History of micronesia

i want you to do whatever u can to understand your background. where i came from and the roots im from.  theres nothing wrong with knowing others culture.  but theres something wrong if u dont knoe yours.  


What is micronesia? - the name micronesia was derived from greek words mikros, meaning small, and nesos. This guy was the first one Oceanie by french geographer G.L domeny de rienzi( the man who coined the word “Micronesia” 

Micronesia is a region theres two category 

 1. Geographical Micronesia 

Political Micronesia  

the word microneisia is not indigenous. 

Political micronesia is broken up into different political status  

Kiribati and naru is included in micronesia 


Island formation How Atolls are formed? 

-three types of reefs we have in the region fringing reef, barrier reef, atool forming, Atoll. 


History of Micronesia 

Pre contact- oral history 

Contact - Exploration period 

Post Contract- Foreign Adminsitration 


Mythical and legendary stories as foundation of the history of micronesia. 


 Mythical stories- stories that atempted to provide explanantions to unexplainable phenomena. 


Legendary stories- stories that are based on some factual information or events but has been distorted over time. 


Why myths and legends are important in the history of micronesia? - they hold the oldest history as a foundation of accumulated knowledge. 

-Testimony of history and preservation of yesterday 

-provides answers to creations and origin 

-tools of historical comparson 

-Provides explanation of links in societies 

-reference of todays challenges and issues 

-provides indentifications, appreaciation, concerns. 

History of micronesia is preserved in many forms 

-stories,songs,crafts,dances,names,language, cryptogrpah, many other forma of art. 

U learn language better when u live with people who speak of it.  

Who are these peoples? - today scholars refer to them as austronesians. - they orginated out of southeast asia and dispered through out the pacific. 


austronesian in taiwan is the smallest population in the world. 


3 groups of people to settle in Micronesia: 



Why did the first people to settle micronesia come to the region? 

-Population explosion, famine, war,lost at sea, adventure,natural disasters.   


Settlement: High islands were settled first and low lying atolls were last to inhabited. 

In order to settle successfully,they must have strong survival skills so the following are necessary for the region. 

strong command of mariner skills, navigators, fishermen, great sailors, engineering skills farmers, builders, warriors and peace makers and leadership skills. 


Islanders were our Barberier.  


start thinking about Project Thursday Approve it first send to his email.  3-5 pages Reference. THURSDAY let him knoe if your gonna pair or individual.  WHy is it important how is it relating to the history of micronesia?  


Living Settlement 

experimental/ exploration of potential resources  

assesment of available resources overwhelming in many ways because virginally settled 

day to day operationial living lifestyle 

acctivities were mostly fishing,gardening,and construction. 


Working hours were based needs of survival (don't worry about tomorrow), tomorrow will never come) Explain elaborate on how elderly Micronesians use this concept in the context of saying no to a favor asked without hurting someone's feeling. to tell someone that well look into it tomorrow actually means no in a polite way because tomorrow will never come 


Survival skills necessary/utilized experiences for progress and successful innovations  

Environmentally influenced 

Established resource management practices 

Established division of labor  

Stone and shell tools 

Formulation of rules and regulations as population continued to grow, it became neccesary to regulate activites to control the people. 

 Leaders were established based on order of settlement 

Leadership capabilities and role model status  

Age and knowledge  

Size of estate holdings/wealth  

More land u have more powerful u are cause thats were the food comes from  

The leaders became the council of decision making for the people 

Age and order of settlement dictates ranks or order of authority  

Siblings for example, the oldest is the highest authority  

Land is clan family owned overseen by the oldest memeber all members have the privilege to use the land and the order of previlege is dictated by age and gender 

What is a culutre? - is is a dynamic system of social practice that defines the way a people live their lives. Everything that a society established and belived in to function as a population. 

Examples- Norms standards, guidelines, rules and regulation established and followed by the people. Rituals- supernatural spiritual performances of events to certify or approve and justify such circumstances. Language- choice of words used to address different members of a society. divison of labor-tasks specific for each gender and age group. Lifestlye the way people liv within the norms of their society. 

Elements of Micronesians Practices 

Methods of food getting 





Shelters and strucutres 

Means of transportation 

Social organization and language 

Tools/entertainments/ornaments/marriages/funerals and burials/gestures of respect/ taboos/hiearchy 

Community Dances:Designed to capture and store history/unite communnity memebrs 

Showcase skills and accomplishments 

Promote opportunity for relationships 

Minimize community destruction social discipline 

Songs: Commemorate acheivements/Inspirational elements/preserve stories of events stories of relationship/language of entertainment 

Tatoos:  Symbol of social status/ Symbol of prestige/certificate of achievements/accomplishments A stamp of right of passage  




