Albert Bandura demonstrated Social Learning Theory: Children in the group who saw the adult treat the doll aggressively were much more aggressive in their own treatment of the doll.
Behaviorists would believe aggression is learned through conditioning.
Psychodynamic followers would explain aggression as an instinct - Thanatos.
The humanistic explanation is that aggression is caused by unmet needs.
According to Freud, the id is present at birth and is part of the unconscious. It is impulsive, not rational, and moves towards pleasure and away from pain.
The superego is made up of the conscience and ideal self and incorporates society's values and norms.
The ego uses a rational process to solve problems and meet the id's demands while satisfying the superego.
A variable ratio schedule is when a reward occurs after an unpredictable amount of responses and typically provides a high rate of response. The counselor's rate is unpredictable from one job to the next.
A fixed ratio schedule occurs when a response is reinforced after a set number of responses.
Fixed interval schedules reinforce the response only after a certain amount of time has passed.
Variable interval schedules reinforce the response after an unpredictable amount of time has gone by.
In psychoanalysis, repression is when upsetting memories are kept out of the conscious mind. Throughout therapy, using free association, psychoanalysts try to help uncover repressed memories and feelings. Suppression is when a person knowingly tries not to think or feel a certain way.
Graham Wallace described the four stages of insight:
Flash of illumination
The term 'Aha! Moment' is also used to describe insights when things suddenly become clearer.
Rogers is often referred to as the “father of counseling psychology.”
Yalom developed a list of therapeutic factors in group therapy, such as Universality (I’m not alone), Instillation of Hope, Interpersonal learning, and Group cohesion
Bion was a British psychoanalyst.
Charles Cooley first described social groups. Primary social groups share close, personal, and enduring relationships. Secondary groups are larger than primary groups and relationships are goal oriented, impersonal, and may be temporary. Tertiary groups are sometimes called reference groups and are any group which shapes one's attitude and behavior
Risky shift phenomenon is part of social psychology and a form of group polarization. This is related to deindividuation which occurs when a person in a group loses some of their self-identity leading to a loss of restraint and self-awareness.
Bystander apathy is another term from social psychology and occurs when individuals assume that, since there are other people around, someone else has already taken action to help.
Roe's theory consists of 8 fields:
Business Contact
Technology, Outdoor
General Culture
Arts & Entertainment
As well as 6 levels
Levels 1 and 2: Professional and managerial
Level 3: semi professional and small business
Level 4: skilled
Level 5: semiskilled
Level 6: unskilled
Holland created the Holland Codes: Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional (RIASEC).
Super's theory of career development includes the concept of self-concept and 5 stages of career development: Growth, Exploration, Establishment, Maintenance, and Decline
Developmental career theorists view career choice as: ongoing throughout lifespan
The Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH) is published by the U.S. Department of Labor and contains statistics and information for hundreds of different jobs.
NBCC stands for the National Board for Certified Counselors
ACA is the American Counseling Association
ASCA is the American School Counselor Association.
Ipsative measures = also known as “forced choice scale”and compares traits within the same individual. When given 2 choices, the respondent needs to pick the one that's most preferred.
An operational definition is a detailed, clear, and concise definition of a measure used when data is being collected. If more than one researcher is setting out to measure the same conditions, they should be able to independently do so. In the case of measuring anxiety in college seniors, a researcher chooses to give the participants a 15 item questionnaire. The researcher's operational definition of anxiety for this study is the participant's score on the questionnaire.
Syllogism: Knowledge can be gained about a particular relationship by following downward from general to specific. For instance: In general, people with depression are sad. Sally is sad. Sally has depression.
Intervening variables are variables that may alter the outcome of a research experiment. They are difficult to control for. Other examples include motivation, getting pregnant mid-study, and boredom.
