Pectoral or Shoulder
Acromion Process - Forms protective cover: Attachment for muscles. Attachment for clavicle
Scapular Spine - Divides posterior surface into supra and infraspinous fossae
Coracoid Process - Attachment for muscles
Glenoid Cavity - Articulates with humerus
Clavicle (2) - Articulates with acromion and with manubrium of sternum
Neck - Anatomic and surgical
Tubercles - greater and lesser
Intertubercular Groove
Deltoid tuberosity
Capitulum - Rounded: articulates w/radius
Trochlea - Spool-shaped: articulates w/ulna
Medial; Thumb Side
Head - Rotates in radial notch of ulna
Radial Tuberosity - Site of biceps branchii insertion
Articulates with carpals and ulna: styloid process
Lateral, little finger side
Trochlear Notch - Fits over trochlea of humerus
Olecranon Process - Point of elbow
Coronoid Process
Head - Articulates with radius and with carpals
Styloid Process
Wrist - Eight carpal bones
Medial to lateral for proximal row and distal row
So long top part, Here comes the thumb = Scaphoid, Lunate, Triquetrum, Pisiform, Hamate, Trapezoid, Trapezium
As a unit are convex posteriorly and concave anteriorly
Carpal tunnel - on anterior surface; Ligament from tubercle of trapezium to hook of hanmate
Hand - five metacarpals (palm of hand) five digits with their phalanges
Coxal bones and sacrum form ring
Pelvis - Pelvic girdle and coccyx
coxal bones - Right and left: Ilium, Ischium, Pubis
Acetabulum - Articulates with head of femur
Obturator foramen
Head - Articulates with acetabulum
Trochanters - Attachment for muscles that fasten lower extremity to hip: Greater and Lesser
Distal condyles - Articulate with tibia: medial and Lateral
Epicondyles - ligament attachment: Medial and lateral
In tendon of quadriceps femoris: changes force relationship between femur and tibia
Larger, supports most of weight
Tibial Tuberosity - Attachment of quadriceps femoris
Anterior Crest - Shin
Condyles - Medial and lateral: articulate with femur condyles
Intercondylar Eminence
Medial Malleolus - Medial side of ankle
Articulates with tibia not femur
Lateral Malleus - Lateral wall of ankle
Proximal Row - No Thanks Cow - Navicular, Talus, Calcaneus
Phalanges - Toes