Name the steps in order for staining (crystal Violet-stain 1, iodine, alcohol, safranin, rinse with water)
If you discover that the bacterium you’re studying stores phosphate, which of the following would you expect to contain the stored phosphate? (granules) A. Granules B. Ribosomes C. Plasmids D. Lipopolysaccharides E. Endospores
What are the the minimum structures of a cell ( outer cell membrane, cytoplasm, a chromosome, and ribosomes).
Name the 3 basic shapes that cells can come in _______, _________, and _________ (spherical, cubical, cylindrical
What are 2 basic cell types ______and ______ (eukaryotic, and prokaryotic)
The cytoplasm inside of a cell is surrounded by a __________? (cytoplasm)
Prokaryotic cells lack _______ and _______ (nucleus and membrane bound organelles)
Prokaryotic cell types include_______, and _______
T/F prokaryotic cells are adaptable single cell life forms.
Eukaryotic cell types include_____, ______, ______, ______, (animals, plants, fungi, and protists)
Eukaryotic organelles including nucleus are ______bound. (membrane)
Primary indicators of a cells life include what 5 things (reproduction/heredity, growth responsiveness, transport, cell support)
Reproduction: cells can produce offspring _______ or ______ (sexually, and asexually)
Heredity: Genomes are composed of ______ that are packed into _____ (DNA, and chromosomes)
What characteristics are needed to support a cell via protection and storage mechanisms cells walls, vacuoles, granules and inclusions)
Name 2 types of external structures ______, and ______ (appendages, and glycocalyx)
Name the two major groups of appendages (motility, and attachment)
Motility Appendage includes_____, and _____ (flagella and axial filaments)
Attachment Appendage includes _____, and _____ (fimbriae, and pili)
Projections that extend from a bacteria cell is called a ______ (appendage)
Flagella and axial filaments can be found in ______and are used for motility (spirochetes)
Which appendage function is adhering to its environment (fimbriae)
_____ can be involved in adhesion movement and genetic exchange (pili)
The slime layer or capsule of a cell is called a ______ (glycocalyx)
What are the 4 types of flagellar arrangements L.A.M.P_____, _____, _____, ______ (Lophotrichous, Amphitrichous, Monotrichous Peritrichous)
_____ are small bunches emerging from the same site (Lophotrichous)
_____ has flagella at both ends of cell (Amphitrichous)
_____ has a single flagellum at one end (Monotrichous)
_____ has flagella dispersed over surface of cell (Peritrichous)
What are the 2 types of external flagellar stimulus _____, _____ (chemical stimuli, light stimuli)
____: chemotaxis; positive and negative (Chemical stimuli)
_____: phototaxis (Light stimuli)
What type of Internal flagella, enclosed in the space between the outer sheath and the cell wall peptidoglycan (Periplasmic Flagella)
Periplasmic flagella produced cellular motility by (contracting imparting twisting, or flexing motion)
______ is like fine promiscuous hair like bristles all merging from the cells surface (fimbriae)
Fimbriae plays a role in _____ to other cells and surfaces (adhesion)
_____ are rigid tubular structure is made of pilin protein (pili)
Pili is found in gram___ cells (negative)
What is the primary function of pili_____(conjugation)
______ is the temporary union of two bacteria or unicellular organisms for the exchange of genetic material. (conjugation)
______is the coating of molecules external to the cell wall, made of sugars and/or proteins (glycocalyx)
What are the 2 types of glycocalyx ( slime layer and capsule)
A_____Is loosely organized and attached (slime layer)
A_____is highly organized and tightly attached (capsule)
What are the three functions of the glycocalyx protect, (protection, inhibit killing attachment)
A glycocalyx layer in a bacteria inhibits it from being killed by _____ and phagocytosis which then (WBCs and pathogenicity)
A glycocalyx protects cells from and (nutrient loss and dehydration)
a glycocalyx can attach itself through the formation of a _____ (biofilm)
The cell envelope is composed of what two basic layers (cell wall and cell membrane)
what is the function does the cell envelope maintain (cell integrity)
Gram positive bacteria Cell envelope Is made-up of _and the (peptidoglycan and cell membrane)
_______ bacteria has a thick cell wall (gram positive)
______ has a thin peptidoglycan layer (gram negative)
Gram negative bacteria cell envelope is made-up of what three things _____, ____, ____ (outer cell membrane, thin peptidoglycan layer, cell membrane
A gram positive cell wall is maintained by what two acids_____and_____ (teichoic, lipoteichoic)
The ______ space in a gram positive bacteria is located between the cell wall and plasma membrane (periplasmic space)
The outer membrane of a gram-negative cell wall contains _____ (lipopolysaccharides)
Lipopolysaccharides also known as lipid protein endotoxin in gram-negative bacteria cell wall may become toxic when released during_____ (infections)
A gram negative cell wall contains _____ proteins in the upper layer that regulate molecules entering and leaving the cell (porin)
A gram negative cell wall has the ability to function as receptors and block_____ response (immune response)
Which of the following is NOT found in the Gram-Negative cell wall structure? (B teichoic acid) A. Porins B. Teichoic Acids C. Periplasmic Space D. Lipopolysaccharides E. Peptidoglycan
A gram-negative bacteria cell wall has __ layers (two)
Hey grandpa have bacteria cell wall has __ layers (one)
Which gram bacteria is more permeability to molecules (Gram positive bacteria)
Which gram bacteria is less permeable to molecules (Gram negative bacteria)