There are three basic types of descriptive research: survey, observation, and case study. Conclusions from descriptive research cannot be drawn, thus, no causal relationships can be determined. The survey requires 50-57% to be returned in order to be accurate
Victor Frankl developed the technique of Paradoxical intention and used it with clients who had severe anxiety.
Transactional-Analysis is used by psychoanalysts to help clients determine their ego states in order to understand behavior.
For behavior change, therapists help clients alter the state of their ego (parent, child, or adult-like).
Systematic Desensitization is a behavioral therapy technique developed by Wolpe to help clients overcome phobias.
ABC Model is a cognitive behavioral therapy technique developed by Albert Ellis to use when clients hold irrational beliefs.
Carl Jung's Theory of Archetypes: The Shadow represents sex and life instincts and consists of repressed ideas and desires. The Hero represents a champion defender. The Wise Old Woman is helpful and a symbol of female nature.
Existential therapy centers on the client, rather than the symptom, in its focus on free will, self-determination, and the search for meaning.
Client-centered therapy: in this approach, therapists allow the clients to steer the conversation in an effort to get them to better understand themselves and others.
Cognitive behavioral therapy tries to treat problems and boost happiness by modifying emotions, behaviors, and thoughts.
Holistic health therapy focuses on integrating the body, mind, spirit, and emotions.
Erickson's Stages of Psychosocial Development:
Trust vs Mistrust: Infant
Autonomy vs Shame/Doubt: Toddler
Initiative vs Guilt: young kiddos
Industry vs Inferiority: elementary school
Identity vs Role Confusion: teenage
Intimacy vs Isolation: early adult
Generativity vs Stagnation: adulthood
Integrity vs Despair: old age
Career maturity was first mentioned by Donald Super and is the degree to which people are prepared to make good educational and vocational choices.
Crites created the Career Maturity Inventory based on Donald Super's theory of career development.
Normal sleep cycle stages order (for ALL people): 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 5
A variable ratio schedule is when a reward occurs after an unpredictable amount of responses and typically provides a high rate of response (ex: slot machine JACKPOTting after 5 tries, then 18, then 2, etc.)
A Fixed Interval Schedule gives a reward only after set amount of time (if you attend group weekly, you will complete the program after 2 months)
Variable Interval Schedules reward after an random amount of time goes by. (Slot machine JACKPOTting after 2 minutes, then 17, then 6, then 60, etc)
Fixed Ratio Schedule rewards after set amount of tries each time without variability
Carl Jung believed the “Shadow” represented the dark side of someone's personality, such as the hedonistic things we don’t want to admit
Standard error of measurement estimates how an individual's scores would fall if given the same assessment over a period of time. Validity is one of the most important criteria for determining the quality of a test and refers to if the test is measuring what it claims to measure.
The Parietal Lobe processes information temperature, taste, touch, and movement (senses).
The Occipital Lobe is responsible for vision
Frontal Lobe's main jobs include cognitive functions and voluntary movement.
The Temporal Lobe processes memory and connects them with our senses.
Social connectedness is the measure of how an individual is connected to and takes interest in the well-being of others. Alfred Adler believed when people reached a level of social connectedness, they would feel successful and happy.
Frank Parsons is known as the founder of the guidance movement. His talent matching approach was later developed into the Trait and Factor Theory of Occupational Choice.
Adler was the founder of individual psychology
Freud was the founder of psychoanalysis
Ellis was the founder of rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT)
The 16 Personality Factor Questionnaire (16PF) is a self-report personality test developed using several decades worth of empirical research. Cattell and his associates set out to measure the following personality factors: warmth, intellect, emotional stability, aggressiveness, liveliness, dutifulness, social assertiveness, sensitivity, paranoia, abstractedness, introversion, anxiety, open mindedness, independence, perfectionism, tension.
The Myers Briggs Type Inventory is a self-report personality inventory which indicates how people perceive the world and make decisions.
The WISC and the WAIS are tests designed to measure cognitive intelligence.
