinese communist party

    • GMD - Guomindang nationalist party(led by Sun Yetsen)

    • Sun aimed to work with these parties to end warlordism

    • The Shandong Expidition - a japanese party sent to China to protect japanese citizens

      • The Kwantung army was sent to defend the Manchurian area(the Positive policy outlined their goals of defending it)

      • The Tanaka cabinet helped Zhang Zuolin, hoping that this would help manchuria stay independent

      • Japanese army member assasinated Zhang with a bomb

    • The Tanaka cabinet resigns as a result

  • Hamaguchi Osachi is the new prime minister

    • Hamaguchi cabinet 1929-1931

    • Wanted peaceful and diplomatic ways to work with china

    • Zhangs son(Zhang Xueliang) became a rising threat

    • The Military did not answer to the cabinet, but only the emperor

  • The military became more inclined to be involved in politics through the military budget cuts of 1922

  • The washington conference - The 9 and 5 power treaties, aimed for power balance

  • Hamaguchi dies

    • Increasing militarization for the future

1. How much influence did the Kokuhonsha organization have? and what did they do? 

2. The reading says that the people saw Tanaka's foregn policy seemed a protection of japan's interests, what does that mean?

Chapter 4

Please summarize the main points of the Chapter and include 2 Questions that you have from the reading.

Chapter 4

- Japan is in a lot of economic trouble, some of which stems from their involvement in WWI markets cuz their involvement was cut after WWI and their economy dropped

- agrarian commmunity is suffering cuz silk value went down, rural is suffering in general

- when rural people move to the city to improve life, they face condecension, but a positive is that a lot of rural men are joining the military

- the manchurian incident is when the Kwantung army explodes a bomb and blames it on China, and then later they shoot them and gain control of Manchuria

- the military was doing it without orders cause they thought the civilian government was out of touch and couldn't control the military. when the govt tries to send an advisor, he kind of does nothing, and military kind of ignores orders from the civ govt. 

- the military gains control over foreign policy, the LON tries to get Japan to withdraw from Manchuria but then they ignore them and create Manchukuo, where the Kwantung army appoint a puppet leader, and then they withdraw out of the LON, and then Manchukuo kind of becomes a new liability for Japan

- Japan is feeling distant from the West, and their nationalism grows a lot 

- Japan sees themselves as a family and the emperor is the father, and they see themselves as the leader of Asia and they were divinely chosen

- Japan starts to make everyone think the same politically and they all become nationalists, for example a professor is charged for talking ill of the emperor

- emperor is on top, no individuality

- there is a military coup to return to imperialism and they want to assassinate everyone and politicians, but theyre not really getting punished

- they do more violence against political leaders

- basically now everyone has to agree with the military and the conspirators are seen as heroes 

- two factions are created, the Kodo, which likes violence, and the Tosei, which don't like violence as much 

- the military is still violent and chaotic and still killing politicians, but then some people in the military realize they dont really like it and start calling the conspirators rebels

I stole this from henry’s response. I did not read chapter 4

Chapter 5

Please summarize the main points of the Chapter and include 2 Questions that you have from the reading.

As the military gained more and more control over the government, Japan became a little more isolated from other countires. The eight-year war with China began. During the war, Japan invested in the Tangku Truce and the anti-comintern pact(anti-soviet pact with germany), which alloewed japan to move further into Manchukuo and into china. In China they supressed the CCP and Anti-Japanese activity. The fighting was focussed around Beijing while China launched an unsucessful bomb attack on Japan. In december of 1937, japan launched the attack on Nanking, they held Nanking for six weeks, where the tragedy of the Rape of Nanking took place, 350,000 civilians were tortured and killed. Japan was bitter about the effects of Western influence still, they wanted to keep Japan weak. Manchukuo-soviet relations were unstable and Japans actions were interfiring with their foreign relations as soviet fear increased. The Second Konoe Cabinet was put into place and aimed to focus all of Japans efforts on war, ending the war with China was their first priority. Japan Prepared itself for the posibilty of a war with the United States. Japan gave demands to the French and Dutch, giving them advantage and resources. The Tripartite pact with Germany and Italy was aimed to protect the three countries and aimed at the USA. The rise of the IRAA brought back some previous Japanese culture, trying to eliminate years of western influence, but it was heavily bent on control of the Japanese people. The idea of "thought control" was prevalant, and they had things like the tonarigumi which was a further form of small group control in neighborhoods. The chapter ends with a neutrality pact with the soviets and the end of the soviet threat. the war is 4 years in now. 


  • Military voice is much larger

  • Japan became more isolated seeing the international community as racist and obstructionist

  • 1933 - the tangku truce postpones war with china

  • 1937 Hostilities between Japanese and Chinese troops broke out near Bejing 

  • 1940 - allies had become enemies

  • Japan is on the brink of war with the United States

  • The 26th February incident? 

