Barrow: A male swine that was castrated before reaching puberty
Boar: A male swine of breeding age; denotes a male pig which is called a boar pig
Buck: A male sheep or goat; denotes animals of breeding age
Bull: A bovine male; denotes animals of breeding age
Capon: Castrated male chicken. Castration usually occurs between 3-4 weeks of age
Colt: A young male of the horse or donkey species
Cow: A sexually mature female bovine; usually one that has had a calf
Chick: A young chicken that has recently been hatched
Doe: A female goat or rabbit
Drove: a large group of animals
Ewe: Sexually mature female sheep. A ewe lamb is a female sheep before attaining sexual maturity
Filly: A young female horse
Flock: a group of sheep or poultry
Foal: a young male or female horse or the act of giving birth
Gelding: A male horse that has been castrated
Gilt: a young female swine before the time she produced her first litter
Herd: a group of animals; used with beef, dairy, or swine
Heifer: A young female bovine cow before the time that she has produced her first calf
Kid: A young goat
Mare: a sexually developed female horse
Pullet: Young female chicken from day of hatch through onset egg production, the term is used through the first laying year
Ram: a male sheep that is sexually mature
Stag: Castrated male sheep, cattle, goats, or swine that have reached sexual maturity prior to castration
Stallion: A sexually mature male horse
Steer: A castrated bovine male that was castrated before puberty/early life
Sow: A female swine that has farrowed one litter or has reached 12 months of age
Wether: A male sheep castrated before reaching puberty
Rooster: A male avian
Lamb: a young male or female sheep, usually less than a year of age; to deliver or give birth to a lamb
Hen: Adult female domestic fowl; chicken or turkey
Mare: A sexually developed female horse
Farrow: a group of young swine
British breeds: tend to be smaller, easier maturing, have better mothering abilities
Continental breeds: Higher growth, higher carcass, larger frames, later maturing; āterminal
American Brahman & Composite: Brahman combos; all have brahman influence
Breed Characteristics | |
Angus- British breed | Origin: ScotlandColor: black or generally polledMeat use (quality > quantity)most registered breed'; have good carcass quality and mothering |
Hereford- British breed | Polled or horned are from England; polled from the USColor: red body with white points hardiness and is a maternal Common problem: pink eye or cancer eye |
Shorthorn- British breed | Color: red white or roanmaternal; medium-sized |
Charolais- Continental breed | Origin: France Color: white known for good growth (quantity > quality)Problems: pink eye or cancer eye heavily boned |
Limosuin- Continental breed | origin: France color: originally red/gold now black too highest cutability meat yield)moderate ā large frame size |
Simmental- Continental breed | origin: Switzerlandcolor: red, white, and blackused for draft, milk, and meat crossbred with othersmost famous in Europe |
Gelbvieh- Continental breed | origin: Austria/GermanyColor: red or black comparable growth/carcassBoth milk and meat |
Chianina- Continental breedUnknown | origin: Italycolor: grey/white (dark undertones)largest late maturing |
American Brahman | Origin: USColor: Grey/redHornedheat tolerant and disease resistanceExtra skin is commonIssues: fertility and carcass quality |
Santa Gertrudis- composite breed | Origin: US (King Ranch)Color: dark red5/8 Shorthorn and 3/8 Brahmanhardiness and heat tolerancemarbling and earlier maturing |
Braford- composite breed | Origin: US (Adams Ranch) |
Beefmaster- composite breed | Origin: US (Lasater Ranch)Color: red/white (no set pattern)horned1/2 brahman; 1/4 Hereford; 1/4 shoehornbred for the 6 essentials |
Brangus- composite breed | Origin: US (Louisiana)Color: solid blackPolled5/8 Angus and 3/8 brahman quick growth and mothering medium calves and heavy wearing weight |
Dairy Breeds:
Holstein Origin: HollandColor: black and white (can be red)The most popular modern breedhighest fluid milk content breedlarge framedDownside: Lower milk fat | |
Jersey ] | Origin: Isle of JerseyColor: brown āfawnā with black pointsThe smallest of the dairy breedsgood udders, increased milk fat |
Gurnsey | Origin: Isle of GurnseyColor: brown and whiteGrazers (efficiently utilize grass for milk)higher milk fatsmaller but not the smallest Sometimes milk can be golden-ish (golden goodness) |
Ayrshire | Origin: ScotlandColor: deep red and whitehardiness, economical, good udder quality |
Brown swiss | Origin: Switzerlandcolor: brownish greyoldest dairy breedknown for longevity and disposition largerfirst bred to crossbreed with beef |
Swine Breeds:
Maternal- all white, big litters, good milk production
Terminal- red/spotted/colored, good for meat production
Chester White- maternal Origin: USColor: solid whiteEars: small and floppyProlific; conformation; grazing ability; durable | |
Yorkshire- maternal | Origin: EnglandColor: solid whiteEars: erect ears (shire=erect)long deep sides; prolific; good rate of gainleaner but has a large litters |
Landrace- Maternal | Origin: DenmarkColor: solid whiteears: large and floppyGood for bacon; prolific; efficient feed convertersgood milk production |
Duroc- Terminal | Origin: USColor: solid redEars: floppyMeat breed; efficient feed conversionhealthy breed; usually easy to handle |
Hampshire- terminal | Origin: USColor: black with white band/belt over the shoulderEars: erecthighly muscled, good mothers compared to other terminal breeds |
Berkshire- terminal | Origin: Englandcolor: black with 6 white points (nose, feet)Ears: erectlength and overall meat characteristics |
Poland China- terminal | Origin: UScolor: black with 6 white pointsears: floppy (the only difference from Berkshire visually)Good rate of gain; heavier muscling in ham and loin; smoother conformation |
Spotted swine- terminal | Origin: USColor: spotted black and whiteears: floppyhardy and aggressive breeders |
Horse breeds:
Draft horses; light horses; shetland pony
Belgian- Draft Origin: BelgiumColor: chestnut with flaxen mane and tailHeaviest of the draft horsesused most often for work | |
Arabian- Light | Origin: Arabia/Middle Eastoldest horse breedused to āimproveā the modern horseshort back with long hindquarters and high endurance |
American Quarter Horse-light | Origin: US |
thoroughbred-light | Origin: Englandtall; lean; lots of speed; long legsselected for āflat racingāalso used for fox hunting, jumping, etc |
shetland pony | Origin: Shetland islandstypically a childrenās ponyoriginally used in coal mines |