OARS = Motivational interviewing technique by Miller (Open-ended questions, Affirmations, Reflective listening and Summary)
Paradoxical intention = Frankl’s technique for clients with severe anxiety (exaggerating thoughts)
Wolpe = systematic desensitization
CBT is Beck’s invention
4 types of generativity (contributing to success of next generation) per Erikson = biological (having babies), parental (raising kids), technical (teaching/mentoring), and cultural (transmitting values)
Denial = Freud’s defense mechanism, SIMPLEST form of defense and is preconscious/conscious
Standard error of measure (SEM) = how an individual’s scores would change if given the same assessment over a period of time (making sure test measures accurately)
Formal operational = 11-12 yrs old, abstract thought
Concrete operational = applying logic but not abstract thought
Variable ratio schedules = the MOST response gettin thang. People are MOST engaged
Tarasoff (versus Uni of CA) = duty to warn
Social loafing = person’s performance declines when in a group setting (specifically in like group projects and academic stuff)
Diffused responsibility = the more ppl around, the less likely it is for any one person to take action (ex: “ehhh, someone else will probably call 911, there’s other ppl around)
ABC model = Ellis’ Activating event > belief > cognitions (ideally: negative event > rational beliefs > positive thoughts
BF Skinner = reinforcement and punishment (Operant Conditioning)
Participating style = a style of group leadership including low task-orientation and high relationship focus
Delegating style = a style of group leadership including low task-orientation and low relationship focus
Transpersonal and I-You relationships are two of the five types of psychotherapeutic alliances. The other three are working alliances, reparative relationships, and transferential/counter transferential relationships.
Besides intrinsic or extrinsic motivation, Sweeny thought focusing on these three actions would help to form a therapeutic relationship with the client: Focus on the present instead of the past or the future, focus on behavior rather than the person, and focus on what is being learned rather than the lack of learning.
As we try to understand our world and the things that go on around us every day, we look for the reasons (or causes) for people’s behavior. Clinicians use the term Attribution to describe statements explaining why people do what they do.
People seem to respond best to interventions that target their preferred modalities. For example, a person who emphasizes imagery is likely to benefit from visualization, while a person who focuses on thinking will probably respond well to identification and modification of cognitive distortions.
Bridging and tracking are two useful techniques associated with multimodal therapy. In bridging, clinicians deliberately relate to clients first through the client’s dominant modality (thinking, feeling, images, etc.) to build connection and rapport, and then branch off into other areas likely to be productive and enhance client skills.
“Images” is represented by the first “I” in the acronym BASIC ID. Images is a modality people may prefer and refers to fantasies, dreams, memories, mental pictures, and people’s view of themselves, their lives, and their futures.
People with eating disorders including anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa may benefit from Gestalt therapy because they tend to have distorted perceptions of their bodies, dichotomize themselves (perhaps separating mind and body), and have problems with contact and boundaries in relationships. Gestalt therapy assists with reconnecting the mind and body and explores distorted perceptions and relationship concerns.
In the Gestalt treatment approach, questions usually begin with “what” or “How” or sometimes “where,” but rarely with “why.” Questions such as “What are you experiencing when you fight with your spouse” or “How does it feel when you fight with your spouse?” are more likely to keep the client in the present moment. ‘Why’ questions typically lead to a focus on past experiences.
As a member of a multi-disciplinary team, you might be expected to chair a committee researching the best method to bring services to an underdeveloped area of the community, organize a public awareness event, and/or attend weekly meetings to meet the goals of the team.
According to Piaget's stages of moral judgment, a child younger than age ten will think which of the following is worse?
Someone who was trying to help his mother set the table and broke five dishes.
Reason: Piaget saw moral judgment broken into two age brackets: below and above age ten. Those under age ten tended to judge wrong-doings by the amount of damage caused rather than the intention behind the act. Hence, even though the person in answer A had the best intentions, he broke more dishes and, therefore, is seen as more wrong. Since the person stealing only knocked over one cup, it is not viewed as bad as breaking five dishes.
