Overview of verb forms outside of tenses and moods.
Definition: Unconjugated, most basic form of the verb.
Endings: Common endings include -ar, -er, -ir.
Comer (to eat)
Cerrar (to close)
Abrir (to open)
Verb Stem: For regular verbs, the stem is the infinitive without the -ar, -er, or -ir endings:
Comer -> Com
Cerrar -> Cerr
Abrir -> Abr
Formation: Regularly formed by adding -ado to -ar verbs or -ido to -er and -ir verbs.
Comer – Comido
Cocinar – Cocinado
Vivir - Vivido
Can be used as adjectives or in forming perfect tenses:
Adjective: Los vegetales están cocinados.
Present Perfect: Yo he cocinado.
Formation: Regularly formed by adding -ando to -ar verbs and -iendo to -er and -ir verbs.
Hablar -> Hablando
Conocer -> Conociendo
Salir -> Saliendo
Commonly used with present progressive (estar + gerundio):
Estoy estudiando historia. (I am studying history.)
Introduction to verb tenses and moods in Spanish.
Types: El indicativo, el subjuntivo, y el imperativo (o los mandatos).
Function: Change how verbs are conjugated.
Number of Moods: Three moods total:
El indicativo
El subjuntivo
El imperativo (los mandatos)
Use: For obvious characteristics, actions, or events thought to be true.
Yo corro. (I run.)
Tú comiste frutas ayer. (You ate fruit yesterday.)
La manzana es roja. (The apple is red.)
Use: For hypotheticals, doubts, emotions, and recommendations (abbreviated as WEIRDO).
Es necesario que yo aprenda español antes de que viaje a España. (It is necessary that I learn Spanish before I travel to Spain.)
Yo dudo que ella hable alemán. (I doubt that she speaks German.)
Use: Commands or telling someone to do something.
Saca la basura. (Take out the garbage.)
Practique Ud. su español. (You (formal) practice your Spanish.)
Overview of verb tenses accepted in Spanish.
Use: For present certain actions/events.
Yo corro con mi amiga. (I run with my friend.)
Yo hablo español. (I speak Spanish.)
Forming Regular Verbs:
–ar verbs:
Yo – o
Tú – as
Él/ella/Ud. – a
Nosotros – amos
Vosotros – áis
Ellos/ellas/Uds. - an
–er & –ir verbs:
Yo – o
Tú – es
Él/ella/Ud. – e
Nosotros – emos
Vosotros – éis
Ellos/ellas/Uds. - en
Use: For present uncertain actions.
Formation: Take yo form of present indicative, remove "o" and add the opposite vowel ending.
(pensar) pienso -> piense
(comer) como -> coma
(tratar) trato -> trate
Regular Forms:
–ar: -e, -es, -e, -emos, -éis, -en
–er & –ir: -a, -as, -a, -amos, -áis, -an
Use: Express actions that have and have not been done.
Formation: Present indicative of haber + participio pasado.
Mi hermano y yo hemos viajado a Guatemala. (My brother and I have traveled to Guatemala.)
Direct, indirect, or reflexive pronouns go in front of the phrase.
Ya lo he visto. (I have seen it already.)
Present Indicative of Haber:
he, has, ha, hemos, habéis, han
Use: For completed past actions, often at specific times.
Yo hablé con mi amiga ayer. (I talked with my friend yesterday.)
Regular Forms:
–ar: -é, -aste, -ó, -amos, -asteis, -aron
–er and –ir: -í, -iste, -ió, -imos, -isteis, -ieron
Use: For continual past actions, actions that get interrupted, background information.
Cuando yo tenía diez años... (When I was ten years old...)
Regular Forms:
–ar: -aba, -abas, -aba, -ábamos, -abais, -aban
–er & –ir: -ía, -ías, -ía, -íamos, -íais, -ían
Use: For future actions and guessing/approximations.
Yo compraré una camisa la próxima semana. (I will buy a shirt next week.)
Serán las ocho de la mañana. (It will be eight in the morning.)
Formation: The ending is placed on the infinitive.
Regular Forms:
-é, -ás, -á, -emos, -éis, -án
Yo viviré en Italia. (I will live in Italy.)
Nosotros comeremos nuestra comida. (We will eat our food.)
Structure: Conjugations in affirmative commands are the same as present subjunctive forms.
Usage: Subject usually follows the verb.
Beba Ud. su leche. (Drink your milk.)
Beban Uds. su café. (Drink your coffee.)
Implied tú: Commands addressed directly to the informal "tú".
Formation: Use the 3rd person singular (él/ella/Ud.) of present indicative.
Come (tú) tus frutas. (Eat your fruit.)
Saca (tú) la basura. (Take out the trash.)
Use: To express would do something and for polite requests.
Formation: Same irregular forms as el futuro, with regular forms added onto the infinitive.
Regular Forms:
-ía, -ías, -ía, -íamos, -íais, -ían
Me dijo que estaría en la sala de emergencias. (She told me that she would be in the emergency room.)