Ch. 10 Practice Test with Special Tests Answers PDF
What type of joint is the shoulder joint? - Ball and Socket
Where does the head of the humerus meet the scapula? - Glenoid Fossa
What does the shoulder rely on for its stability? - Muscular Strength
Where does the clavicle meet the scapula? - Acromioclavicular joint
At what two points does the clavicle articulate (don’t use fancy words)? - Tip of the shoulder and sternum near the throat
What do we call the forward projection of the scapula where the clavicle joins it? - Acromion Process
What do the muscles of the rotator cuff do? - Internally and externally rotate the arm as well as abduct the shoulder
What’s the name of the upper arm bone? - Humerus
The biceps muscle attaches to the humerus and coracoid process on one end and where on the other? - Radius
What’s the technical name for the collar bone? - Clavicle
What does the bicep muscle do? - Flex the elbow
What’s the technical name for the shoulder blade? - Scapula
What does the tricep muscle do? - Extends the forearm and shoulder
What is the name of the place where the biceps tendon moves up and down during flexion and extension? - Bicipital Groove
What are the two most commonly injured joints in the shoulder? - Acromioclavicular and Glenohumeral
What is it called when a tendon or ligament pulls away a small portion of the bone? - Avulsion Fracture
What portion of the clavicle is most often fractured? - Distal Third
What is it called when the head of the humerus is out of the socket? - Glenohumeral Dislocation
Excessive throwing causes teenage pitchers to be prone to what? - Epiphyseal Injury
What is it called when the head of the humerus comes out of the socket and goes back in on its own? - Glenohumeral Subluxation
What can sometimes tear after a dislocation? - Capsular Ligament
What do we call the disk of cartilage in the glenohumeral joint? - Labrum
Surgery to repair the capsular ligament can be performed to help an athlete that frequently does what?- Subluxates or Dislocates
What causes most shoulder muscle and tendon injuries? - Overuse
What injury is common among athletes who are constantly raising their arms above their heads?- Bicipital Tendonitis
What type of injury can press on the trachea and cause difficulty breathing? What’s the immediate treatment for this injury to help them breathe? - Posterior Dislocation of the clavicle; place the athlete on a backboard with the side of the affected shoulder off the board.
What does a bicep tendon rupture look like? - A golf ball under the skin
Injuries to the rotator cuff can lead to what other injuries? - Impingement Syndrome and Bicep Tendon Problems
A shoulder separation is a sprain of what ligament? - Acromioclavicular Ligament
What muscle is the most often torn muscle of all the rotator cuff muscles? - Supraspinatus
What can cause impingement syndrome? - Repetitive overhead movements