How many stages are there of moral reasoning, according to Kohlberg?
6 stages
Kohlberg's stages have three levels (pre-conventional, conventional and post-conventional) and six stages: 1. obedience and punishment orientation 2. individualism and exchange 3. good interpersonal relationships 4. maintaining the social order 5. social contract and individual rights 6. universal principles.
In Kohlberg's third level, individuals do come to realize they are separate from their society, but this occurs in the 5th stage. Principled thought comes after moving through the 6th stage, which Kohlberg believed few people actually reached. |
A college student viewing a situation as good or bad or right or wrong is using:
Dualistic thinking
Perry believed college students go through 4 stages of mental and moral development: Dualism, Multiplicity, Relativism, and Commitment. Dualistic thinking occurs in Dualism when students believe every problem is solvable and they are to learn the right answers. Relativistic thinking is the belief that every issue must be evaluated because everything is contextual.
Which theorist believed in the Zone Of Proximal Development (ZPD)?
Vygotsky believed the potential for cognitive development depended upon the ZPD, which was a level of development attained when children engage in social interactions. When the social interaction is guided by an adult or collaborated with peers, the ZPD exceeds what one could achieve individually. Kohlberg is known for his work with moral development; Piaget is known for his theory of cognitive development in children; and Erickson for his eight stages of psychosocial development.
Which of the following is true about counseling within a cultural context?
Personal identity becomes more clearly defined
Personal identity becomes more clearly defined within a cultural context. Furthermore, behaviors are measured more accurately, consequences of problems are more obvious and counseling interviews are more meaningful when held within a cultural context. When a counselor counsels within a cultural context, the clients will be able to relate to what the counselor is saying and will be able to view themselves and self-reflect.
Which is true about Freud's idea of the preconscious mind:
It contains both hidden memories and what is happening.
The pre-conscious mind contains elements from both the unconscious and the conscious minds. The unconscious mind contains hidden or forgotten memories and the conscious mind contains what is happening in the present.
In 1905, Joseph Pratt, a medical doctor from Boston, gathered a group of patients with tuberculosis in order to educate them. The rest are all group theorists of later years. Rogers is often referred to as the “father of counseling psychology.” Yalom developed a list of therapeutic factors in group therapy. Bion was a British psychoanalyst. |
Which is the correct order of Tucker & Jensen's stages of group development?
Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing, Adjourning (FSNPA)
Tucker and Jensen described 5 stages of group development:
In the forming stage, the group is coming together and rules are being established. Group members are typically polite to each other.
During the storming stage, challenges often arise. Group members may butt heads and test boundaries.
In the norming stage, group members have developed a sense of unity and worked out their conflicts. They are also supportive of leadership.
During the performing stage (performing developed norms), the group is making progress toward their goals. Leaders are helping group members advance their skills and competencies.
The adjourning stage is sometimes referred to as 'mourning' when a group is high functioning and has developed a strong sense of unity. The inevitable end can seem bittersweet
Which career theorist talked about life roles?
Lil ol Donny Super
Super talked about the life roles of: child, student, homemaker, leisurite, citizen and worker.
A counselor has designed his career counseling group in such a way that it presents a "field and levels" approach to careers. Whose theory is he following?
Roe's theory consists of 8 fields (Service, Business Contact, Organization, Technology, Outdoor, Science, General Culture, and Arts & Entertainment) and 6 levels (professional and managerial, levels 1 and 2; semiprofessional and small business, level 3; skilled, level 4; semiskilled, level 5; and unskilled, level 6). Holland created the Holland Codes: Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional (RIASEC). Super's theory of career development includes the concept of self-concept and 5 stages of career development: Growth, Exploration, Establishment, Maintenance, and Decline
Which is NOT one of the original 3 stages of career development identified by Ginzberg and his associates?
