Course: C483: Principles of Management
Instructor: Andy Doren, DM
Institution: WGU College of Business
Human Resources Management (HRM): Formal systems focused on managing people within organizations.
Refers to the economic value of employees' knowledge, skills, and abilities.
Tool used to determine job functions and necessary qualifications.
Details essential tasks, duties, and responsibilities associated with a particular job.
Outlines the skills, knowledge, and abilities required for a job.
Stages: Planning, Programming, Evaluating
Strategic organizational planning.
Environmental scanning for HRM.
Demand forecasting and labor market analysis.
Recruitment and selection processes.
Productivity, technology, internal and external labor supply, turnover, training, and performance appraisal.
External factors include economics and legislation.
Divides job satisfaction into hygiene factors (workplace characteristics) and motivators (aspects providing job meaning).
Outlines variables influencing job design and employee motivation.
Key Components of Selection:
Applications and Résumés
Reference Checks
Drug Testing
Cognitive Ability Tests
Performance and Integrity Tests
Background Checks
Personality Tests
Importance of managing a diverse workforce:
Acknowledge common characteristics while treating employees as individuals.
Support and leverage employee differences to benefit the organization.
Gender: Challenges like women's rights, sexual harassment, and LGBT issues.
Cross-cultural Communication: Barriers due to cultural and language differences.
Religion in the Workplace: Prohibition against discrimination based on religious beliefs.
Multiple Generations: Strategies for integrating older employees and addressing generational communication challenges.
Attracts and retains motivated employees.
Enhances perspectives for market differentiation.
Leverages creativity and innovation in problem-solving.
Improves organizational flexibility.
Issues faced include:
Unexamined assumptions.
Mistrust leading to lower cohesiveness.
Communication barriers.
Stereotyping problems.
Governs minimum wage and employee classifications (exempt vs. nonexempt).
Enforced by the Department of Labor.
Prohibits pay discrimination based on gender.
Enforced by the EEOC with potential fines and damages.
Prohibits discrimination in employment based on various characteristics.
Established equal opportunity requirements for federal contracts.
Protects employees over 40 from age-based discrimination.
Mandates modifications for disabled employees and prohibits discrimination.
Provides for unpaid leave for certain family and medical needs.
Training: Equip employees with knowledge for their current jobs.
Development: Enhance broad managerial skills for future roles.
Awareness Building: Increase sensitivity toward valuing diversity and understanding biases.
Skill Building: Provide tools to navigate diversity issues effectively in the workplace.
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Institution: WGU College of Business