PP: Micro, Macro, and Meso levels for Understanding Tourism Flow and Behavior

Class Objective

  • Explore different approaches to analyzing tourism

  • Understand mechanics for looking at tourism behavior

  • Why is tourism growing

Analyzing tourists

  • We have been predominantly focusing on the tourism product experience, marketing etc

  • Let’s get back to understanding tourists

  • There are three general levels for analyzing tourists. What are they?

    • Macro

    • Micro

    • Meso

In general

  • Macro level analysis deals in the large picture stuff

  • Micro level is more concerned with the behavior of individual tourists

  • And finally, meso or mid level. This one is interesting?

Macro Level Analysis

  • Macro level is concerned with large processes, patterns and flow in tourism

  • What is one thing we can say for sure about tourism patterns and flow?

  • it is unequally distributed

  • For a long time, primarily focused on Europe and maybe the Americans

  • What would you say about the current state of flow?

Stability and Inertia

  • An interesting idea that helps us to better understand tourism flow

  • What is the concept?

  • Stability highlights that once a large scale flow pattern begins, it generally remains stable

  • Inertia is the concept that as something begins moving, it will pick up speed - apply this tourism flow and patterns

Stability and Inertia Factors

  • Distance (has many meanings)

  • information (do people know about the place they are going)

  • historical connectivity (ex, Japan and Chine had a politically negative history connection.)

  • Other forms of connectivity

  • Destination factors

  • Competition

  • Intervening Opportunities

  • Destination image

  • national cultural trails

Distance… More complicated than we think

  • Distance is not just a physical thing (though that is really important), but a whole bunch of other stuff.

  • Physical distance (duh)

  • Distance (time)

  • This is the most basic and easy way to think about distance

cultural distance (language barrier)

The Less Apparent Forms of Distance

  • Distance as a function of economy

  • Gravity/Distance

  • Network Distance

  • Cognitive Distance

  • Social Distance

  • Cultural Distance

March 11 Tohoku Earthquake

  • 9.0 on the richer scale

  • Among the strongest recorded earthquakes ever

  • Almost 20,000 killed, 6,242 injured and 2,000 missing

  • Estimated that $14.5 - 34.6 billion in damage occurred

  • Fukushima Nuclear planet experienced major damage

  • Inbound tourism dropped immediately by 72% compared to 2010

  • Arrivals for the entire year dropped by almost 28%

  • Image impact

The Micro Level

  • Concerned with a smaller scale analysis of tourism

  • Focuses on behaviors, motivations, activities. Individual characteristics.

  • An easy way to do this is by focusing on mass tourism and alternative tourism

  • How would you describe these two forms of tourism?

Mass Tourism

  • Primarily focused on large quantities of people undertaking tourism and tourism related behaviors

  • Also, a focus on more packaged like qualities that we associate

  • A variety of cliches we may have heard - herd like, lower quality, mass produced, etc.

  • Creation of the a ‘tourism bubble’

  • We should ask ourselves, are the impacts of this type of tourism any worse than other forms?

Alternative Tourism

  • How does this approach differ from mass tourism?

  • Claims to have a more respectful approach that support both the tourist and local hosts

  • Smaller scale = less impacts

  • Do you agree? Is alternative tourism less impactful?

Plog’s Tourism Typology

  • There are many ways to define tourist behavior and motivation.

  • Plog’s approach while older, still holds value and is well understood in industry

  • There are three categories. What are they?

  • Allocentric - venturer (very independent)

  • Psychocentric - dedependable

  • Mid - centric

Push and Pull Factors

  • Exists in the micro level analysis of tourist motivations

  • Motivations are the process through which a tourist is driven to act and behave in a specific way

  • helps to explain how flows and patterns change among tourists

  • Push Factors - what are these

  • Winter break is on the horizon? What are your push factors? What destination(s) could pull you in? Why?

push factors (what factors pushing people to come to Japan?)→ foods, safety, english friendly

pull factor→

Meso-Level Analysis

  • Not a middle way, but an approach that understands that a full appreciation of tourism flow and behavior must combine both sides

  • There are many approaches that are meso-level, but one of the most popular currently is the use of generational research


  • What is a generation?

  • Why is generational research a strong approach to understanding tourism mobility, tourism flows, etc?

  • What are the drawbacks of this approach?

The Life Course

  • Works off the assumption that generations are not all that dissimilar

  • Leaving home (people can go wherever they want without their family)

  • Development of Career

  • Family and children

  • Promotion

  • Divorce

  • Retirement

  • The End