  • Okada Keisuke was replaced by the new prime minister Hirota Koki in 1936

    • Dealt with army demands for allowing the reintroduction of requirement

    • Hirota believed that the Soviet threat was bigger than the Chinese threat

      • Anti-comintern pact with germany 1936

    • Hirota’s “three principles” page 218

    • “The long March” - campaign against communists

  • The “Xian incident” Zhang’s son captured Chaing and then released him on christmas, he then agreed to enter the united front with the communists against the japanese

    • Japan and China were fighting, Chaing did not want to look soft on japan

      • China Bombs sent to a japanese settlement in shanghai 

      • Konoe’s government responded

  • The 8-year war had begun in 1937

    • December the rape of Nanjing 

      • 350,000 turtured, raped, and killed. 🙁

    • Japan would no longer recognize Chaing’s Government and adopted the slogan “war by annihaliation”

  • Prime minister prince Konoe Fumimaro led Japan through the war

  • Japan had sided with the allied powers in WWI

    • After WWI was the first time Japan could pursue expansion

  • Japanese-Chinese relations were damaging Japans international relations

  • Germany and Japan were brought closer together throught the anti-comintern pact when the Soviets caused a border clash in manchukuo

  • General Abe Nobuyuki took over for the Hiranuma cabinet in 1939

  • Wang chingwei was a new puppet regime in china

  • Yonai Cabinet collapse

  • 2nd Konoe Cabinet

    • 1940

    • This cabinet would lead japan into war with the united states

    • Gave french and dutch demands

    • Vicky france gave japan an advantage 

  • The Tripartite pact - Japan, Germany, Italy

    • 1940

    • An agreement to aid eachother in the even any of the 3 countries was attacked

    • Aimed clearly at the USA

  • IRAA

  • Tightening control of propaganda and the Japanese people

    • Rewriting textbooks

    • “Thought control” still

    • Nationalistic mindset 

  • The war with china is 4 years in now

  • German-soviet relations bad, so Japan made a Neutrality pact with Stalin

    • Alleviated the soviet threat completely 

  • Matsouka was the foreign minister for Japan, he made a lot of these things happen

- What opprotunities did Hitlers successes in Europe bring for Japan?

- What led to the failure of the Chinese Bombers in Shanghai?

Chapter 6

The Course of the War

  • The war with China is now 4 years in

  • Japan is about to start a war with the united states through pearl harbor

  • 1941 the possibility of war with the united states was growing

  • Japan took up a very anti-american mindset, newspapers said “Japan against the world”

  • The entire konoe Cabinet resigned to get rid of Matsouka 

    • They rebuilt it without him and now have Teijiro as the foreign minister

  • Roosevelt placed an embargo on exports to Japan

  • Oil dependency threatened US-Japanese relations

  • The Emperor and Konoe thought that the government and military were divided. One wanted peace, the other wanted war. 

    • Japan kept promising to take over more land every 3 months, the war with china they said the same, but now 4 years in & no end in sight

  • Konoe Cabinet resigns for real this time

  • Tojo is the new prime minister

    • Tojo was very involved in the military and had the best chance at controlling them

    • Civil and military matters were under 1 man

      • Tojo negotiated with the US, Japan would withdrawal from french indo-china if the US would continue their oil exchange

      • Before a response even came they sent the ships to attack pearl harbor

  • December 7th(8th for Jap) pearl harbor was bombed/attacked

    • This was a shock to the US

  • The first 6 months of the war with the united states went well for japan

    • But it was clear that Japan could not keep up with a war so far overseas. Their resources could not extend the war.

    • Japan controlled Burma, Guam and Wake Island(american forces) and Britain’s Hong Kong

    • Japan got desperately needed oil from the Dutch

  • Japan infighting of the army and navy plans 

    • Tojo thought this was the sole reason for Japan’s defeat

  • No unity between the army and navy was a huge struggle

  • The tide of the war truly turned when the United States intercepted a code on where the Japs were going to attack next.

    • Midway Island

    • The US had prepared their air defenses, and when the japanese bombers came, they suffered a huge loss

  • Japan began to lose

    • Japan’s supply lines failed

    • USA started an “island hopping” campaign

    • Germany and italy fall, ruining their tripartite 

    • 1:17 death ratio for japanese

    • Japanese people lost hope in the war

    • Marina island losses

    • USA built a new naval base in guam

  • Tokyo bombing

    • Fire bombs

    • 78,000 dead

    • 43,000 injured

    • 1.5 million homeless

    • 1944

  • Japanese were initially so confident they could win the war, but they were sorely mistaken. They started a war they knew they couldn’t supply, and they payed the price.

    • Clothing expression was used to express their feelings about losing the war

    • Civillians suffered greatly

    • All efforts were put into the war

    • Japan was economically doomed from the start

    • This was the first time the japanese people thought that the emperor had made a mistake, it was previously thought that he could not make an error

  • The fall of Saipan

    • 1944
