Flashcard 1
Word: Augment
Part of Speech: Verb
Definition: To increase or make something greater.
Example Sentence: The company decided to augment its workforce to meet the growing demand.
Flashcard 2
Word: Boisterous
Part of Speech: Adjective
Definition: Noisy, energetic, and rowdy.
Example Sentence: The boisterous crowd at the concert made it hard to hear the music.
Flashcard 3
Word: Valiant
Part of Speech: Adjective
Definition: Brave or courageous.
Example Sentence: The valiant knight fought fiercely to protect the kingdom.
Flashcard 4
Word: Pernicious
Part of Speech: Adjective
Definition: Having a harmful effect, especially in a gradual or subtle way.
Example Sentence: The pernicious rumors spread quickly, damaging her reputation.
Flashcard 5
Word: Portentous
Part of Speech: Adjective
Definition: Ominous or foreshadowing something significant, often negative.
Example Sentence: The dark clouds and portentous silence made everyone uneasy.
Flashcard 6
Word: Posterity
Part of Speech: Noun
Definition: Future generations or all of a person's descendants.
Example Sentence: The artist created the mural for posterity, hoping it would inspire future generations.
Flashcard 7
Word: Profane
Part of Speech: Adjective
Definition: Irreverent or disrespectful toward something sacred.
Example Sentence: His profane comments during the ceremony offended many people.
Flashcard 8
Word: Choler
Part of Speech: Noun
Definition: Anger or irritability.
Example Sentence: His choler was evident when he slammed the door in frustration.
Flashcard 9
Word: Virtuous
Part of Speech: Adjective
Definition: Having high moral standards or being morally good.
Example Sentence: She was known for her virtuous behavior and kindness to others.
Flashcard 10
Word: Prodigious
Part of Speech: Adjective
Definition: Remarkably large, impressive, or extraordinary.
Example Sentence: The prodigious talent of the young musician amazed everyone at the concert.