During childhood, individuals are in the fantasy stage. Through play and imagination, they experience many different careers.
Once an individual reaches adolescence, he or she enters the tentative stage. This stage has four sub-stages: interest, capacity, values, and transition.
The realistic stage begins around age 17- early 20s. In this stage, the individual will engage in exploration, crystallization, and specification of a specific career.
Later, Ginzberg changed his outlook and said that career choice is a life-long process and does not end in the early 20s. Instead, people optimize.
You have just launched a successful therapy group, and want to promote it to engage new clients so they, too, can benefit. You have asked your current therapy clients to offer an anonymous testimonial, telling others how useful it has been. From an ethical standpoint, this is _____________.
prohibited under any circumstances
The ACA Code of Ethics outlines that testimonials from clients, former clients or any other person vulnerable to undue influence is prohibited.
You are a licensed professional counselor with a Master's degree in Counseling and a doctorate (PhD) in Technology and Operations Management. On your appointment cards for clients, the most appropriate way to list yourself is:
Jane Doe, MA, LPC
According to the ACA Code of Ethics, when acting in a counselor context, counselors may only use their highest degree earned in counseling, and should not imply doctorate-level competence unless their doctorate degree is in a clinical or related field.
Personality tests or interest inventories measure:
typical performance
Typical performance shows how someone will perform on a regular basis.
An operational definition:
outlines a procedure
An operational definition is a detailed, clear, and concise definition of a measure used when data is being collected. If more than one researcher is setting out to measure the same conditions, they should be able to independently do so. In the case of measuring anxiety in college seniors, a researcher chooses to give the participants a 15 item questionnaire. The researcher's operational definition of anxiety for this study is the participant's score on the questionnaire.
Members of a counseling group that score high in authoritarianism also tend to score high in independence.
Authoritarianism values strict obedience to authority, even if personal freedom is sacrificed, which is contrary to independence
If a child is learning to use abstract concepts, which of Piaget's stages is she in?
Early Adolescence
Typically around the age of 11 - 12, children are moving into the Formal Operational Stage where they are learning to think about abstract concepts. The Concrete Operational Stage is characterized by applying logic (Sensorimotor, Preop, Concrete (logic), Formal (abstract)
You are using the ABC model of cognitive therapy. Which model are you trying to promote in your clients after a negative event?
Negative Event leads to rational belief leads to healthy negative thought
Albert Ellis developed the ABC model to help replace unhealthy, irrational beliefs with rational ones following a negative event.
What type of partial reinforcement produces the best response to stimuli?
Variable-ratio Schedules
A variable ratio schedule is when a reward occurs after an unpredictable amount of responses and typically provides a high rate of response (ex: slot machine, you dunno at what point it will jackpot, but you know for sure it will after some amount of tries.)
John and Carol took the same test. John got a score of 87 and Carol got a score of 73. To determine if the differences in scores is the result of chance, a counselor would need to know which of the following characteristics of the test?
Standard error of measurement
Standard error of measurement estimates where an individual's scores would fall if given the same assessment over a period of time. Standard error of the mean is the variability of the sample means while standard deviation is a measure telling the amount of variation of a set of data points.
Who has most extensively researched and described the concept of career maturity?
While Super first described the concept of career maturity, it was Crites who researched and created the Career Maturity Inventory. Ginzberg believed the development of the following four factors led to career choice: the reality factor, the influence of the educational process, the emotional factor, and individual values.
One of your clients who is a minor comes into your office with visible bruising and you suspect abuse. You should:
Call the child abuse hotline to report the incident.
It is very important for counselors to follow through with reporting abuse, especially since they are mandated reporters. This is one of the instances when breaking confidentiality is warranted. It is not the counselor's job to get more information from the client in order to try to prove abuse occurred. If a counselor has the suspicion that abuse occurred, they need to report. In some instances, counselors do choose to let the parent know a report had to be made, but that is not required.