Act 1, Scene 6


  • King Duncan arrives at Macbeth’s castle and is greeted by Lady Macbeth.

  • Very ironic scene.


‘This castle hath a pleasant seat’

  • He is complimenting the location and atmosphere of the castle, which is ironic as this will be where he dies.

  • The atmosphere will change later on.

‘The air is delicate’

  • Banquo agreeing with Duncan reinforces the dramatic irony, as the audience now knows what will happen next due to Macbeth and Lady Macbeth agreeing on the scheme.

  • Both Banquo and Duncan are clueless to their fates and the future.

‘We rest your hermits’

  • Pray for their wellbeing

  • Ironic as she will be doing the opposite

  • Presents Lady Macbeth as two-faced and manipulative.

‘our honour’d hostess’

  • Praises Lady Macbeth.

  • She is good at manipulation and looking innocent when she is not.

‘Give me your hand’

  • Shows that Duncan feels extremely safe in Macbeth and Lady Macbeth’s hands.

  • Ironic.

  • Lady Macbeth is basically leading Duncan to his grave.
