
Page 1: Introduction to Economic Growth


  • Economic growth is a crucial focus in modern economics.

  • Presented by Dr. Ahmad Hassan at Loughborough University.

  • Contact information and consultation hours provided.

Page 2: Reading List

Recommended Literature

  • L&C Ch. 26: Begg, D., Vernasca, G., Fischer, S., and Dornbusch, R. (2014). Economics, 12th Edition, McGraw Hill.

  • Ch. 28: McDowell, M., Thom, R., Pastine, I., Frank, R., and Bernanke, B. (2012). Principles of Economics, 3rd European Edition, McGraw Hill.

  • ONS resources regarding the UK economy.

Page 3: Benefits of Economic Growth

Key Advantages

  • Living Standards Improvement: Economic growth leads to enhanced living standards, thereby combating poverty effectively.

  • Technological Advances: Growth fosters new products and processes, impacting lifestyle, healthcare, and quality of food.

  • Income Redistribution: Increased income allows for more generosity towards economically disadvantaged groups without raising taxes on the wealthy.

Page 4: Costs of Economic Growth

Potential Costs

  • Opportunity Costs: Investment in growth can lead to consumption sacrifices today.

  • Personal and Social Costs: Shifts in resources can adversely affect individuals.

  • Time Distribution of Costs: Current sacrifices may benefit future generations.

  • Negative Externalities: Growth can adversely impact the environment.

  • Growth and Happiness: Economic growth does not necessarily correlate with increased happiness.

Page 5: Opportunity Costs

Understanding Opportunity Costs

  • Growth involves sacrificing current consumption for future benefits.

  • Investment in capital, education, and health does not yield immediate returns.

  • Illustrated through a production possibilities framework.

Page 6: Production Possibility Curve

  • Visual representation detailing the trade-offs between capital goods and consumption goods for economic growth.

  • Demonstrates economic choices and limits.

Page 7: Personal and Social Costs

Impact on Individuals

  • Economic changes can render certain skills obsolete.

  • Historical examples include job losses during the industrial revolution and automation.

  • Personal costs can be significant for those affected, despite smaller overall societal impact.

Page 8: Distribution Costs

Cost Distributions

  • Time Distribution: Today's sacrifices may not benefit current older populations.

  • Geographical Distribution: Economic benefits are unevenly spread; differs regionally (e.g., northern vs. southern England).

Page 9: Negative Externalities

Environmental Concerns

  • Economic growth contributes to increased pollution and environmental degradation.

  • Rising populations and industrial activities strain natural processes for managing pollution.

Page 10: Growth and Happiness

Disconnection Between Growth and Happiness

  • Studies in the USA show no increase in happiness despite rising incomes.

  • Stressors from competitive environments may lead to mental health issues.

  • Longer working hours may further reduce leisure and familial time.

  • This disconnect suggests that material wealth does not equate to emotional well-being, indicating the need for a reevaluation of societal values and priorities.

Page 11: Resource Exhaustion

Consumption Trends

  • Since 1945, resource consumption has drastically increased alongside population growth.

  • population growth from 2 to 6 billion in period increases demand for natural resources.

  • Rising living standards are creating unsustainable resource demands.

  • increasing wealth means they consume more and continually rising standards are unsustainable

Page 12: Resource Exhaustion and Technology

Technological Solutions

  • Innovations can lead to more efficient resource use.

  • Challenges include timing and ensuring that advancements can keep pace with demand.

Page 13: Renewable Resources

Sustainability Issues

  • Increased demands on resources like fish and rainforests threaten long-term sustainability.

  • Problems often stem from inadequate management of resources, undefined property rights or lacking gov jurisdiction

Page 14: Conclusions

Summary of Findings

  • Economic growth has significantly improved living conditions in advanced nations but also introduces challenges.

  • Sustainable growth is essential and requires innovative policies.

  • Present strategies suggest overcoming current sustainability challenges is possible.
