Country | Executive Branch | Electoral system | Division of power | Head of state and government | Current Problems |
UK | parliament | SMD w/ plurality | Unitary but devolved | Government Prime Minister (House of Commons choses) State Monarchy | Brexit No written constitution 2 ½ party system |
Japan | Parliament | Mixed (SMD & proportional representation) | unitary | Government Prime Minister State Monarchy/ Emperor | Aging population, deflation, 3territory disputes -dominant party system -cant declare war |
South Africa | Parliamentary | Proportional | Unitary | State & Government President (elected by national assembly) | -HIV -Crime & Corruption -land reform -ANC is dominant party (liberal) -DA opposes the party |
Germany | Parliamentary | Mixed (SMD & proportional representation) | unitary | Government Federal Chancellor (elected by Bundestag) State President (elected by special federal convention | -low birth rate -social market economy -changing from nuclear power Codetermination -Larget firms must give up board seats to the union "sperrklausel" or "election threshold= 5% of the national vote |
France | Semi- presidential | proportional | Unitary | Government Prime Minister State President | Assimilation of immigrants, EU |
Russia | Semi-presidential | Proportional for LH Upper house elected by local exec and leg branch | federal | Head of State: President Head of Gov: Prime Minister | |
Mexico | Presidential | Mixed (Proportional and SMD) | federal | Head of state: President | |
Nigeria | presidential | SMD | Federal | President | -corruption -post-colonialism -fragile -increasing population -Federal character Principle (must appoint ministers from each region/ethnicity) |
US | President | SMD with plurality | federal | State & Government President | Political polarization |
Iran | theocracy (has a supreme leader not semi-presidential) Shia islam | Single- member and Multi-member districts with plurality | Unitary | State Supreme leader (Assembly of Experts selects) Government President (but doesnt have as much power) | Nuclear power, drugs/alcohol -Guardian Council oversees elections and approve parliamentary legislation |
China | Communist Nondem regime | n/a | unitary | Head of state: President |