The Germanic barbarians that sacked Rome were illiterate. As more and more families moved to the countryside, the level of learning among Romans plummeted.
Latin altered as German-speaking peoples interacted with the Roman population. It was no longer understood, despite the fact that it was still an official language.
The entire concept of governance altered as a result of shifting boundaries. Roman civilization was unified through loyalty to the government and written law.
Gregory I, often known as Gregory the Great, was elected Pope in 590. Gregory expanded the papacy's authority, or pope's office, beyond its spiritual position as head of the Church in Rome.
By reducing the power of the nobles, Charlemagne bolstered his royal authority. He dispatched royal agents to manage his empire.
With the collapse of Viking invasions, Europe became the subject of new assaults. The Magyars, a nomadic population from what is now Hungary, attacked from the east.
Between the years 850 and 950, the invaders' raids were at their peak. Similar agreements were established in various places of Europe during this period by rulers and warriors like Charles and Rollo.
The feudal society had a pyramid-like structure. The king reigned supreme.
Peasants rarely ventured further than 25 miles from their home. They could see their entire universe at a look by standing in the middle of a plowed field.
Peasants paid a great fee for the privilege of living on the lord's land. All grain ground in the lord's mill was subject to a tax.
During the 700s, leather saddles and stirrups revolutionized the way Europe fought. Both were created circa 200 B.C. in Asia.
Western Europe had become a battleground of feuding nobility seeking for dominance by the 11th century.
Nobles' sons began training for knighthood at a young age and taught the chivalric code. A boy would be taken to another lord's castle at the age of seven.
Tournament violence was not comparable to the bloodshed of genuine conflicts, particularly those fought at castles.
Epic poems were treasured by feudal lords and their wives. The acts and adventures of a hero were chronicled in these poems.
A noblewoman could inherit an estate from her husband under the feudal system. She might also send her lord's knights to war at his request.
For generations, life has remained unaltered for the vast majority of lower-class women.