Explore different approaches to analyzing tourism
Understand mechanics for looking at tourism behavior
Why is tourism growing
We have been predominantly focusing on the tourism product experience, marketing etc
Let’s get back to understanding tourists
There are three general levels for analyzing tourists. What are they?
Macro level analysis deals in the large picture stuff
Micro level is more concerned with the behavior of individual tourists
And finally, meso or mid level. This one is interesting?
Macro level is concerned with large processes, patterns and flow in tourism
What is one thing we can say for sure about tourism patterns and flow?
it is unequally distributed
For a long time, primarily focused on Europe and maybe the Americans
What would you say about the current state of flow?
An interesting idea that helps us to better understand tourism flow
What is the concept?
Stability highlights that once a large scale flow pattern begins, it generally remains stable
Inertia is the concept that as something begins moving, it will pick up speed - apply this tourism flow and patterns
Distance (has many meanings)
information (do people know about the place they are going)
historical connectivity (ex, Japan and Chine had a politically negative history connection.)
Other forms of connectivity
Destination factors
Intervening Opportunities
Destination image
national cultural trails
Distance is not just a physical thing (though that is really important), but a whole bunch of other stuff.
Physical distance (duh)
Distance (time)
This is the most basic and easy way to think about distance
cultural distance (language barrier)
The Less Apparent Forms of Distance
Distance as a function of economy
Network Distance
Cognitive Distance
Social Distance
Cultural Distance
9.0 on the richer scale
Among the strongest recorded earthquakes ever
Almost 20,000 killed, 6,242 injured and 2,000 missing
Estimated that $14.5 - 34.6 billion in damage occurred
Fukushima Nuclear planet experienced major damage
Inbound tourism dropped immediately by 72% compared to 2010
Arrivals for the entire year dropped by almost 28%
Image impact
Concerned with a smaller scale analysis of tourism
Focuses on behaviors, motivations, activities. Individual characteristics.
An easy way to do this is by focusing on mass tourism and alternative tourism
How would you describe these two forms of tourism?
Primarily focused on large quantities of people undertaking tourism and tourism related behaviors
Also, a focus on more packaged like qualities that we associate
A variety of cliches we may have heard - herd like, lower quality, mass produced, etc.
Creation of the a ‘tourism bubble’
We should ask ourselves, are the impacts of this type of tourism any worse than other forms?
How does this approach differ from mass tourism?
Claims to have a more respectful approach that support both the tourist and local hosts
Smaller scale = less impacts
Do you agree? Is alternative tourism less impactful?
There are many ways to define tourist behavior and motivation.
Plog’s approach while older, still holds value and is well understood in industry
There are three categories. What are they?
Allocentric - venturer (very independent)
Psychocentric - dedependable
Mid - centric
Push and Pull Factors
Exists in the micro level analysis of tourist motivations
Motivations are the process through which a tourist is driven to act and behave in a specific way
helps to explain how flows and patterns change among tourists
Push Factors - what are these
Winter break is on the horizon? What are your push factors? What destination(s) could pull you in? Why?
push factors (what factors pushing people to come to Japan?)→ foods, safety, english friendly
pull factor→
Not a middle way, but an approach that understands that a full appreciation of tourism flow and behavior must combine both sides
There are many approaches that are meso-level, but one of the most popular currently is the use of generational research
What is a generation?
Why is generational research a strong approach to understanding tourism mobility, tourism flows, etc?
What are the drawbacks of this approach?
Works off the assumption that generations are not all that dissimilar
Leaving home (people can go wherever they want without their family)
Development of Career
Family and children
The End