
Pioneers in medicine 11-20

Daniel hale Williams

  • one of the first physicians to perform open heart surgery in the united states

  • an African american doctor, in 1891 Williams opened provident hospital, the first medical facility to have an interracial staff

Charles drew

  • African american surgeon who pioneered methods of storing blood plasma for transfusion.

  • found the plasma last much longer the whole blood & could be stored or banked if the cells were removed, organised the first large scale blood bank in to us

Carlos Juan finlay

  • cuban epidemiologist recognized as a pioneer in the research for yellow fever

  • suggestive that yellow fever was transmitted to healthy people by mosquitos

  • he belived that the mosquito was host to a diesase causing microorganism

albert baez

  • mexican- american,in 1948,developed the x-ray reflective microspope for the examination of living cells. still used today, the microscope was in incredible contribuation to modern science.

willam willams keen Jr

  • an american doctor who was the first brain surgean in the u.s. was a sugeon for the us army durng the civil war

  • in 1888, became one of the worlds first sugeons to remove a brain tumor.

willem Johan koff

  • dutch physican, widely considered to be the “father are artifical organs'“ rembered for developing the first dialysis machien in the early 1940s called the artifical kidneys

  • also played keys roles in developing the first aritfical heart (the jarvik7)

harvy cushing

  • the father of modern neurosurgery

  • was one of the first doctors in the u.s to use x-rays to diagnose patients introduced a devices to measure blood pressure during operation.

  • 1st decried “cushing disease” a pituitary disorder

karl landstiener

  • identified three major human blood types A,B,O which led to safe blood transfusions and millions for lives saved.

John moclead

  • Scottish doctor who lead research team that is be remembered for the discovery of insulin

Rene laennec

-french physician and musician. his skills for craving his own flustered to his developed of the stethoscope
