1. Like Terms: terms that contain the same variable and are raised to the same power.
2. Integers: numbers that are not decimals or fractions.
3. End Behavior: the behavior of the graph as x approaches negative infinity or infinity.
4. Roots: x-intercepts, solutions, zeros
5. Turning Point: where the graph of the function changes. The top of the mountain or the bottom of the valley.
6. Local/Relative Maximum: the turning point at the top of the mountain.
7. Local/Relative Minimum: the turning point at the bottom of the valley.
8. Synthetic Division: A way to divide polynomials using the coefficients.
9. System of Equations: a set of equations with the same unknowns.
10. Points of Intersection: ordered pair where the functions intersect on a coordinate plane.
11. Independent System: a system with one solution.
12: Dependent System: a system with an infinite amount of solutions.
13. Empty Set {}: a system with no solutions.