CHAPTER 1: The Problem of the setting
1.) Introduction
2.) Background of the study
3.) Statement of the Problem
The questions that the researchers attempt to answer.
Without the problems/ questions, researchers cannot proceed
allows you to be clear with your purpose
- should include measurable variables and should be answerable in quantifiable terms
- question should be achievable and realistic to answer.
- relevant and significant
-completed within reasonable time
4.) Researh Hypothesis
- educated guess
Hypothesis statement
- important part
- researchers make a predictionabout what they think will happen
Null Hypothesis
- symbolized by H0
- no effect or difference in what you're studying.
- denial of an existance of an attribute or the absence of ar elationship between the variables in the study.
Alternative Hypothesis
- Symbolized by H1
- This suggests that there is an effect or difference
- affirmative statement of the educated guess
5.) Scope and Limitations
- describes the extent coverage of the study
- discusses the parameter
- answers where, when, who and how
- the boundaries beyond the control of the researchers
6.) Significance of the study
Significance of the Study
- defines who will benefit from the findings of the study.